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Last active March 20, 2024 18:19
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A Python script for Blender Audvis. This generates an audio visualizer that looks similar to Monstercat's early visualizers.
import bpy
import math
def delete_object_if_exists(name):
if name in[name], do_unlink=True)
def get_or_create_empty(name):
if "Visualizer Root" in
return"Visualizer Root")
root_empty ="Visualizer Root", None)
return root_empty
def hz_to_pitch(hz):
return 69 + 12 * math.log(hz / 440, 2)
def pitch_to_hz(pitch):
return 440 * math.exp((pitch - 69) * math.log(2) / 12)
def create_hz_ranges(count: int, hz_min: int, hz_max: int, pitch_overlap: float = 0.0):
pitch_min = hz_to_pitch(hz_min)
pitch_max = hz_to_pitch(hz_max)
pitch_interval = (pitch_max - pitch_min) / count
for i in range(count):
start = pitch_min + pitch_interval * i
stop = pitch_min + pitch_interval * (i + 1)
start -= pitch_overlap
stop += pitch_overlap
start_hz = pitch_to_hz(start)
stop_hz = pitch_to_hz(stop)
print(f"{i}: {(start_hz, stop_hz)}")
yield start_hz, stop_hz
def create_visualizer_cubes(count, bar_ratio: float, hz_min, hz_max, scale, pitch_overlap=0.0):
if count > 100:
raise NotImplementedError("not support over 100 because i need to clear cubes every time you run this script")
root_empty = get_or_create_empty("Visualizer Root")
def generate_cube_name(i):
return f"Visualizer Bar {i + 1}"
total_width = 2
bar_width = total_width / count * bar_ratio
bar_interval = total_width / count
# clear cubes up to 100 (in case you created more cubes in a previous run)
for i in range(100):
# create cubes
for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(create_hz_ranges(count, hz_min, hz_max, pitch_overlap=pitch_overlap)):
cube_name = generate_cube_name(i)
cube = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(
location=(bar_interval * i - 1, 0, 0),
scale=(bar_width, 1.0, 1.0)
) = cube_name
bpy.context.object.parent = root_empty
driver_expression = f"audvis({start}, {stop}) * {i ** 2.2} / {scale}"
driver = bpy.context.object.driver_add("location", 2)
driver.driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
driver.driver.expression = f"({driver_expression}) / 2"
driver = bpy.context.object.driver_add("scale", 2)
driver.driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
driver.driver.expression = driver_expression
COUNT = 64
SCALE = 100000
BAR_WIDTH = 0.75
HZ_MIN = 20
HZ_MAX = 5000
create_visualizer_cubes(COUNT, BAR_WIDTH, HZ_MIN, HZ_MAX, SCALE, pitch_overlap=OVERLAP)
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