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Created August 9, 2024 09:37
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  • Save jamct/8e70f4169f0187849ad4bcf5ee57662f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jamct/8e70f4169f0187849ad4bcf5ee57662f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Run evcc in docker
- evcc
container_name: evcc
image: evcc/evcc:latest
- 7070:7070/tcp
- 8887:8887/tcp
- 7090:7090/udp
- 9522:9522/udp
- ./evcc.yaml:/etc/evcc.yaml
- ./data:/root/.evcc
restart: unless-stopped
  1. Install docker (

2 Run the following commands on your machine:

mkdir evcc
cd evcc
touch evcc.yaml
docker run -v $(pwd)/evcc.yaml:/app/evcc.yaml -it evcc/evcc evcc configure

You have a config file called evcc.yaml.

  1. Place the file docker-compose.yml in the folder and run
docker compose up -d
  1. The frontend is running on http://<IP of your device>:7070/
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Exactly what I was looking for! Setup was done in minutes, only needed a token ( 2€/month ) because of my Webasto wallbox.

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