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Created February 9, 2017 21:33
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import requests
import tempfile
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from ricecooker.classes.nodes import ChannelNode, HTML5AppNode, TopicNode
from ricecooker.classes.files import HTMLZipFile, ThumbnailFile
from ricecooker.utils.caching import CacheForeverHeuristic, FileCache, CacheControlAdapter, InvalidatingCacheControlAdapter
from ricecooker.utils.html import download_file
from import create_predictable_zip
from ricecooker.classes import licenses
sess = requests.Session()
cache = FileCache('.webcache')
basic_adapter = CacheControlAdapter(cache=cache)
forever_adapter= CacheControlAdapter(heuristic=CacheForeverHeuristic(), cache=cache)
sess.mount('http://', forever_adapter)
sess.mount('https://', forever_adapter)
def make_fully_qualified_url(url):
if url.startswith("//"):
return "https:" + url
if url.startswith("/"):
return "" + url
assert url.startswith("http"), "Bad URL (relative to unknown location): " + url
return url
def make_request(url, *args, **kwargs):
response = sess.get(url, *args, **kwargs)
if response.status_code != 200:
print("NOT FOUND:", url)
elif not response.from_cache:
print("NOT CACHED:", url)
return response
def get_parsed_html_from_url(url, *args, **kwargs):
html = make_request(url, *args, **kwargs).content
return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
def construct_channel(*args, **kwargs):
channel = ChannelNode(
title="JA HTML Test",
citrus_topic = TopicNode(source_id="List_of_citrus_fruits", title="Citrus!")
add_subpages_from_wikipedia_list(citrus_topic, "")
potato_topic = TopicNode(source_id="List_of_potato_cultivars", title="Potatoes!")
add_subpages_from_wikipedia_list(potato_topic, "")
return channel
def add_subpages_from_wikipedia_list(topic, list_url):
# to understand how the following parsing works, look at:
# 1. the source of the page (e.g., or inspect in chrome dev tools
# 2. the documentation for BeautifulSoup version 4:
# parse the the page into BeautifulSoup format, so we can loop through and manipulate it
page = get_parsed_html_from_url(list_url)
# extract the main table from the page
table = page.find("table")
# loop through all the rows in the table
for row in table.find_all("tr"):
# extract the columns (cells, really) within the current row
columns = row.find_all("td")
# some rows are empty, so just skip
if not columns:
# get the link to the subpage
link = columns[0].find("a")
# some rows don't have links, so skip
if not link:
# extract the URL and title for the subpage
url = make_fully_qualified_url(link["href"])
title = link.text
# attempt to extract a thumbnail for the subpage, from the second column in the table
image = columns[1].find("img")
thumbnail_url = make_fully_qualified_url(image["src"]) if image else None
if thumbnail_url and not (thumbnail_url.endswith("jpg") or thumbnail_url.endswith("png")):
thumbnail_url = None
# download the wikipedia page into an HTML5 app node
html5app = download_wikipedia_page(url, thumbnail=thumbnail_url, title=title)
# add the downloaded HTML5 app node into the topic
def download_wikipedia_page(url, thumbnail, title):
# create a temp directory to house our downloaded files
destpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# downlod the main wikipedia page, apply a middleware processor, and call it index.html
localref, _ = download_file(
# turn the temp folder into a zip file
zippath = create_predictable_zip(destpath)
# create an HTML5 app node
html5app = HTML5AppNode(
return html5app
def process_wikipedia_page(content, baseurl, destpath, **kwargs):
page = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")
for image in page.find_all("img"):
relpath, _ = download_file(make_fully_qualified_url(image["src"]), destpath, request_fn=make_request)
image["src"] = relpath
return str(page)
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