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Last active September 21, 2024 16:10
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Port of some functions from 'Real Time Collision Detection' book by Christer Ericson to Odin
// Port of some collision functions to Odin by Jakub Tomšů.
// from Real-Time Collision Detection by Christer Ericson, published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, © 2005 Elsevier Inc
// This should serve as an reference implementation for common collision queries for games.
// The goal is good numerical robustness, handling edge cases and optimized math equations.
// The code isn't necessarily very optimized.
// There are a few cases you don't want to use the procedures below directly, but instead manually inline the math and adapt it to your needs.
// In my experience this method is clearer when writing complex level queries where I need to handle edge cases differently etc.
package realtime_collision_detection
import "core:math"
import "core:math/linalg"
Vec3 :: [3]f32
sqrt :: math.sqrt
dot ::
cross :: linalg.cross
length2 :: linalg.vector_length2
Aabb :: struct {
min: Vec3,
max: Vec3,
// Infinitely small
min = 1e20,
max = -1e20,
Sphere :: struct {
pos: Vec3,
rad: f32,
// Radius is the half size
Box :: struct {
pos: Vec3,
rad: Vec3,
Plane :: struct {
normal: Vec3,
dist: f32,
Capsule :: struct {
a: Vec3,
b: Vec3,
rad: f32,
// Same layout, slightly different meaning
Cylinder :: distinct Capsule
aabb_center :: proc(a: Aabb) -> Vec3 {
return (a.min + a.max) * 0.5
aabb_half_size :: proc(a: Aabb) -> Vec3 {
return (a.max - a.min) * 0.5
aabb_to_box :: proc(a: Aabb) -> Box {
center := aabb_center(a)
return {pos = center, rad = a.max - center}
box_to_aabb :: proc(a: Box) -> Aabb {
return {min = a.pos - a.rad, max = a.pos + a.rad}
plane_from_point_normal :: proc(point: Vec3, normal: Vec3) -> Plane {
return {normal = normal, dist = dot(point, normal)}
// Distance to closest point
signed_distance_plane :: proc(point: Vec3, plane: Plane) -> f32 {
// If plane equation normalized (||p.n||==1)
return dot(point, plane.normal) - plane.dist
// If not normalized
// return (dot(plane.normal, point) - plane.dist) / Ddt(plane.normal, plane.normal);
squared_distance_aabb :: proc(point: Vec3, aabb: Aabb) -> (dist: f32) {
for i in 0 ..< 3 {
// For each axis count any excess distance outside box extents
if point[i] < aabb.min[i] do dist += (aabb.min[i] - point[i]) * (aabb.min[i] - point[i])
if point[i] > aabb.max[i] do dist += (point[i] - aabb.max[i]) * (point[i] - aabb.max[i])
return dist
// Returns the squared distance between point and segment ab
squared_distance_segment :: proc(point, a, b: Vec3) -> f32 {
ab := b - a
ac := point - a
bc := point - b
e := dot(ac, ab)
// Handle cases where c projects outside ab
if e <= 0.0 {
return dot(ac, ac)
f := dot(ab, ab)
if e >= f {
return dot(bc, bc)
// Handle cases where c projects onto ab
return dot(ac, ac) - e * e / f
// Closest point
closest_point_plane :: proc(point: Vec3, plane: Plane) -> Vec3 {
t := dot(plane.normal, point) - plane.dist
return point - t * plane.normal
closest_point_aabb :: proc(point: Vec3, aabb: Aabb) -> Vec3 {
return {
clamp(point.x, aabb.min.x, aabb.max.x),
clamp(point.y, aabb.min.y, aabb.max.y),
clamp(point.z, aabb.min.z, aabb.max.z),
// Given segment ab and point c, computes closest point d on ab.
// Also returns t for the position of d, d(t)=a+ t*(b - a)
closest_point_segment :: proc(pos, a, b: Vec3) -> (t: f32, point: Vec3) {
ab := b - a
// Project pos onto ab, computing parameterized position d(t)=a+ t*(b – a)
t = dot(pos - a, ab) / dot(ab, ab)
t = clamp(t, 0, 1)
// Compute projected position from the clamped t
point = a + t * ab
return t, point
// Computes closest points C1 and C2 of S1(s)=P1+s*(Q1-P1) and
// S2(t)=P2+t*(Q2-P2), returning s and t. Function result is squared
// distance between between S1(s) and S2(t)
// TODO: [2]Vec3
closest_point_between_segments :: proc(p1, q1, p2, q2: Vec3) -> (t: [2]f32, points: [2]Vec3) {
d1 := q1 - p1 // Direction vector of segment S1
d2 := q2 - p2 // Direction vector of segment S2
r := p1 - p2
a := dot(d1, d1) // Squared length of segment S1, always nonnegative
e := dot(d2, d2) // Squared length of segment S2, always nonnegative
f := dot(d2, r)
EPS :: 1e-6
// Check if either or both segments degenerate into points
if a <= EPS && e <= EPS {
// Both segments degenerate into points
t = 0
points = {p1, p2}
return t, points
if a <= EPS {
// First segment degenerates into a point
t[0] = 0
t[1] = clamp(f / e, 0, 1) // s = 0 => t = (b*s + f) / e = f / e
} else {
c := dot(d1, r)
if e <= EPS {
// Second segment degenerates into a point
t[1] = 0
t[0] = clamp(-c / a, 0, 1) // t = 0 => s = (b*t - c) / a = -c / a
} else {
// The general nondegenerate case starts here
b := dot(d1, d2)
denom := a * e - b * b // Always nonnegative
// If segments not parallel, compute closest point on L1 to L2 and
// clamp to segment S1. Else pick arbitrary s (here 0)
if denom != 0.0 {
t[0] = clamp((b * f - c * e) / denom, 0, 1)
} else {
t[0] = 0
// Compute point on L2 closest to S1(s) using
// t = Dot((P1 + D1*s) - P2,D2) / Dot(D2,D2) = (b*s + f) / e
tnom := (b * t[0] + f)
// If t in [0,1] done. Else clamp t, recompute s for the new value
// of t using s = Dot((P2 + D2*t) - P1,D1) / Dot(D1,D1)= (t*b - c) / a
// and clamp s to [0, 1]
if tnom < 0 {
t[1] = 0
t[0] = clamp(-c / a, 0, 1)
} else if tnom > 1 {
t[1] = 1
t[0] = clamp((b - c) / a, 0, 1)
} else {
t[1] = tnom / e
points[0] = p1 + d1 * t[0]
points[1] = p2 + d2 * t[1]
return t, points
closest_point_triangle :: proc(point, a, b, c: Vec3) -> Vec3 {
ab := b - a
ac := c - a
ap := point - a
d1 := dot(ab, ap)
d2 := dot(ac, ap)
if d1 <= 0 && d2 <= 0 do return a // barycentric coordinates (1,0,0)
// Check if P in vertex region outside B
bp := point - b
d3 := dot(ab, bp)
d4 := dot(ac, bp)
if d3 >= 0 && d4 <= d3 do return b // barycentric coordinates (0,1,0)
// Check if P in edge region of AB, if so return projection of P onto AB
vc := d1 * d4 - d3 * d2
if vc < 0 && d1 >= 0 && d3 <= 0 {
v := d1 / (d1 - d3)
return a + v * ab // barycentric coordinates (1-v,v,0)
// Check if P in vertex region outside C
cp := point - c
d5 := dot(ab, cp)
d6 := dot(ac, cp)
if d6 >= 0 && d5 <= d6 do return c // barycentric coordinates (0,0,1)
// Check if P in edge region of AC, if so return projection of P onto AC
vb := d5 * d2 - d1 * d6
if vb <= 0 && d2 >= 0 && d6 <= 0 {
w := d2 / (d2 - d6)
return a + w * ac // barycentric coordinates (1-w,0,w)
// Check if P in edge region of BC, if so return projection of P onto BC
va := d3 * d6 - d5 * d4
if va <= 0 && (d4 - d3) >= 0 && (d5 - d6) >= 0 {
w := (d4 - d3) / ((d4 - d3) + (d5 - d6))
return b + w * (c - b) // barycentric coordinates (0,1-w,w)
// P inside face region. Compute Q through its barycentric coordinates (u,v,w)
denom := 1.0 / (va + vb + vc)
v := vb * denom
w := vc * denom
return a + ab * v + ac * w // = u*a + v*b + w*c, u = va * denom = 1.0f-v-w
// Tests
test_aabb_vs_aabb :: proc(a, b: Aabb) -> bool {
// Exit with no intersection if separated along an axis
if a.max[0] < b.min[0] || a.min[0] > b.max[0] do return false
if a.max[1] < b.min[1] || a.min[1] > b.max[1] do return false
if a.max[2] < b.min[2] || a.min[2] > b.max[2] do return false
// Overlapping on all axes means AABBs are intersecting
return true
test_sphere_vs_aabb :: proc(sphere: Sphere, aabb: Aabb) -> bool {
s := squared_distance_aabb(sphere.pos, aabb)
return s <= sphere.rad * sphere.rad
test_sphere_vs_plane :: proc(sphere: Sphere, plane: Plane) -> bool {
dist := signed_distance_plane(sphere.pos, plane)
return abs(dist) <= sphere.rad
test_point_vs_halfspace :: proc(pos: Vec3, plane: Plane) -> bool {
return signed_distance_plane(pos, plane) <= 0.0
test_sphere_vs_halfspace :: proc(sphere: Sphere, plane: Plane) -> bool {
dist := signed_distance_plane(sphere.pos, plane)
return dist <= sphere.rad
test_box_vs_plane :: proc(box: Box, plane: Plane) -> bool {
// Compute the projection interval radius of b onto L(t) = b.c + t * p.n
r := box.rad.x * abs(plane.normal.x) + box.rad.y * abs(plane.normal.y) + box.rad.z * abs(plane.normal.z)
s := signed_distance_plane(box.pos, plane)
return abs(s) <= r
test_capsule_vs_capsule :: proc(a, b: Capsule) -> bool {
// Compute (squared) distance between the inner structures of the capsules
_, points := closest_point_between_segments(a.a, a.b, b.a, b.b)
squared_dist := length2(points[1] - points[0])
// If (squared) distance smaller than (squared) sum of radii, they collide
rad := a.rad + b.rad
return squared_dist <= rad * rad
test_sphere_vs_capsule :: proc(sphere: Sphere, capsule: Capsule) -> bool {
// Compute (squared) distance between sphere center and capsule line segment
dist2 := squared_distance_segment(point = sphere.pos, a = capsule.a, b = capsule.b)
// If (squared) distance smaller than (squared) sum of radii, they collide
rad := sphere.rad + capsule.rad
return dist2 <= rad * rad
test_capsule_vs_plane :: proc(capsule: Capsule, plane: Plane) -> bool {
adist := dot(capsule.a, plane.normal) - plane.dist
bdist := dot(capsule.b, plane.normal) - plane.dist
// Intersects if on different sides of plane (distances have different signs)
if adist * bdist < 0.0 do return true
// Intersects if start or end position within radius from plane
if abs(adist) <= capsule.rad || abs(bdist) <= capsule.rad do return true
return false
test_capsule_vs_halfspace :: proc(capsule: Capsule, plane: Plane) -> bool {
adist := dot(capsule.a, plane.normal) - plane.dist
bdist := dot(capsule.b, plane.normal) - plane.dist
return min(adist, bdist) <= capsule.rad
test_ray_sphere :: proc(pos, dir: Vec3, sphere: Sphere) -> bool {
m := pos - sphere.pos
c := dot(m, m) - sphere.rad * sphere.rad
// If there is definitely at least one real root, there must be an intersection
if c <= 0 do return true
b := dot(m, dir)
// Early exit if ray origin outside sphere and ray pointing away from sphere
if b > 0 do return false
discr := b * b - c
// A negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere
return discr >= 0
test_point_polyhedron :: proc(pos: Vec3, planes: []Plane) -> bool {
for plane in planes {
if signed_distance_plane(pos, plane) > 0.0 {
return false
return true
// Intersections
// Given planes a and b, compute line L = p+t*d of their intersection.
intersect_planes :: proc(a, b: Plane) -> (point, dir: Vec3, ok: bool) {
// Compute direction of intersection line
dir = cross(a.normal, b.normal)
// If d is (near) zero, the planes are parallel (and separated)
// or coincident, so they’re not considered intersecting
denom := dot(dir, dir)
EPS :: 1e-6
if denom < EPS do return {}, dir, false
// Compute point on intersection line
point = cross(a.dist * b.normal - b.dist * a.normal, dir) / denom
return point, dir, true
// TODO: moving vs static
intersect_moving_spheres :: proc(a, b: Sphere, vel_a, vel_b: Vec3) -> (t: f32, ok: bool) {
s := b.pos - a.pos
v := vel_b - vel_a // Relative motion of s1 with respect to stationary s0
r := a.rad + b.rad
c := dot(s, s) - r * r
if c < 0 {
// Spheres initially overlapping so exit directly
return 0, true
a := dot(v, v)
EPS :: 1e-6
if a < EPS {
return 1, false // Spheres not moving relative each other
b := dot(v, s)
if b >= 0 {
return 1, false // Spheres not moving towards each other
d := b * b - a * c
if d < 0 {
return 1, false // No real-valued root, spheres do not intersect
t = (-b - sqrt(d)) / a
return t, true
intersect_moving_aabbs :: proc(a, b: Aabb, vel_a, vel_b: Vec3) -> (t: [2]f32, ok: bool) {
// Use relative velocity; effectively treating ’a’ as stationary
return intersect_static_aabb_vs_moving_aabb(a, b, vel_relative = vel_b - vel_a)
// 'a' is static, 'b' is moving
intersect_static_aabb_vs_moving_aabb :: proc(a, b: Aabb, vel_relative: Vec3) -> (t: [2]f32, ok: bool) {
// Exit early if ‘a’ and ‘b’ initially overlapping
if test_aabb_vs_aabb(a, b) {
return 0, true
// Initialize ts of first and last contact
t = {0, 1}
// For each axis, determine ts of first and last contact, if any
for i in 0 ..< 3 {
if vel_relative[i] < 0.0 {
if b.max[i] < a.min[i] do return 1, false // Nonintersecting and moving apart
if a.max[i] < b.min[i] do t[0] = max(t[0], (a.max[i] - b.min[i]) / vel_relative[i])
if b.max[i] > a.min[i] do t[1] = min(t[1], (a.min[i] - b.max[i]) / vel_relative[i])
if vel_relative[i] > 0.0 {
if b.min[i] > a.max[i] do return 1, false // Nonintersecting and moving apart
if b.max[i] < a.min[i] do t[0] = max(t[0], (a.min[i] - b.max[i]) / vel_relative[i])
if a.max[i] > b.min[i] do t[1] = min(t[1], (a.max[i] - b.min[i]) / vel_relative[i])
// No overlap possible if t of first contact occurs after t of last contact
if t[0] > t[1] do return 1, false
return t, true
// Intersect sphere s with movement vector v with plane p. If intersecting
// return t t of collision and point at which sphere hits plane
intersect_moving_sphere_vs_plane :: proc(sphere: Sphere, vel: Vec3, plane: Plane) -> (t: f32, point: Vec3, ok: bool) {
// Compute distance of sphere center to plane
dist := dot(plane.normal, sphere.pos) - plane.dist
if abs(dist) <= sphere.rad {
// The sphere is already overlapping the plane. Set t of
// intersection to zero and q to sphere center
return 0.0, sphere.pos, true
denom := dot(plane.normal, vel)
if (denom * dist >= 0.0) {
// No intersection as sphere moving parallel to or away from plane
return 1.0, sphere.pos, false
// Sphere is moving towards the plane
// Use +r in computations if sphere in front of plane, else -r
r := dist > 0.0 ? sphere.rad : -sphere.rad
t = (r - dist) / denom
point = sphere.pos + vel * t - r * plane.normal
return t, point, t <= 1.0
intersect_ray_sphere :: proc(pos: Vec3, dir: Vec3, sphere: Sphere) -> (t: f32, ok: bool) {
m := pos - sphere.pos
b := dot(m, dir)
c := dot(m, m) - sphere.rad * sphere.rad
// Exit if r’s origin outside s (c > 0) and r pointing away from s (b > 0)
if c > 0 && b > 0 {
return 0, false
discr := b * b - c
// A negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere
if discr < 0 do return 0, false
// Ray now found to intersect sphere, compute smallest t value of intersection
t = -b - sqrt(discr)
// If t is negative, ray started inside sphere so clamp t to zero
t = max(0, t)
return t, true
intersect_ray_aabb :: proc(pos: Vec3, dir: Vec3, aabb: Aabb, range: f32 = max(f32)) -> (t: [2]f32, ok: bool) {
// This is actually correct, even though it appears not to handle edge cases
// (dir.{x,y,z} == 0). It works because the infinities that result from
// dividing by zero will still behave correctly in the comparisons. Rays
// which are parallel to an axis and outside the box will have tmin == inf
// or tmax == -inf, while rays inside the box will have tmin and tmax
// unchanged.
inv_dir := 1.0 / dir
t1 := (aabb.min - pos) * inv_dir
t2 := (aabb.max - pos) * inv_dir
t = {max(min(t1.x, t2.x), min(t1.y, t2.y), min(t1.z, t2.z)), min(max(t1.x, t2.x), max(t1.y, t2.y), max(t1.z, t2.z))}
return t, t[1] >= max(0.0, t[0]) && t[0] < range
intersect_ray_polyhedron :: proc(pos, dir: Vec3, planes: []Plane, segment: [2]f32 = {0.0, max(f32)}) -> (t: [2]f32, ok: bool) {
t = segment
for plane in planes {
denom := dot(plane.normal, dir)
dist := plane.dist - dot(plane.normal, pos)
// Test if segment runs parallel to the plane
if denom == 0.0 {
// If so, return “no intersection” if segment lies outside plane
if dist > 0.0 {
return 0, false
} else {
// Compute parameterized t value for intersection with current plane
tplane := dist / denom
if denom < 0.0 {
// When entering halfspace, update tfirst if t is larger
t[0] = max(t[0], tplane)
} else {
// When exiting halfspace, update tlast if t is smaller
t[1] = min(t[1], tplane)
if t[0] > t[1] {
return 0, false
return t, true
intersect_segment_triangle :: proc(
segment: [2]Vec3,
triangle: [3]Vec3,
) -> (
t: f32,
normal: Vec3,
barycentric: [3]f32,
ok: bool,
) {
ab := triangle[1] - triangle[0]
ac := triangle[2] - triangle[0]
qp := segment[0] - segment[1]
normal = cross(ab, ac)
denom := dot(qp, normal)
// If denom <= 0, segment is parallel to or points away from triangle
if denom <= 0 {
return 0, normal, 0, false
// Compute intersection t value of pq with plane of triangle. A ray
// intersects if 0 <= t. Segment intersects iff 0 <= t <= 1. Delay
// dividing by d until intersection has been found to pierce triangle
ap := segment[0] - triangle[0]
t = dot(ap, normal)
if t < 0 {
if t > denom {
// For segment; exclude this code line for a ray test
// Compute barycentric coordinate components and test if within bounds
e := cross(qp, ap)
barycentric.y = dot(ac, e)
if barycentric.y < 0 || barycentric.y > denom {
barycentric.z = -dot(ab, e)
if barycentric.z < 0 || barycentric.y + barycentric.z > denom {
// Segment/ray intersects triangle. Perform delayed division and
// compute the last barycentric coordinate component
ood := 1.0 / denom
t *= ood
barycentric.yz *= ood
barycentric.x = 1.0 - barycentric.y - barycentric.z
return t, normal, barycentric, true
intersect_segment_plane :: proc(segment: [2]Vec3, plane: Plane) -> (t: f32, point: Vec3, ok: bool) {
ab := segment[1] - segment[0]
t = (plane.dist - dot(plane.normal, segment[0])) / dot(plane.normal, ab)
if t >= 0 && t <= 1 {
point = segment[0] + t * ab
return t, point, true
return t, segment[0], false
// TODO: alternative with capsule endcaps
intersect_segment_cylinder :: proc(segment: [2]Vec3, cylinder: Cylinder) -> (t: f32, ok: bool) {
d := cylinder.b - cylinder.a
m := segment[0] - cylinder.a
n := segment[1] - segment[0]
md := dot(m, d)
nd := dot(n, d)
dd := dot(d, d)
// Test if segment fully outside either endcap of cylinder
if md < 0 && md + nd < 0 {
return 0, false // Segment outside ’a’ side of cylinder
if md > dd && md + nd > dd {
return 0, false // Segment outside ’b’ side of cylinder
nn := dot(n, n)
mn := dot(m, n)
a := dd * nn - nd * nd
k := dot(m, m) - cylinder.rad * cylinder.rad
c := dd * k - md * md
EPS :: 1e-6
if abs(a) < EPS {
// Segment runs parallel to cylinder axis
if c > 0 {
return 0, false
// Now known that segment intersects cylinder; figure out how it intersects
if md < 0 {
// Intersect segment against ’a’ endcap
t = -mn / nn
} else if md > dd {
// Intersect segment against ’b’ endcap
t = (nd - mn) / nn
} else {
// ’a’ lies inside cylinder
t = 0
return t, true
b := dd * mn - nd * md
discr := b * b - a * c
if discr < 0 {
return 0, false // no real roots
t = (-b - sqrt(discr)) / a
if t < 0 || t > 1 {
return 0, false // intersection outside segment
if md + t * nd < 0 {
// Intersection outside cylinder on ’a’ side
if nd <= 0 {
// Segment pointing away from endcap
return 0, false
t = -md / nd
ok = k + 2 * t * (mn + t * nn) <= 0
return t, ok
} else if md + t * nd > dd {
// Intersection outside cylinder on ’b’ side
if nd >= 0 {
// Segment pointing away from endcap
return 0, false
t = (dd - md) / nd
ok = k + dd - 2 * md + t * (2 * (mn - nd) + t * nn) <= 0
return t, ok
return t, true
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Memresable commented Aug 26, 2024

on the function closest_point_between_segments, there's an error there on line 198, you didn't divide by e, the branches after declaring tenom rely on it as the book defined it, not dividing by e could sometimes clamp the closest points to the ends of one of the segments

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also on line 206, you are checking between [0,1], not between [0,e], it seems you wanted to avoid the division on line 198 for that, so this should do it

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