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Created July 29, 2019 17:15
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JakeConf - July 2019

Jake Conf

25 July 2019

Looking Glass

Gatsby Microfrontends

Svelte stores

Svelte transitions

Discovered Ben Sasse

React in Svelte

Users and Change


Svelte as a Language

Service Workers

Conf Thoughts

  • I've attended plenty of conferences to see something that's cool and put it in a list to try out. I've tried out many fewer. This conference starts with trying stuff out. Maybe less stuff, more trying.
  • I've attended conferences where talks that interested me were hard to find some hours. In this conference, I can decide what I want to look at, learn, and try at every moment.
  • Such an open learning experience needs some boundaries. It's easy to get distracted. Some of those tangents are fun. Having a todo list is useful to productivity.
  • For someone who likes to learn, it feels like a vacation. For a company that gives vacation, it's the best kind: where a worker goes home and learns technical topics that relate to his job.
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