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Forked from m4tthumphrey/CronSchedule.php
Created July 15, 2016 21:08
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CronSchedule.php - Allows one to parse a cron expression into human readable text.


Allows one to parse a cron expression into human readable text (as well as other things but I suggest using @mtdowling's cron-expression for those).

Only supports English for now.

It is a (very slightly) modified version of the script used here.

All copyright should belong to Joost Brugman, 2012.


$schedule = CronSchedule::fromCronString('30 01 01 * *');

echo $schedule->asNaturalLanguage();
// At 01:30 on the 1st of every month.
* Plugin: StreamlineFoundation
* Class: Schedule
* Description: Provides scheduling mechanics including creating a schedule, testing if a specific moment is part of the schedule, moving back
* and forth between scheduled moments in time and translating the created schedule back to a human readable form.
* Usage: ::fromCronString() creates a new Schedule class and requires a string in the cron ('* * * * *', $language) format.
* ->next(<datetime>) returns the first scheduled datetime after <datetime> in array format.
* ->nextAsString(<datetime>) does the same with an ISO string as the result.
* ->nextAsTime(<datetime>) does the same with a UNIX timestamp as the result.
* ->previous(<datetime>) returns the first scheduled datetime before <datetime> in array format.
* ->previousAsString(<datetime>) does the same with an ISO string as the result.
* ->previousAsTime(<datetime>) does the same with a UNIX timestamp as the result.
* ->asNaturalLanguage() returns the entire schedule in natural language form.
* In the next and previous functions, <datetime> can be a UNIX timestamp, an ISO string or an array format such as returned by
* next() and previous().
* Copyright: 2012 Joost Brugman (,
* This file is part of the Streamline plugin "StreamlineFoundation" and referenced in the next paragraphs inside this comment block as "this
* plugin". It is based on the Streamline application framework.
* This plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This plugin is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with Streamline. If not, see <>.
class CronSchedule
// The actual minutes, hours, daysOfMonth, months, daysOfWeek and years selected by the provided cron specification.
private $_minutes = array();
private $_hours = array();
private $_daysOfMonth = array();
private $_months = array();
private $_daysOfWeek = array();
private $_years = array();
// The original cron specification in compiled form.
private $_cronMinutes = array();
private $_cronHours = array();
private $_cronDaysOfMonth = array();
private $_cronMonths = array();
private $_cronDaysOfWeek = array();
private $_cronYears = array();
// The language table
private $_lang = FALSE;
* Minimum and maximum years to cope with the Year 2038 problem in UNIX. We run PHP which most likely runs on a UNIX environment so we
* must assume vulnerability.
protected $RANGE_YEARS_MIN = 1970; // Must match date range supported by date(). See also:
protected $RANGE_YEARS_MAX = 2037; // Must match date range supported by date(). See also:
* Function: __construct
* Description: Performs only base initialization, including language initialization.
* Parameters: $language The languagecode of the chosen language.
public function __construct($language = 'en')
// Function: fromCronString
// Description: Creates a new Schedule object based on a Cron specification.
// Parameters: $cronSpec A string containing a cron specification.
// $language The language to use to create a natural language representation of the string
// Result: A new Schedule object. An \Exception is thrown if the specification is invalid.
final public static function fromCronString($cronSpec = '* * * * * *', $language = 'en')
// Split input liberal. Single or multiple Spaces, Tabs and Newlines are all allowed as separators.
if(count($elements = preg_split('/\s+/', $cronSpec)) < 5)
throw new Exception('Invalid specification.');
// Named ranges in cron entries
$arrMonths = array('JAN' => 1, 'FEB' => 2, 'MAR' => 3, 'APR' => 4, 'MAY' => 5, 'JUN' => 6, 'JUL' => 7, 'AUG' => 8, 'SEP' => 9, 'OCT' => 10, 'NOV' => 11, 'DEC' => 12);
$arrDaysOfWeek = array('SUN' => 0, 'MON' => 1, 'TUE' => 2, 'WED' => 3, 'THU' => 4, 'FRI' => 5, 'SAT' => 6);
// Translate the cron specification into arrays that hold specifications of the actual dates
$newCron = new CronSchedule($language);
$newCron->_cronMinutes = $newCron->cronInterpret($elements[0], 0, 59, array(), 'minutes');
$newCron->_cronHours = $newCron->cronInterpret($elements[1], 0, 23, array(), 'hours');
$newCron->_cronDaysOfMonth = $newCron->cronInterpret($elements[2], 1, 31, array(), 'daysOfMonth');
$newCron->_cronMonths = $newCron->cronInterpret($elements[3], 1, 12, $arrMonths, 'months');
$newCron->_cronDaysOfWeek = $newCron->cronInterpret($elements[4], 0, 6, $arrDaysOfWeek, 'daysOfWeek');
$newCron->_minutes = $newCron->cronCreateItems($newCron->_cronMinutes);
$newCron->_hours = $newCron->cronCreateItems($newCron->_cronHours);
$newCron->_daysOfMonth = $newCron->cronCreateItems($newCron->_cronDaysOfMonth);
$newCron->_months = $newCron->cronCreateItems($newCron->_cronMonths);
$newCron->_daysOfWeek = $newCron->cronCreateItems($newCron->_cronDaysOfWeek);
if (isset($elements[5])) {
$newCron->_cronYears = $newCron->cronInterpret($elements[5], $newCron->RANGE_YEARS_MIN, $newCron->RANGE_YEARS_MAX, array(), 'years');
$newCron->_years = $newCron->cronCreateItems($newCron->_cronYears);
return $newCron;
* Function: cronInterpret
* Description: Interprets a single field from a cron specification. Throws an \Exception if the specification is in some way invalid.
* Parameters: $specification The actual text from the spefication, such as 12-38/3
* $rangeMin The lowest value for specification.
* $rangeMax The highest value for specification
* $namesItems A key/value pair where value is a value between $rangeMin and $rangeMax and key is the name for that value.
* $errorName The name of the category to use in case of an error.
* Result: An array with entries, each of which is an array with the following fields:
* 'number1' The first number of the range or the number specified
* 'number2' The second number of the range if a range is specified
* 'hasInterval' TRUE if a range is specified. FALSE otherwise
* 'interval' The interval if a range is specified.
final private function cronInterpret($specification, $rangeMin, $rangeMax, $namedItems, $errorName)
if((!is_string($specification)) && (!(is_int($specification))))
throw new Exception('Invalid specification.');
// Multiple values, separated by comma
$specs = array();
$specs['rangeMin'] = $rangeMin;
$specs['rangeMax'] = $rangeMax;
$specs['elements'] = array();
$arrSegments = explode(',', $specification);
foreach($arrSegments as $segment)
$hasRange = (($posRange = strpos($segment, '-')) !== FALSE);
$hasInterval = (($posIncrement = strpos($segment, '/')) !== FALSE);
// Check: Increment without range is invalid
//if(!$hasRange && $hasInterval) throw new \Exception("Invalid Range ($errorName).");
// Check: Increment must be final specification
if($hasRange && $hasInterval)
if($posIncrement < $posRange) throw new \Exception("Invalid order ($errorName).");
// GetSegments
$segmentNumber1 = $segment;
$segmentNumber2 = '';
$segmentIncrement = '';
$intIncrement = 1;
$segmentNumber1 = substr($segment, 0, $posIncrement);
$segmentIncrement = substr($segment, $posIncrement + 1);
$segmentNumber2 = substr($segmentNumber1, $posRange + 1);
$segmentNumber1 = substr($segmentNumber1, 0, $posRange);
// Get and validate first value in range
if($segmentNumber1 == '*')
$intNumber1 = $rangeMin;
$intNumber2 = $rangeMax;
$hasRange = TRUE;
if(array_key_exists(strtoupper($segmentNumber1), $namedItems)) $segmentNumber1 = $namedItems[strtoupper($segmentNumber1)];
if(((string) ($intNumber1 = (int) $segmentNumber1)) != $segmentNumber1) throw new \Exception("Invalid symbol ($errorName).");
if(($intNumber1 < $rangeMin) || ($intNumber1 > $rangeMax)) throw new \Exception("Out of bounds ($errorName).");
// Get and validate second value in range
if(array_key_exists(strtoupper($segmentNumber2), $namedItems)) $segmentNumber2 = $namedItems[strtoupper($segmentNumber2)];
if(((string) ($intNumber2 = (int) $segmentNumber2)) != $segmentNumber2) throw new \Exception("Invalid symbol ($errorName).");
if(($intNumber2 < $rangeMin) || ($intNumber2 > $rangeMax)) throw new \Exception("Out of bounds ($errorName).");
if($intNumber1 > $intNumber2) throw new \Exception("Invalid range ($errorName).");
// Get and validate increment
if(($intIncrement = (int) $segmentIncrement) != $segmentIncrement) throw new \Exception("Invalid symbol ($errorName).");
if($intIncrement < 1) throw new \Exception("Out of bounds ($errorName).");
// Apply range and increment
$elem = array();
$elem['number1'] = $intNumber1;
$elem['hasInterval'] = $hasRange;
$elem['number2'] = $intNumber2;
$elem['interval'] = $intIncrement;
$specs['elements'][] = $elem;
return $specs;
// Function: cronCreateItems
// Description: Uses the interpreted cron specification of a single item from a cron specification to create an array with keys that match the
// selected items.
// Parameters: $cronInterpreted The interpreted specification
// Result: An array where each key identifies a matching entry. E.g. the cron specification */10 for minutes will yield an array
// [0] => 1
// [10] => 1
// [20] => 1
// [30] => 1
// [40] => 1
// [50] => 1
final private function cronCreateItems($cronInterpreted)
$items = array();
foreach($cronInterpreted['elements'] as $elem)
$items[$elem['number1']] = TRUE;
for($number = $elem['number1']; $number <= $elem['number2']; $number += $elem['interval'])
$items[$number] = TRUE;
return $items;
// Function: dtFromParameters
// Description: Transforms a flexible parameter passing of a datetime specification into an internally used array.
// Parameters: $time If a string interpreted as a datetime string in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:II format and other parameters ignored.
// If an array $minute, $hour, $day, $month and $year are passed as keys 0-4 and other parameters ignored.
// If a string, interpreted as unix time.
// If omitted or specified FALSE, defaults to the current time.
// Result: An array with indices 0-4 holding the actual interpreted values for $minute, $hour, $day, $month and $year.
final private function dtFromParameters($time = FALSE)
if($time === FALSE)
$arrTime = getDate();
return array($arrTime['minutes'], $arrTime['hours'], $arrTime['mday'], $arrTime['mon'], $arrTime['year']);
return $time;
$arrTime = getDate(strtotime($time));
return array($arrTime['minutes'], $arrTime['hours'], $arrTime['mday'], $arrTime['mon'], $arrTime['year']);
$arrTime = getDate($time);
return array($arrTime['minutes'], $arrTime['hours'], $arrTime['mday'], $arrTime['mon'], $arrTime['year']);
final private function dtAsString($arrDt)
if($arrDt === FALSE)
return FALSE;
return $arrDt[4].'-'.(strlen($arrDt[3]) == 1 ? '0' : '').$arrDt[3].'-'.(strlen($arrDt[2]) == 1 ? '0' : '').$arrDt[2].' '.(strlen($arrDt[1]) == 1 ? '0' : '').$arrDt[1].':'.(strlen($arrDt[0]) == 1 ? '0' : '').$arrDt[0].':00';
// Function: match
// Description: Returns TRUE if the specified date and time corresponds to a scheduled point in time. FALSE otherwise.
// Parameters: $time If a string interpreted as a datetime string in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:II format and other parameters ignored.
// If an array $minute, $hour, $day, $month and $year are passed as keys 0-4 and other parameters ignored.
// If a string, interpreted as unix time.
// If omitted or specified FALSE, defaults to the current time.
// Result: TRUE if the schedule matches the specified datetime. FALSE otherwise.
final public function match($time = FALSE)
// Convert parameters to array datetime
$arrDT = $this->dtFromParameters($time);
// Verify match
// Years
if(!array_key_exists($arrDT[4], $this->_years)) return FALSE;
// Day of week
if(!array_key_exists(date('w', strtotime($arrDT[4].'-'.$arrDT[3].'-'.$arrDT[2])), $this->_daysOfWeek)) return FALSE;
// Month
if(!array_key_exists($arrDT[3], $this->_months)) return FALSE;
// Day of month
if(!array_key_exists($arrDT[2], $this->_daysOfMonth)) return FALSE;
// Hours
if(!array_key_exists($arrDT[1], $this->_hours)) return FALSE;
// Minutes
if(!array_key_exists($arrDT[0], $this->_minutes)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Function: next
// Description: Acquires the first scheduled datetime beyond the provided one.
// Parameters: $time If a string interpreted as a datetime string in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:II format and other parameters ignored.
// If an array $minute, $hour, $day, $month and $year are passed as keys 0-4 and other parameters ignored.
// If a string, interpreted as unix time.
// If omitted or specified FALSE, defaults to the current time.
// Result: An array with the following keys:
// 0 Next scheduled minute
// 1 Next scheduled hour
// 2 Next scheduled date
// 3 Next scheduled month
// 4 Next scheduled year
final public function next($time = FALSE)
// Convert parameters to array datetime
$arrDT = $this->dtFromParameters($time);
// Verify the current date is in range. If not, move into range and consider this the next position
if(!array_key_exists($arrDT[4], $this->_years))
if(($arrDT[4] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_years, $arrDT[4], FALSE)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
$arrDT[3] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_months);
$arrDT[2] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_daysOfMonth);
$arrDT[1] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_hours);
$arrDT[0] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_minutes);
} elseif(!array_key_exists($arrDT[3], $this->_months))
$arrDT[3] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_months, $arrDT[3]);
$arrDT[2] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_daysOfMonth);
$arrDT[1] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_hours);
$arrDT[0] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_minutes);
} elseif(!array_key_exists($arrDT[2], $this->_daysOfMonth))
$arrDT[2] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_daysOfMonth, $arrDT[2]);
$arrDT[1] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_hours);
$arrDT[0] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_minutes);
} elseif(!array_key_exists($arrDT[1], $this->_hours))
$arrDT[1] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_hours, $arrDT[1]);
$arrDT[0] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_minutes);
} elseif(!array_key_exists($arrDT[1], $this->_hours))
$arrDT[0] = $this->getEarliestItem($this->_minutes, $arrDT[0]);
// Advance minute, hour, date, month and year while overflowing.
$daysInThisMonth = date('t', strtotime($arrDT[4].'-'.$arrDT[3]));
if($this->advanceItem($this->_minutes, 0, 59, $arrDT[0]))
if($this->advanceItem($this->_hours, 0, 23, $arrDT[1]))
if($this->advanceItem($this->_daysOfMonth, 0, $daysInThisMonth, $arrDT[2]))
if($this->advanceItem($this->_months, 1, 12, $arrDT[3]))
if($this->advanceItem($this->_years, $this->RANGE_YEARS_MIN, $this->RANGE_YEARS_MAX, $arrDT[4]))
return FALSE;
// If Datetime now points to a day that is schedule then return.
$dayOfWeek = date('w', strtotime($this->dtAsString($arrDT)));
if(array_key_exists($dayOfWeek, $this->_daysOfWeek))
return $arrDT;
// Otherwise move to next scheduled date
return $this->next($arrDT);
final public function nextAsString($time = FALSE)
return $this->dtAsString($this->next($time));
final public function nextAsTime($time = FALSE)
return strtotime($this->dtAsString($this->next($time)));
// Function: advanceItem
// Description: Advances the current item to the next one (the next minute, the next hour, etc.).
// Parameters: $arrItems A reference to the collection in which to advance.
// $rangeMin The lowest possible value for $current.
// $rangeMax The highest possible value for $current
// $current The index that is being incremented.
// Result: FALSE if current did not overflow (reset back to the earliest possible value). TRUE if it did.
final private function advanceItem($arrItems, $rangeMin, $rangeMax, & $current)
// Advance pointer
// If still before start, move to earliest
if($current < $rangeMin)
$current = $this->getEarliestItem($arrItems);
// Parse items until found or overflow
for(;$current <= $rangeMax; $current++)
if(array_key_exists($current, $arrItems))
return FALSE; // We did not overflow
// Or overflow
$current = $this->getEarliestItem($arrItems);
return TRUE;
// Function: getEarliestItem
// Description: Retrieves the earliest item in a collection, e.g. the earliest minute or the earliest month.
// Parameters: $arrItems A reference to the collection in which to search.
// $afterItem The highest index that is to be skipped.
final private function getEarliestItem($arrItems, $afterItem = FALSE, $allowOverflow = TRUE)
// If no filter is specified, return the earliest listed item.
if($afterItem === FALSE)
return key($arrItems);
// Or parse until we passed $afterItem
foreach($arrItems as $key => $value)
if($key > $afterItem)
return $key;
// If still nothing found, we may have exhausted our options.
return FALSE;
return key($arrItems);
// Function: previous
// Description: Acquires the first scheduled datetime before the provided one.
// Parameters: $time If a string interpreted as a datetime string in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:II format and other parameters ignored.
// If an array $minute, $hour, $day, $month and $year are passed as keys 0-4 and other parameters ignored.
// If a string, interpreted as unix time.
// If omitted or specified FALSE, defaults to the current time.
// Result: An array with the following keys:
// 0 Previous scheduled minute
// 1 Previous scheduled hour
// 2 Previous scheduled date
// 3 Previous scheduled month
// 4 Previous scheduled year
final public function previous($time = FALSE)
// Convert parameters to array datetime
$arrDT = $this->dtFromParameters($time);
// Verify the current date is in range. If not, move into range and consider this the previous position
if(!array_key_exists($arrDT[4], $this->_years))
if(($arrDT[4] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_years, $arrDT[4], FALSE)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
$arrDT[3] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_months);
$arrDT[2] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_daysOfMonth);
$arrDT[1] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_hours);
$arrDT[0] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_minutes);
} elseif(!array_key_exists($arrDT[3], $this->_months))
$arrDT[3] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_months, $arrDT[3]);
$arrDT[2] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_daysOfMonth);
$arrDT[1] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_hours);
$arrDT[0] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_minutes);
} elseif(!array_key_exists($arrDT[2], $this->_daysOfMonth))
$arrDT[2] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_daysOfMonth, $arrDT[2]);
$arrDT[1] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_hours);
$arrDT[0] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_minutes);
} elseif(!array_key_exists($arrDT[1], $this->_hours))
$arrDT[1] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_hours, $arrDT[1]);
$arrDT[0] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_minutes);
} elseif(!array_key_exists($arrDT[1], $this->_hours))
$arrDT[0] = $this->getLatestItem($this->_minutes, $arrDT[0]);
// Recede minute, hour, date, month and year while overflowing.
$daysInPreviousMonth = date('t', strtotime('-1 month', strtotime($arrDT[4].'-'.$arrDT[3])));
if($this->recedeItem($this->_minutes, 0, 59, $arrDT[0]))
if($this->recedeItem($this->_hours, 0, 23, $arrDT[1]))
if($this->recedeItem($this->_daysOfMonth, 0, $daysInPreviousMonth, $arrDT[2]))
if($this->recedeItem($this->_months, 1, 12, $arrDT[3]))
if($this->recedeItem($this->_years, $this->RANGE_YEARS_MIN, $this->RANGE_YEARS_MAX, $arrDT[4]))
return FALSE;
// If Datetime now points to a day that is schedule then return.
$dayOfWeek = date('w', strtotime($this->dtAsString($arrDT)));
if(array_key_exists($dayOfWeek, $this->_daysOfWeek))
return $arrDT;
// Otherwise move to next scheduled date
return $this->previous($arrDT);
final public function previousAsString($time = FALSE)
return $this->dtAsString($this->previous($time));
final public function previousAsTime($time = FALSE)
return strtotime($this->dtAsString($this->previous($time)));
// Function: recedeItem
// Description: Recedes the current item to the previous one (the previous minute, the previous hour, etc.).
// Parameters: $arrItems A reference to the collection in which to recede.
// $rangeMin The lowest possible value for $current.
// $rangeMax The highest possible value for $current
// $current The index that is being decremented.
// Result: FALSE if current did not overflow (reset back to the highest possible value). TRUE if it did.
final private function recedeItem($arrItems, $rangeMin, $rangeMax, & $current)
// Recede pointer
// If still above highest, move to highest
if($current > $rangeMax)
$current = $this->getLatestItem($arrItems, $rangeMax + 1);
// Parse items until found or overflow
for(;$current >= $rangeMin; $current--)
if(array_key_exists($current, $arrItems))
return FALSE; // We did not overflow
// Or overflow
$current = $this->getLatestItem($arrItems, $rangeMax + 1);
return TRUE;
// Function: getLatestItem
// Description: Retrieves the latest item in a collection, e.g. the latest minute or the latest month.
// Parameters: $arrItems A reference to the collection in which to search.
// $beforeItem The lowest index that is to be skipped.
final private function getLatestItem($arrItems, $beforeItem = FALSE, $allowOverflow = TRUE)
// If no filter is specified, return the latestlisted item.
if($beforeItem === FALSE)
return key($arrItems);
// Or parse until we passed $beforeItem
if(($key = key($arrItems)) < $beforeItem)
return $key;
} while(prev($arrItems));
// If still nothing found, we may have exhausted our options.
return FALSE;
return key($arrItems);
// Function:
// Description:
// Parameters:
// Result:
final private function getClass($spec)
if(!$this->classIsSpecified($spec)) return '0';
if($this->classIsSingleFixed($spec)) return '1';
return '2';
// Function:
// Description: Returns TRUE if the Cron Specification is specified. FALSE otherwise. This is true if the specification has more than one entry
// or is anything than the entire approved range ("*").
// Parameters:
// Result:
final private function classIsSpecified($spec)
if($spec['elements'][0]['hasInterval'] == FALSE) return TRUE;
if($spec['elements'][0]['number1'] != $spec['rangeMin']) return TRUE;
if($spec['elements'][0]['number2'] != $spec['rangeMax']) return TRUE;
if($spec['elements'][0]['interval'] != 1) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Function:
// Description: Returns TRUE if the Cron Specification is specified as a single value. FALSE otherwise. This is true only if there is only
// one entry and the entry is only a single number (e.g. "10")
// Parameters:
// Result:
final private function classIsSingleFixed($spec)
return (count($spec['elements']) == 1) && (!$spec['elements'][0]['hasInterval']);
final private function initLang($language = 'en')
case 'en':
$this->_lang['elemMin: at_the_hour'] = 'at the hour';
$this->_lang['elemMin: after_the_hour_every_X_minute'] = 'every minute';
$this->_lang['elemMin: after_the_hour_every_X_minute_plural'] = 'every @1 minutes';
$this->_lang['elemMin: every_consecutive_minute'] = 'every consecutive minute';
$this->_lang['elemMin: every_consecutive_minute_plural'] = 'every consecutive @1 minutes';
$this->_lang['elemMin: every_minute'] = 'every minute';
$this->_lang['elemMin: between_X_and_Y'] = 'from the @1 to the @2';
$this->_lang['elemMin: at_X:Y'] = 'At @1:@2';
$this->_lang['elemHour: past_X:00'] = 'past @1:00';
$this->_lang['elemHour: between_X:00_and_Y:59'] = 'between @1:00 and @2:59';
$this->_lang['elemHour: in_the_60_minutes_past_'] = 'in the 60 minutes past every consecutive hour';
$this->_lang['elemHour: in_the_60_minutes_past__plural'] = 'in the 60 minutes past every consecutive @1 hours';
$this->_lang['elemHour: past_every_consecutive_'] = 'past every consecutive hour';
$this->_lang['elemHour: past_every_consecutive__plural'] = 'past every consecutive @1 hours';
$this->_lang['elemHour: past_every_hour'] = 'past every hour';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: the_X'] = 'the @1';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: every_consecutive_day'] = 'every consecutive day';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: every_consecutive_day_plural'] = 'every consecutive @1 days';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: on_every_day'] = 'on every day';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: between_the_Xth_and_Yth'] = 'between the @1 and the @2';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: on_the_X'] = 'on the @1';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: on_X'] = 'on @1';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: every_X'] = 'every @1';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: every_consecutive_month'] = 'every consecutive month';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: every_consecutive_month_plural'] = 'every consecutive @1 months';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: between_X_and_Y'] = 'from @1 to @2';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: of_every_month'] = 'of every month';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: during_every_X'] = 'during every @1';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: during_X'] = 'during @1';
$this->_lang['elemYear: in_X'] = 'in @1';
$this->_lang['elemYear: every_consecutive_year'] = 'every consecutive year';
$this->_lang['elemYear: every_consecutive_year_plural'] = 'every consecutive @1 years';
$this->_lang['elemYear: from_X_through_Y'] = 'from @1 through @2';
$this->_lang['elemDOW: on_every_day'] = 'on every day';
$this->_lang['elemDOW: on_X'] = 'on @1';
$this->_lang['elemDOW: but_only_on_X'] = 'but only if the event takes place on @1';
$this->_lang['separator_and'] = 'and';
$this->_lang['separator_or'] = 'or';
$this->_lang['day: 0_plural'] = 'Sundays';
$this->_lang['day: 1_plural'] = 'Mondays';
$this->_lang['day: 2_plural'] = 'Tuesdays';
$this->_lang['day: 3_plural'] = 'Wednesdays';
$this->_lang['day: 4_plural'] = 'Thursdays';
$this->_lang['day: 5_plural'] = 'Fridays';
$this->_lang['day: 6_plural'] = 'Saturdays';
$this->_lang['month: 1'] = 'January';
$this->_lang['month: 2'] = 'February';
$this->_lang['month: 3'] = 'March';
$this->_lang['month: 4'] = 'April';
$this->_lang['month: 5'] = 'May';
$this->_lang['month: 6'] = 'June';
$this->_lang['month: 7'] = 'July';
$this->_lang['month: 8'] = 'Augustus';
$this->_lang['month: 9'] = 'September';
$this->_lang['month: 10'] = 'October';
$this->_lang['month: 11'] = 'November';
$this->_lang['month: 12'] = 'December';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 1'] = '1st';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 2'] = '2nd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 3'] = '3rd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 4'] = '4th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 5'] = '5th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 6'] = '6th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 7'] = '7th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 8'] = '8th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 9'] = '9th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 10'] = '10th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 11'] = '11th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 12'] = '12th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 13'] = '13th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 14'] = '14th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 15'] = '15th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 16'] = '16th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 17'] = '17th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 18'] = '18th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 19'] = '19th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 20'] = '20th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 21'] = '21st';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 22'] = '22nd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 23'] = '23rd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 24'] = '24th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 25'] = '25th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 26'] = '26th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 27'] = '27th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 28'] = '28th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 29'] = '29th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 30'] = '30th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 31'] = '31st';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 32'] = '32nd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 33'] = '33rd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 34'] = '34th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 35'] = '35th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 36'] = '36th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 37'] = '37th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 38'] = '38th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 39'] = '39th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 40'] = '40th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 41'] = '41st';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 42'] = '42nd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 43'] = '43rd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 44'] = '44th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 45'] = '45th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 46'] = '46th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 47'] = '47th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 48'] = '48th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 49'] = '49th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 50'] = '50th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 51'] = '51st';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 52'] = '52nd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 53'] = '53rd';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 54'] = '54th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 55'] = '55th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 56'] = '56th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 57'] = '57th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 58'] = '58th';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 59'] = '59th';
case 'nl':
$this->_lang['elemMin: at_the_hour'] = 'op het hele uur';
$this->_lang['elemMin: after_the_hour_every_X_minute'] = 'elke minuut';
$this->_lang['elemMin: after_the_hour_every_X_minute_plural'] = 'elke @1 minuten';
$this->_lang['elemMin: every_consecutive_minute'] = 'elke opeenvolgende minuut';
$this->_lang['elemMin: every_consecutive_minute_plural'] = 'elke opeenvolgende @1 minuten';
$this->_lang['elemMin: every_minute'] = 'elke minuut';
$this->_lang['elemMin: between_X_and_Y'] = 'van de @1 tot en met de @2';
$this->_lang['elemMin: at_X:Y'] = 'Om @1:@2';
$this->_lang['elemHour: past_X:00'] = 'na @1:00';
$this->_lang['elemHour: between_X:00_and_Y:59'] = 'tussen @1:00 en @2:59';
$this->_lang['elemHour: in_the_60_minutes_past_'] = 'in de 60 minuten na elk opeenvolgend uur';
$this->_lang['elemHour: in_the_60_minutes_past__plural'] = 'in de 60 minuten na elke opeenvolgende @1 uren';
$this->_lang['elemHour: past_every_consecutive_'] = 'na elk opeenvolgend uur';
$this->_lang['elemHour: past_every_consecutive__plural'] = 'na elke opeenvolgende @1 uren';
$this->_lang['elemHour: past_every_hour'] = 'na elk uur';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: the_X'] = 'de @1';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: every_consecutive_day'] = 'elke opeenvolgende dag';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: every_consecutive_day_plural'] = 'elke opeenvolgende @1 dagen';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: on_every_day'] = 'op elke dag';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: between_the_Xth_and_Yth'] = 'tussen de @1 en de @2';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: on_the_X'] = 'op de @1';
$this->_lang['elemDOM: on_X'] = 'op @1';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: every_X'] = 'elke @1';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: every_consecutive_month'] = 'elke opeenvolgende maand';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: every_consecutive_month_plural'] = 'elke opeenvolgende @1 maanden';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: between_X_and_Y'] = 'van @1 tot @2';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: of_every_month'] = 'van elke maand';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: during_every_X'] = 'tijdens elke @1';
$this->_lang['elemMonth: during_X'] = 'tijdens @1';
$this->_lang['elemYear: in_X'] = 'in @1';
$this->_lang['elemYear: every_consecutive_year'] = 'elk opeenvolgend jaar';
$this->_lang['elemYear: every_consecutive_year_plural'] = 'elke opeenvolgende @1 jaren';
$this->_lang['elemYear: from_X_through_Y'] = 'van @1 tot en met @2';
$this->_lang['elemDOW: on_every_day'] = 'op elke dag';
$this->_lang['elemDOW: on_X'] = 'op @1';
$this->_lang['elemDOW: but_only_on_X'] = 'maar alleen als het plaatsvindt op @1';
$this->_lang['separator_and'] = 'en';
$this->_lang['separator_of'] = 'of';
$this->_lang['day: 0_plural'] = 'zondagen';
$this->_lang['day: 1_plural'] = 'maandagen';
$this->_lang['day: 2_plural'] = 'dinsdagen';
$this->_lang['day: 3_plural'] = 'woensdagen';
$this->_lang['day: 4_plural'] = 'donderdagen';
$this->_lang['day: 5_plural'] = 'vrijdagen';
$this->_lang['day: 6_plural'] = 'zaterdagen';
$this->_lang['month: 1'] = 'januari';
$this->_lang['month: 2'] = 'februari';
$this->_lang['month: 3'] = 'maart';
$this->_lang['month: 4'] = 'april';
$this->_lang['month: 5'] = 'mei';
$this->_lang['month: 6'] = 'juni';
$this->_lang['month: 7'] = 'juli';
$this->_lang['month: 8'] = 'augustus';
$this->_lang['month: 9'] = 'september';
$this->_lang['month: 10'] = 'october';
$this->_lang['month: 11'] = 'november';
$this->_lang['month: 12'] = 'december';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 1'] = '1e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 2'] = '2e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 3'] = '3e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 4'] = '4e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 5'] = '5e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 6'] = '6e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 7'] = '7e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 8'] = '8e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 9'] = '9e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 10'] = '10e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 11'] = '11e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 12'] = '12e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 13'] = '13e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 14'] = '14e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 15'] = '15e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 16'] = '16e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 17'] = '17e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 18'] = '18e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 19'] = '19e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 20'] = '20e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 21'] = '21e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 22'] = '22e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 23'] = '23e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 24'] = '24e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 25'] = '25e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 26'] = '26e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 27'] = '27e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 28'] = '28e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 29'] = '29e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 30'] = '30e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 31'] = '31e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 32'] = '32e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 33'] = '33e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 34'] = '34e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 35'] = '35e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 36'] = '36e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 37'] = '37e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 38'] = '38e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 39'] = '39e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 40'] = '40e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 41'] = '41e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 42'] = '42e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 43'] = '43e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 44'] = '44e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 45'] = '45e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 46'] = '46e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 47'] = '47e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 48'] = '48e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 49'] = '49e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 50'] = '50e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 51'] = '51e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 52'] = '52e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 53'] = '53e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 54'] = '54e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 55'] = '55e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 56'] = '56e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 57'] = '57e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 58'] = '58e';
$this->_lang['ordinal: 59'] = '59e';
final private function natlangPad2($number)
return (strlen($number) == 1 ? '0' : '').$number;
final private function natlangApply($id, $p1 = FALSE, $p2 = FALSE, $p3 = FALSE, $p4 = FALSE, $p5 = FALSE, $p6 = FALSE)
$txt = $this->_lang[$id];
if($p1 !== FALSE) $txt = str_replace('@1', $p1, $txt);
if($p2 !== FALSE) $txt = str_replace('@2', $p2, $txt);
if($p3 !== FALSE) $txt = str_replace('@3', $p3, $txt);
if($p4 !== FALSE) $txt = str_replace('@4', $p4, $txt);
if($p5 !== FALSE) $txt = str_replace('@5', $p5, $txt);
if($p6 !== FALSE) $txt = str_replace('@6', $p6, $txt);
return $txt;
// Function: natlangRange
// Description: Converts a range into natural language
// Parameters:
// Result:
final private function natlangRange($spec, $entryFunction, $p1 = FALSE)
$arrIntervals = array();
foreach($spec['elements'] as $elem)
$arrIntervals[] = call_user_func($entryFunction, $elem, $p1);
$txt = "";
for($index = 0; $index < count($arrIntervals); $index++)
$txt .= ($index == 0 ? '' : ($index == (count($arrIntervals) - 1) ? ' '.$this->natlangApply('separator_and').' ' : ', ')).$arrIntervals[$index];
return $txt;
// Function: natlangElementMinute
// Description: Converts an entry from the minute specification to natural language.
final private function natlangElementMinute($elem)
if($elem['number1'] == 0) return $this->natlangApply('elemMin: at_the_hour');
else return $this->natlangApply('elemMin: after_the_hour_every_X_minute'.($elem['number1'] == 1 ? '' : '_plural'), $elem['number1']);
$txt = $this->natlangApply('elemMin: every_consecutive_minute'.($elem['interval'] == 1 ? '' : '_plural'), $elem['interval']);
if(($elem['number1'] != $this->_cronMinutes['rangeMin']) || ($elem['number2'] != $this->_cronMinutes['rangeMax']))
$txt .= ' ('.$this->natlangApply('elemMin: between_X_and_Y', $this->natlangApply('ordinal: '.$elem['number1']), $this->natlangApply('ordinal: '.$elem['number2'])).')';
return $txt;
// Function: natlangElementHour
// Description: Converts an entry from the hour specification to natural language.
final private function natlangElementHour($elem, $asBetween)
if($asBetween) return $this->natlangApply('elemHour: between_X:00_and_Y:59', $this->natlangPad2($elem['number1']), $this->natlangPad2($elem['number1']));
else return $this->natlangApply('elemHour: past_X:00', $this->natlangPad2($elem['number1']));
if($asBetween) $txt = $this->natlangApply('elemHour: in_the_60_minutes_past_'.($elem['interval'] == 1 ? '' : '_plural'), $elem['interval']);
else $txt = $this->natlangApply('elemHour: past_every_consecutive_'.($elem['interval'] == 1 ? '' : '_plural'), $elem['interval']);
if(($elem['number1'] != $this->_cronHours['rangeMin']) || ($elem['number2'] != $this->_cronHours['rangeMax']))
$txt .= ' ('.$this->natlangApply('elemHour: between_X:00_and_Y:59', $elem['number1'], $elem['number2']).')';
return $txt;
// Function: natlangElementDayOfMonth
// Description: Converts an entry from the day of month specification to natural language.
final private function natlangElementDayOfMonth($elem)
return $this->natlangApply('elemDOM: the_X', $this->natlangApply('ordinal: '.$elem['number1']));
$txt = $this->natlangApply('elemDOM: every_consecutive_day'.($elem['interval'] == 1 ? '' : '_plural'), $elem['interval']);
if(($elem['number1'] != $this->_cronHours['rangeMin']) || ($elem['number2'] != $this->_cronHours['rangeMax']))
$txt .= ' ('.$this->natlangApply('elemDOM: between_the_Xth_and_Yth', $this->natlangApply('ordinal: '.$elem['number1']), $this->natlangApply('ordinal: '.$elem['number2'])).')';
return $txt;
// Function: natlangElementDayOfMonth
// Description: Converts an entry from the month specification to natural language.
final private function natlangElementMonth($elem)
return $this->natlangApply('elemMonth: every_X', $this->natlangApply('month: '.$elem['number1']));
$txt = $this->natlangApply('elemMonth: every_consecutive_month'.($elem['interval'] == 1 ? '' : '_plural'), $elem['interval']);
if(($elem['number1'] != $this->_cronMonths['rangeMin']) || ($elem['number2'] != $this->_cronMonths['rangeMax']))
$txt .= ' ('.$this->natlangApply('elemMonth: between_X_and_Y', $this->natlangApply('month: '.$elem['number1']), $this->natlangApply('month: '.$elem['number2'])).')';
return $txt;
// Function: natlangElementYear
// Description: Converts an entry from the year specification to natural language.
final private function natlangElementYear($elem)
return $elem['number1'];
$txt = $this->natlangApply('elemYear: every_consecutive_year'.($elem['interval'] == 1 ? '' : '_plural'), $elem['interval']);
if(($elem['number1'] != $this->_cronMonths['rangeMin']) || ($elem['number2'] != $this->_cronMonths['rangeMax']))
$txt .= ' ('.$this->natlangApply('elemYear: from_X_through_Y', $elem['number1'], $elem['number2']).')';
return $txt;
// Function: asNaturalLanguage
// Description: Returns the current cron specification in natural language.
// Parameters: None
// Result: A string containing a natural language text.
final public function asNaturalLanguage()
$switchForceDateExplaination = FALSE;
$switchDaysOfWeekAreExcluding = TRUE;
// Generate Time String
$txtMinutes = array();
$txtMinutes[0] = $this->natlangApply('elemMin: every_minute');
$txtMinutes[1] = $this->natlangElementMinute($this->_cronMinutes['elements'][0]);
$txtMinutes[2] = $this->natlangRange($this->_cronMinutes, array($this, 'natlangElementMinute'));
$txtHours = array();
$txtHours[0] = $this->natlangApply('elemHour: past_every_hour');
$txtHours[1] = array();
$txtHours[1]['between'] = $this->natlangRange($this->_cronHours, array($this, 'natlangElementHour'), TRUE);
$txtHours[1]['past'] = $this->natlangRange($this->_cronHours, array($this, 'natlangElementHour'), FALSE);
$txtHours[2] = array();
$txtHours[2]['between'] = $this->natlangRange($this->_cronHours, array($this, 'natlangElementHour'), TRUE);
$txtHours[2]['past'] = $this->natlangRange($this->_cronHours, array($this, 'natlangElementHour'), FALSE);
$classMinutes = $this->getClass($this->_cronMinutes);
$classHours = $this->getClass($this->_cronHours);
// Special case: Unspecified date + Unspecified month
// Rule: The language for unspecified fields is omitted if a more detailed field has already been explained.
// The minutes field always yields an explaination, at the very least in the form of 'every minute'. This rule states that if the
// hour is not specified, it can be omitted because 'every minute' is already sufficiently clear.
case '00':
$txtTime = $txtMinutes[0];
// Special case: Fixed minutes and fixed hours
// The default writing would be something like 'every 20 minutes past 04:00', but the more common phrasing would be: At 04:20.
// We will switch ForceDateExplaination on, so that even a non-specified date yields an explaination (e.g. 'every day')
case '11':
$txtTime = $this->natlangApply('elemMin: at_X:Y', $this->natlangPad2($this->_cronHours['elements'][0]['number1']), $this->natlangPad2($this->_cronMinutes['elements'][0]['number1']));
$switchForceDateExplaination = TRUE;
// Special case: Between :00 and :59
// If hours are specified, but minutes are not, then the minutes string will yield something like 'every minute'. We must the
// differentiate the hour specification because the minutes specification does not relate to all minutes past the hour, but only to
// those minutes between :00 and :59
// We will switch ForceDateExplaination on, so that even a non-specified date yields an explaination (e.g. 'every day')
case '01':
case '02':
$txtTime = $txtMinutes[$classMinutes].' '.$txtHours[$classHours]['between'];
$switchForceDateExplaination = TRUE;
// Special case: Past the hour
// If minutes are specified and hours are specified, then the specification of minutes is always limited to a maximum of 60 minutes
// and always applies to the minutes 'past the hour'.
// We will switch ForceDateExplaination on, so that even a non-specified date yields an explaination (e.g. 'every day')
case '12':
case '22':
case '21':
$txtTime = $txtMinutes[$classMinutes].' '.$txtHours[$classHours]['past'];
$switchForceDateExplaination = TRUE;
$txtTime = $txtMinutes[$classMinutes].' '.$txtHours[$classHours];
// Generate Date String
$txtDaysOfMonth = array();
$txtDaysOfMonth[0] = '';
$txtDaysOfMonth[1] = $this->natlangApply('elemDOM: on_the_X', $this->natlangApply('ordinal: '.$this->_cronDaysOfMonth['elements'][0]['number1']));
$txtDaysOfMonth[2] = $this->natlangApply('elemDOM: on_X', $this->natlangRange($this->_cronDaysOfMonth, array($this, 'natlangElementDayOfMonth')));
$txtMonths = array();
$txtMonths[0] = $this->natlangApply('elemMonth: of_every_month');
$txtMonths[1] = $this->natlangApply('elemMonth: during_every_X', $this->natlangApply('month: '.$this->_cronMonths['elements'][0]['number1']));
$txtMonths[2] = $this->natlangApply('elemMonth: during_X', $this->natlangRange($this->_cronMonths, array($this, 'natlangElementMonth')));
$classDaysOfMonth = $this->getClass($this->_cronDaysOfMonth);
$classMonths = $this->getClass($this->_cronMonths);
if($classDaysOfMonth == '0')
$switchDaysOfWeekAreExcluding = FALSE;
// Special case: Unspecified date + Unspecified month
// Rule: The language for unspecified fields is omitted if a more detailed field has already been explained.
// The time fields always yield an explaination, at the very least in the form of 'every minute'. This rule states that if the date
// is not specified, it can be omitted because 'every minute' is already sufficiently clear.
// There are some time specifications that do not contain an 'every' reference, but reference a specific time of day. In those cases
// the date explaination is enforced.
case '00':
$txtDate = '';
$txtDate = ' '.$txtDaysOfMonth[$classDaysOfMonth].' '.$txtMonths[$classMonths];
// Generate Year String
if ($this->_cronYears) {
$txtYears = array();
$txtYears[0] = '';
$txtYears[1] = ' '.$this->natlangApply('elemYear: in_X', $this->_cronYears['elements'][0]['number1']);
$txtYears[2] = ' '.$this->natlangApply('elemYear: in_X', $this->natlangRange($this->_cronYears, array($this, 'natlangElementYear')));
$classYears = $this->getClass($this->_cronYears);
$txtYear = $txtYears[$classYears];
// Generate DaysOfWeek String
$collectDays = 0;
foreach($this->_cronDaysOfWeek['elements'] as $elem)
for($x = $elem['number1']; $x <= $elem['number2']; $x += $elem['interval'])
$collectDays |= pow(2, $x);
$collectDays |= pow(2, $elem['number1']);
if($collectDays == 127) // * all days
$txtDays = ' '.$this->natlangApply('elemDOM: on_every_day');
$txtDays = '';
$arrDays = array();
for($x = 0; $x <= 6; $x++)
if($collectDays & pow(2, $x))
$arrDays[] = $x;
$txtDays = '';
for($index = 0; $index < count($arrDays); $index++)
$txtDays .= ($index == 0 ? '' : ($index == (count($arrDays) - 1) ? ' '.$this->natlangApply($switchDaysOfWeekAreExcluding ? 'separator_or' : 'separator_and').' ' : ', ')).$this->natlangApply('day: '.$arrDays[$index].'_plural');
if($switchDaysOfWeekAreExcluding) $txtDays = ' '.$this->natlangApply('elemDOW: but_only_on_X', $txtDays);
else $txtDays = ' '.$this->natlangApply('elemDOW: on_X', $txtDays);
$txtResult = ucfirst($txtTime).$txtDate.$txtDays;
if (isset($txtYear)) {
if ($switchDaysOfWeekAreExcluding) {
$txtResult = ucfirst($txtTime).$txtDate.$txtYear.$txtDays;
} else {
$txtResult = ucfirst($txtTime).$txtDate.$txtDays.$txtYear;
return $txtResult.'.';
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