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Last active May 31, 2019 20:09
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A Yul grammar file for use with PEST
block = { soi? ~ "{" ~ (statement)* ~ "}" ~ eoi? }
statement = {
| function_definition
| variable_declaration
| assignment
| if_statement
| for_loop
| expression
| switch
| break_statement
| continue_statement)
function_definition = { "function" ~ identifier ~ "(" ~ (typed_parameter_list)? ~ ")" ~ ("->" ~ typed_identifier_list)? ~ block }
variable_declaration = { "let" ~ typed_identifier_list ~ (":=" ~ expression)? }
assignment = { identifier_list ~ ":=" ~ expression }
expression = { function_call | identifier | literal }
if_statement = { "if" ~ expression ~ block }
switch = { "switch" ~ expression ~ ((case)+ ~ (default)? | default) }
case = { "case" ~ literal ~ block }
default = { "default" ~ block }
for_loop = { "for" ~ block ~ expression ~ block ~ block }
break_statement = { "break" }
continue_statement = { "continue" }
function_call = { identifier ~ "(" ~ (expression ~ ("," ~ expression)*)? ~ ")" }
identifier = @ { alpha ~ (alpha | digit)* }
identifier_list = { identifier ~ ("," ~ identifier)* }
type_name = { builtin_typename | identifier }
builtin_typename = { "bool" | "u8" | "u32" | "u64" | "u128" | "u256" | "s8" | "s32" | "s64" | "s128" | "s256" } // FIXME: this can probably be simplified
typed_parameter_list = { typed_identifier ~ ("," ~ typed_identifier)* }
typed_identifier_list = { typed_identifier ~ ("," ~ typed_identifier)* }
untyped_parameter_list = { identifier ~ ("," ~ identifier)* }
untyped_identifier_list = { identifier ~ ("," ~ identifier)* }
typed_identifier = { identifier ~ ":" ~ type_name }
literal = {
| string_literal
| hex_literal
| true_literal
| false_literal)
~ ":"
~ type_name
number_literal = { hex_number | decimal_number }
hex_literal = { "hex" ~ ("\"" ~ (('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F'){2})* ~ "\"" | "\'" ~ (('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F'){2})* ~ "\'") } // FIXME: can be refactored into "hex_byte"
string_literal = { "\"" ~ ((!("\\" | "\n" | "\r" | "\"") ~ any) | "\\" ~ (!( "\n" ) ~ any))* ~ "\"" }
true_literal = { "true" }
false_literal = { "false" }
hex_number = @ { "0x" ~ ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F')+ } // TODO: this may need to be flagged atomic to avoid something like "0x deadbeef"
decimal_number = @ { digit+ }
alpha = _ { 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' }
digit = _ { '0'..'9' }
whitespace = _ { " " | "\t" | "\n" }
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