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Created November 5, 2015 22:42
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Estimate/test correlation between subjects' scores on two tests composed of random items
library(MASS) # for mvrnorm()
library(lme4) # for lmer()
# function to simulate data, fit models, do model comparison
sim <- function(n, # number of subjects
m, # number of items per test
mu, # mean for both tests
SD, # subject SD in test means
r, # correlation between subject test means
diff, # SD of item difficulties (intercepts)
error){ # SD of errors
# make data
dat <- within(expand.grid(sub=seq(n), item=seq(m), test=c("A","B")), {
item <- paste(item, test)
# subject-level covariance matrix for test means
Sigma <- matrix(c(SD^2, r*SD^2, r*SD^2, SD^2), nrow=2)
# add subject effects. subject means get named "X1" and "X2"
dat <- merge(dat, data.frame(sub=seq(n), mvrnorm(n, mu=c(mu, mu), Sigma=Sigma)))
# add items effects
dat <- merge(dat, data.frame(item=unique(dat$item), difficulty=rnorm(2*m, sd=diff)))
# add response
dat <- within(dat, {
y <- (test=="A")*X1 + (test=="B")*X2 + difficulty + rnorm(n*m*2, sd=error)
# fit large model w/ random items
# note that this allows for unequal item difficulty variances
# even though they are "truly" equal in the simulation
modA1 <- lmer(y ~ 0 + test + (0+test|sub) +
(0+as.numeric(test=="A")|item) + (0+as.numeric(test=="B")|item),
data=dat, REML=FALSE)
# fit small model w/ random items
modC1 <- lmer(y ~ 0 + test +
(0+as.numeric(test=="A")|sub) + (0+as.numeric(test=="B")|sub) +
(0+as.numeric(test=="A")|item) + (0+as.numeric(test=="B")|item),
data=dat, REML=FALSE)
# fit large model w/ fixed items
modA2 <- lmer(y ~ 0 + test + (0+test|sub), data=dat, REML=FALSE)
# fit small model w/ fixed items
modC2 <- lmer(y ~ 0 + test +
(0+as.numeric(test=="A")|sub) + (0+as.numeric(test=="B")|sub),
data=dat, REML=FALSE)
# return correlation and p-value for both cases
itemA = sqrt(VarCorr(modA1)$item),
itemB = sqrt(VarCorr(modA1)$item.1),
error = attr(VarCorr(modA1), "sc"),
r_random = attr(VarCorr(modA1)$sub, "correlation")[2,1],
p_random = anova(modA1, modC1)$Pr[2],
r_fixed = attr(VarCorr(modA2)$sub, "correlation")[2,1],
p_fixed = anova(modA2, modC2)$Pr[2]))
# test once
sim(n=30, m=10, mu=100, SD=15, r=.5, diff=10, error=5)
# run sim with true r = 0.5
# elapsed time for 1000 iterations on my MacBook Pro = 8.5 mins
results <- replicate(1000,
sim(n=30, m=10, mu=100, SD=15, r=.5, diff=10, error=5))
# testA testB itemA itemB error r_random
# 14.73880335 14.72330902 9.45127834 9.37610172 4.99220700 0.48466196
# p_random r_fixed p_fixed
# 0.04270353 0.51275337 0.04131488
mean(results["p_random",] < .05)
# [1] 0.817
mean(results["p_fixed",] < .05)
# [1] 0.827
hist(results["r_random",], col="gray")
hist(results["r_fixed",], col="gray")
# run sim with true r = 0
results2 <- replicate(1000,
sim(n=30, m=10, mu=100, SD=15, r=0, diff=10, error=5))
# examine results
# testA testB itemA itemB error r_random
# 14.740990019 14.743167758 9.473208991 9.484094487 4.998384887 0.001477996
# p_random r_fixed p_fixed
# 0.487966943 0.001642746 0.483784582
mean(results2["p_random",] < .05)
# [1] 0.067
mean(results2["p_fixed",] < .05)
# [1] 0.071
hist(results2["r_random",], col="gray")
hist(results2["r_fixed",], col="gray")
# are the distributions of p-values uniform under the null?
hist(results2["p_random",], col="gray")
hist(results2["p_fixed",], col="gray")
# how well do the pairs of p-values agree?
plot(y=results["p_random",], x=results["p_fixed",])
plot(y=results2["p_random",], x=results2["p_fixed",])
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