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Last active September 12, 2019 01:56
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Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS


  • Every style we write serves one of these purposes wheter we're aware of it or not
  • Isolating code allows for easier, reuse, testing and debugging
  • Categorizing reveals patterns; easier to identify when things break the pattern

Base styles

  • Reset
  • Normalize

Layout styles

How do you group your content

  • Header
  • Content
  • Sidebar

Module styles

Isolate Modules from each other and prevent styles from coming in or out

  • Containt content
  • Are the majority of your site
  • Each module is an interface that your users have to learn
  • Each module is code that has to be written, delivered and maintained

Module variations



It applies to modules.

Naming Convention

They help clarify intents

Base and Layout Names

Prefer .layout-header .layout-content .layout-footer over just .header .content .footer

  • Prefer classes over ID

Module and Module variations

Modules: .btn .listview

Module variations: .btn-large .btn-small


.btn .btn-is-active .btn-is-disabled

Prefix states with "is-", prefix indicates likelihood of JavaScript dependency, it indicates a toggleable state. States that are specific to a module should include module name.


.theme-header .theme-border .theme-background

.text-ls .text-l .text-s

Prefixing for versioning



.module-name .module-name--submodules .module-name__sub-component


Pick a system that works for you and your team. Be consistent. Consider:

  • Root node
  • Sub-modules
  • Sub-components

Decoupling CSS from HTML

The deeper the Depth of Applicability the harder it is to reuse the styles. Reduce the depth: Use fewer selectors and use child selectors

State-based Design

State Representation:

  • Classes
  • Pseudo-classes
  • Attributes Selectors
  • Media Queries

Avoid a state affecting more than one module at a time.

Include media queries with the modules they affect.


  • Variables
  • Nesting
  • Functions (and mixins) Handles compilation of files into final product


  • Build and test individual components
  • Allows for front-end development independent of engineering
  • Create centralized repository for multiple projects
  • Proto Engine can use different technology than engineering


  • Dexy
  • KSS
  • Hologram


Place everything in their own files

  • base.css
  • layout.css
  • grid.css
  • button.css
  • carosel.css
  • modal.css

Integrating JS

  • Scripts are written for individual modules
  • States are modified, not inline styles
  • Avoid jQuery methods that add inline styles like .show() and .hide()

Converting a Project


  • Perfomance
  • Identify areas to refactor
  • Tools: Analyze CSS, Parker, CSSCSS

Code Reviews

Give CSS the same respect as other code in your project

Don't code CSS for the page: Code it for the system


  • Pull in style sheets when you need them
  • Smaller rule sets make it easier on browsers
  • Google Page Speed recomends a single ID or class selector

Larger Teams

  • Separation of files allows multiple members of the team to work on separate files
  • modules approach works well with OOP on server side (hence OOCSS)

When is SMACSS not appropiate?

  • Hard to apply on user-generated content (UGC) common many content managment system.
  • Benefits not felt on throwaway projects or one-offs
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