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WP All Export - export data from custom database tables

Sometimes you might need to export extra data from a custom database table. This is possible by using a custom PHP function in the export along with the WPDB class.

For example, let’s say that we are exporting Users from a BuddyPress installation and we need to get the value of the “Name” field from the BuddyPress “Extended Profile” section: This information is stored inside the ‘bp_xprofile_data’ table: So, to export this, we’ll want to:

  • Click “Add Field” in our export, keep “ID” in the top drop-down
  • Name the field, for example “BuddyPress Name”
  • Click “Export the value returned by a PHP function"
  • Type in our function name, add the code to the function editor, and click “Done”.

Example video:

Function code:

function soflyy_get_bp_name( $user_id ) {
	global $wpdb;
	$table = $wpdb->prefix . 'bp_xprofile_data';
	$results = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT `value` FROM `" . $table . "` WHERE `user_id` = '%d' AND `field_id` = '1' LIMIT 1", $user_id ) );
	if ( !empty( $results->value ) ) {
		return $results->value;
	return null;
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