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Created December 12, 2016 17:28
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(poor, bad, not crypto safe, DO NOT USE) Scantegrity II prototype
import random
import csv
import sys
import hashlib
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256, HMAC
import binascii
salt = '2hiy2EMaM693EEpwGXqZssSd2yCOABYWCB'
pbkdf_rounds = 100000
def subkey(base_key, key_id):
concat_key = base_key + '|' + key_id
derived_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', concat_key, salt, pbkdf_rounds)
return derived_key
def commit(key, message):
if not isinstance(message, basestring):
message = str(message)
hmac =, message, SHA256)
return hmac.hexdigest()
# parameters
num_ballots = 4
num_candidates = 2
candidates = ['YES','NO']
code_alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
code_length = 3
master_key = '73a86bc4ef510c4e15b4abcf0f3d131fa389272060ee19706ccc7b3aaa95db43'
num_backends = 2
table_q = []
table_r = []
table_s = []
# not crypto safe, but python's csprng doesn't take a seed
samples = random.sample(range(1000,10000), 2*num_ballots*num_candidates)
for i_ballot in range(num_ballots):
alpha = i_ballot
beta = samples[i_ballot*2]
gamma = samples[i_ballot*2 + 1]
for i_candidate in range(num_candidates):
code = [random.choice(code_alphabet) for j in range(code_length)]
code = ''.join(code)
table_q.append( [alpha, beta, gamma, code] )
csv_writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
print 'Q'
for row in table_q:
print 'R'
for row in table_r:
print 'S'
for row in table_s:
# generate permutations
pi = []
for i_backend in range(num_backends):
for i in range(3):
derived_key = subkey(master_key, str(i) + '|' + str(i_backend))
perm = range(num_ballots*num_candidates)
print 'perms'
for row in pi:
# shuffle Q and S
for i_backend in range(num_backends):
table_q_shuf = []
table_s_shuf = []
pi_index = i_backend * 3
a = pi[pi_index]
b = pi[pi_index + 1]
c = pi[pi_index + 2]
for i_shuf in a:
# compose the three shufs
s_shuf_vector = [c[b[a[i]]] for i in range(len(a))]
for i_shuf in s_shuf_vector:
print 'Q\' - backend ' + str(i_backend)
for row in table_q_shuf:
print 'S\'\'\' - backend ' + str(i_backend)
for row in table_s_shuf:
# commit to Q' and S'''
q_shuf_bar = []
s_shuf_bar = []
pi_bar = []
for j in range(num_ballots*num_candidates):
alpha_subkey = subkey(master_key, "alpha"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
alpha_bar = commit(alpha_subkey, table_q_shuf[j][0])
beta_subkey = subkey(master_key, "beta"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
beta_bar = commit(beta_subkey, table_q_shuf[j][1])
gamma_subkey = subkey(master_key, "gamma"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
gamma_bar = commit(gamma_subkey, table_q_shuf[j][2])
code_subkey = subkey(master_key, "q"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
code_bar = commit(code_subkey, table_q_shuf[j][3])
s_subkey = subkey(master_key, "s"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
s_bar = commit(s_subkey, table_s_shuf[j])
q_shuf_bar.append([alpha_bar, beta_bar, gamma_bar, code_bar])
pi_bar_row = []
for h in range(3):
pi_subkey = subkey(master_key,"pi"+str(h)+str(i_backend)+str(j))
pi_bar_row.append(commit(pi_subkey, pi[pi_index + h][j]))
# commitments
print 'Q-bar\''
for row in q_shuf_bar:
print 'S-bar\'\'\''
for row in s_shuf_bar:
print 'pi-bar'
for row in pi_bar:
# ask user for updated R
marks = []
while len(marks) != num_candidates * num_ballots:
raw_marks = raw_input('Marks (e.g., "0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1"): ')
marks = raw_marks.split(',')
# show R''
for i_backend in range(num_backends):
pi_index = i_backend * 3
a = pi[pi_index]
b = pi[pi_index + 1]
r_shuf_vector = [b[a[i]] for i in range(len(a))]
r_shuf = [marks[i] for i in r_shuf_vector]
print 'R\'\' - backend ' + str(i_backend)
for row in r_shuf:
# audit
for i_backend in range(num_backends):
pi_index = i_backend*3
coin_toss = i_backend % 2
if coin_toss == 0:
print 'pi2 for backend', i_backend
print 'backend', i_backend, 'will audit Q\' -> R\'\''
print 'commitment subkeys'
print 'alpha,beta,gamma,q,pi2'
for j in range(num_candidates*num_ballots):
alpha_subkey = subkey(master_key, "alpha"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
beta_subkey = subkey(master_key, "beta"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
gamma_subkey = subkey(master_key, "gamma"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
code_subkey = subkey(master_key, "q"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
# only regen subkey for 2nd permutation, which has index 1
pi_subkey = subkey(master_key,"pi"+str(1)+str(i_backend)+str(j))
csv_writer.writerow([binascii.hexlify(x) for x in [alpha_subkey,beta_subkey,gamma_subkey,code_subkey,pi_subkey]])
elif coin_toss == 1:
print 'pi3 for backend', i_backend
print 'backend', i_backend, 'will audit R\'\' -> S\'\'\''
print 'commitment subkeys'
print 's,pi3'
for j in range(num_candidates*num_ballots):
s_subkey = subkey(master_key, "s"+str(i_backend)+str(j))
# only regen subkey for 3rd permutation, which has index 2
pi_subkey = subkey(master_key,"pi"+str(2)+str(i_backend)+str(j))
csv_writer.writerow([binascii.hexlify(x) for x in [s_subkey,pi_subkey]])
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