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Last active August 24, 2020 04:17
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NOTE: This is a partial backup, a post from Nov 2014! Besides this, there was the vision statement of the multi-chain universe from Arthur Fall's interview "Bitcoin Uncensored", and then there was the Cosmos Network whitepaper where I (Jae) coined the term Inter-Blockchain-Communication (IBC) for short.

On the Applications of Tendermint technology

Go-Tendermint as of Nov 2014 is a bare minimal implementation of the Tendermint consensus protocol.

Before continuing development further let's discuss project directions. Here are some I have in mind:

  • Integrate Go-Tendermint with Conformal's Bitcoin API - supporting the existing Bitcoin infrastructure has its advantages. Clients should ideally work seamlessly with few modifications. Exchanges and other services would have little trouble supporting Tendermint. The Bitcoin community had put a ton of effort in designing Bitcoin with more BIPs on the way so we could build on top of that. In the future Tendermint could support two way pegging with Bitcoin as described in the BlockStream sidechains paper. Cons: Bitcoin has a lot of legacy design that we don't necessarily want to port over. For example, the encryption scheme of Bitcoin vs Tendermint's Ed25519.

  • Integrate Go-Tendermint with Ethereum or Codius - smart contracts are a key pillar of the decentralized future. Ethereum's turning-complete scripting language is continuing to evolve and would benefit greatly from a fast and secure consensus engine such as Tendermint. Codius's smart-oracles are a reasonable compromise that allows offline cross-chain interoperability without full-on sidechains. Codius's consensus-engine-agnostic design appears to be well suited for integration with Tendermint.

  • Design a new cryptocurrency API from scratch - we're at a great position to learn lessons from existing projects to design a better API altogether. With a focus on sidechain development and a clean API, this approach is both fun and potentially very rewarding. Cons: Yet another cryptocurrency API, and requires a lot of developer attention.

  • Create a non-currency application on top of Tendermint - imagine Reddit with a reputation engine built onto the blockchain, or a more user-friendly BitMessage, or an OpenBazaar with a built-in currency. There are tons of applications that would benefit with a dedicated blockchain. This approach doesn't require speculators to bootstrap!

tendermint_forum_backups$ grep -r "On the Applications of Tendermint technology" *
dump.sql:6	1	topic_19	{"reply":"Apps.  Applications.  On the Applications of Tendermint technology.\\n\\n[Go-Tendermint]( as of Nov 2014 is a bare minimal implementation of the Tendermint consensus protocol.\\n\\nBefore continuing development further let's discuss project directions.  Here are some I have in mind:\\n\\n* **Integrate Go-Tendermint with Conformal's Bitcoin API** - supporting the existing Bitcoin infrastructure has its advantages. Clients should ideally work seamlessly with few modifications.  Exchanges and other services would have little trouble supporting Tendermint.  The Bitcoin community had put a ton of effort in designing Bitcoin with more BIPs on the way so we could build on top of that.  In the future Tendermint could support two way pegging with Bitcoin as described in the BlockStream sidechains paper.  **Cons**: Bitcoin has a lot of legacy design that we don't necessarily want to port over.  For example, the encryption scheme of Bitcoin vs Tendermint's Ed25519.\\n\\n* **Integrate Go-Tendermint with Ethereum or Codius** - smart contracts are a key pillar of the decentralized future.  Ethereum's turning-complete scripting language is continuing to evolve and would benefit greatly from a fast and secure consensus engine such as Tendermint.  Codius's *smart-oracles* are a reasonable compromise that allows offline cross-chain interoperability without full-on sidechains.  Codius's consensus-engine-agnostic design appears to be well suited for integration with Tendermint.\\n\\n* **Design a new cryptocurrency API from scratch** - we're at a great position to learn lessons from existing projects to design a better API altogether.  With a focus on sidechain development and a clean API, this approach is both fun and potentially very rewarding.  **Cons**: Yet another cryptocurrency API, and requires a lot of developer attention.\\n\\n* **Create a non-currency application on top of Tendermint** - imagine Reddit with a reputation engine built onto the blockchain, or a more user-friendly BitMessage, or an OpenBazaar with a built-in currency.  There are tons of applications that would benefit with a dedicated blockchain.  This approach doesn't require speculators to bootstrap!\\n\\n* **Other interesting approaches** - Post them on this thread or create a new thread in the \\"Apps\\" category!\\n\\nAs you can see, there are several ways we could take Tendermint.  The approach that we'll take is the one that gets the most *quality* attention here, so spread the word and we'll see where this goes.\\n\\n-Jae","action":"edit","title":"About the Apps category","categoryId":5,"postId":25,"archetypeId":"regular","metaData":null}	2014-11-19 23:40:46.722504	2014-11-19 23:40:46.722504	0	1
dump.sql:5	1	25	--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess\nraw:\n- |\n  [Replace this first paragraph with a short description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters. Until you edit this text or create topics, this category won't appear on the categories page.]\n\n  Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, as well as to establish any category guidelines or rules.\n\n  Some things to consider in any discussion replies below:\n\n  - What is this category for? Why should people select this category for their topic?\n\n  - How is this different than the other categories we already have?\n\n  - Do we need this category?\n\n  - Should we merge this with another category, or split it into more categories?\n- |-\n  Apps.  Applications.  On the Applications of Tendermint technology.\n\n  [Go-Tendermint]( as of Nov 2014 is a bare minimal implementation of the Tendermint consensus protocol.\n\n  Before continuing development further let's discuss project directions.  Here are some I have in mind:\n\n  * **Integrate Go-Tendermint with Conformal's Bitcoin API** - supporting the existing Bitcoin infrastructure has its advantages. Clients, exchanges, and services would work seamlessly with few modifications.  The Bitcoin community had put a ton of intelligent effort in designing Bitcoin with more BIPs on the way. **Cons**: Bitcoin has a lot of legacy design that we don't necessarily want to port over.  For example, the encryption scheme of Bitcoin vs Tendermint's Ed25519.\n\n  * **Integrate Go-Tendermint with Ethereum or Codius** - smart contracts are a key pillar of the decentralized future.  Ethereum's turing-complete scripting language is continuing to evolve and would benefit greatly from a fast and secure consensus engine such as Tendermint.  Codius's *smart-oracles* are a reasonable compromise that allows offline cross-chain interoperability without full-on sidechains, and its consensus-engine-agnostic design appears to be well suited for integration with Tendermint.\n\n  * **Design a new cryptocurrency API from scratch** - we're at a great position to learn lessons from existing projects to design a better API altogether.  With a focus on sidechain development and a clean API, this approach is both fun and potentially very rewarding.  **Cons**: Yet another cryptocurrency API, and requires a lot of developer attention.\n\n  * **Create a non-currency application on top of Tendermint** - imagine Reddit with a reputation engine built onto the blockchain, or a more user-friendly BitMessage, or an OpenBazaar with a built-in currency.  There are tons of applications that would benefit with a dedicated blockchain.  This approach doesn't require speculators to bootstrap!\n\n  * **Other interesting approaches** - Post them on this thread or create a new thread in the "Apps" category!\n\n  As you can see, there are several ways we could take Tendermint.  The approach that we'll take is the one that gets the most *quality* attention here, so spread the word and we'll see where this goes.\n\n  -Jae\ncooked:\n- |-\n  <p>[Replace this first paragraph with a short description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters. Until you edit this text or create topics, this category won't appear on the categories page.]</p>\n\n  <p>Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, as well as to establish any category guidelines or rules.</p>\n\n  <p>Some things to consider in any discussion replies below:</p>\n\n  <ul><li><p>What is this category for? Why should people select this category for their topic?</p></li><li><p>How is this different than the other categories we already have?</p></li><li><p>Do we need this category?</p></li><li><p>Should we merge this with another category, or split it into more categories?</p></li></ul>\n- |-\n  <p>Apps.  Applications.  On the Applications of Tendermint technology.</p>\n\n  <p><a href="">Go-Tendermint</a> as of Nov 2014 is a bare minimal implementation of the Tendermint consensus protocol.</p>\n\n  <p>Before continuing development further let's discuss project directions.  Here are some I have in mind:</p>\n\n  <ul><li><p><strong>Integrate Go-Tendermint with Conformal's Bitcoin API</strong> - supporting the existing Bitcoin infrastructure has its advantages. Clients, exchanges, and services would work seamlessly with few modifications.  The Bitcoin community had put a ton of intelligent effort in designing Bitcoin with more BIPs on the way. <strong>Cons</strong>: Bitcoin has a lot of legacy design that we don't necessarily want to port over.  For example, the encryption scheme of Bitcoin vs Tendermint's Ed25519.</p></li><li><p><strong>Integrate Go-Tendermint with Ethereum or Codius</strong> - smart contracts are a key pillar of the decentralized future.  Ethereum's turing-complete scripting language is continuing to evolve and would benefit greatly from a fast and secure consensus engine such as Tendermint.  Codius's <em>smart-oracles</em> are a reasonable compromise that allows offline cross-chain interoperability without full-on sidechains, and its consensus-engine-agnostic design appears to be well suited for integration with Tendermint.</p></li><li><p><strong>Design a new cryptocurrency API from scratch</strong> - we're at a great position to learn lessons from existing projects to design a better API altogether.  With a focus on sidechain development and a clean API, this approach is both fun and potentially very rewarding.  <strong>Cons</strong>: Yet another cryptocurrency API, and requires a lot of developer attention.</p></li><li><p><strong>Create a non-currency application on top of Tendermint</strong> - imagine Reddit with a reputation engine built onto the blockchain, or a more user-friendly BitMessage, or an OpenBazaar with a built-in currency.  There are tons of applications that would benefit with a dedicated blockchain.  This approach doesn't require speculators to bootstrap!</p></li><li><p><strong>Other interesting approaches</strong> - Post them on this thread or create a new thread in the "Apps" category!</p></li></ul>\n\n  <p>As you can see, there are several ways we could take Tendermint.  The approach that we'll take is the one that gets the most <em>quality</em> attention here, so spread the word and we'll see where this goes.</p>\n\n  <p>-Jae</p>\nedit_reason:\n- \n- ''\n	2	2014-11-20 00:11:43.436326	2014-11-20 00:14:01.246616	f
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