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Jonas Adler jadlr

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cryzed /
Last active August 31, 2024 13:05
A set of instructions on how to fix the harfbuzz + Infinality issue and restoring good-looking, Infinality-like font rendering.

Disclaimer: Please follow this guide being aware of the fact that I'm not an expert regarding the things outlined below, however I made my best attempt. A few people in IRC confirmed it worked for them and the results looked acceptable.

Attention: After following all the steps run gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache as root, this prevents various gdk-related bugs that have been reported in the last few hours. Symptoms are varied, and for Cinnamon the DE fails to start entirely while for XFCE the icon theme seemingly can't be changed anymore etc.

Check the gist's comments for any further tips and instructions, especially if you are running into problems!


Results after following the guide as of 11.01.2017 13:08:

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Prelude hiding (log)
-- The API for cloud files.
class Monad m => MonadCloud m where
saveFile :: Path -> Bytes -> m ()
joshrieken / Gulpfile.js
Last active July 10, 2019 15:33
Replacing Brunch with Gulp in Phoenix
// Contains support for: SASS/SCSS, concatenation, and minification for JS and CSS
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-ruby-sass');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var compress = require('gulp-yuicompressor');
follmann /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Elixir (1.0.3) Pin Operator failing for pattern matches in for comprehensions

pin operator behaviour in match pattern

match with a tuple

iex(1)> x = 2
iex(2)> {^x, y} = {2, 1}
{2, 1}
iex(3)> y
iex(4)> {^x, y} = {3, 1}
aaronlevin / reasonable.hs
Last active June 8, 2017 14:55
Reasonably Priced Monads in Haskell
-- | simple/basic Scala -> Haskell translation of Runar's presentation
-- | (
-- | trying to use minimal extensions and magic.
-- | (earlier I had a version using MultiParamTypeClasses for Runar's
-- | Inject class, but scraped it opting for simplicity)
-- | my question: what do we lose by moving towards simplicity?
-- | Future work: use DataKinds, TypeOperators, and potentially TypeFamilies
-- | to maintain and automate the folding of types in Coproduct.
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, DeriveFunctor #-}