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Created April 6, 2012 16:11
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# Flip things!!!
# flip <something> - Flips something
# flip <something>, <something else>, ... - Flips all the things
# FLIP!?|flip! <something> - Really flips something
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /FLIP( ME)? (.*)/, (msg) ->
msg.send flip_angry(msg.match[2])
robot.respond /flip( me)? ?(.*)?/, (msg) ->
what = msg.match[2]
if not what?
msg.send flip_calm()
what = what.split(',')
if what.length > 1
msg.send flip_all_the_things(what...)
msg.send flip_calm(what[0])
TABLE = '\u253B\u2501\u253B'
flip_calm = (what=TABLE) ->
flipper = "(\u256F\u00B0\u25A1\u00B0)\u256F\uFE35"
"#{flipper}#{flip_string what}"
flip_angry = (what) ->
flipper = "(\uFF89\u0CA5\u76CA\u0CA5)\uFF89\uFE35"
"#{flipper}#{flip_string what}"
flip_all_the_things = (what...) ->
flipper = "\uFE35\u30FD(`\u0414´)\uFF89\uFE35"
left = what.splice 0, what.length/2.0
"#{flip_string left.join(' ')}#{flipper}#{flip_string what.join(' ')}"
flip_string = (str) ->
mappings = #
'\u0021': '\u00A1', '\u0022': '\u201E', '\u0026': '\u214B'
'\u0027': '\u002C', '\u0028': '\u0029', '\u002E': '\u02D9'
'\u0033': '\u0190', '\u0034': '\u152D', '\u0036': '\u0039'
'\u0037': '\u2C62', '\u003B': '\u061B', '\u003C': '\u003E'
'\u003F': '\u00BF', '\u0041': '\u2200', '\u0042': '\u10412'
'\u0043': '\u2183', '\u0044': '\u25D6', '\u0045': '\u018E'
'\u0046': '\u2132', '\u0047': '\u2141', '\u004A': '\u017F'
'\u004B': '\u22CA', '\u004C': '\u2142', '\u004D': '\u0057'
'\u004E': '\u1D0E', '\u0050': '\u0500', '\u0051': '\u038C'
'\u0052': '\u1D1A', '\u0054': '\u22A5', '\u0055': '\u2229'
'\u0056': '\u1D27', '\u0059': '\u2144', '\u005B': '\u005D'
'\u005F': '\u203E', '\u0061': '\u0250', '\u0062': '\u0071'
'\u0063': '\u0254', '\u0064': '\u0070', '\u0065': '\u01DD'
'\u0066': '\u025F', '\u0067': '\u0183', '\u0068': '\u0265'
'\u0069': '\u0131', '\u006A': '\u027E', '\u006B': '\u029E'
'\u006C': '\u0283', '\u006D': '\u026F', '\u006E': '\u0075'
'\u0072': '\u0279', '\u0074': '\u0287', '\u0076': '\u028C'
'\u0077': '\u028D', '\u0079': '\u028E', '\u007B': '\u007D'
'\u203F': '\u2040', '\u2045': '\u2046', '\u2234': '\u2235'
'\u252C': '\u253B'
mappings[down] = upside for upside, down of mappings
(mappings[c] ? c for c in str).reverse().join("")
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