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Created November 25, 2009 16:35
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Chatrbox Fluid Userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name Chatrbox
// @namespace
// @description Simple Badge Icon script for Chatrbox
// @include *
// @author
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
if(window.fluid) {
var lastGrowl;
var loggedInAt = new Date();
function checkForMessages() {
var pageTitle = document.title
// Get message count from page title
getMessages = pageTitle.match(/Chatrbox - \((\d+)\)/)
// If there are new messages get them or set to 0
newMessages = (getMessages == null) ? 0 : getMessages[1]
// Update fluid badge
window.fluid.dockBadge = (newMessages == 0) ? '' : newMessages;
// Now to figure out how to check for @replies
// Find message container
message = $('.messages_container div.highlight:last')
posted = $('abbr', message).attr('title')
// Was this here when we logged in?
if(replyInPast(posted)) {
// Get message id
at_reply = message.attr('id')
// Find message
message = $('p', message).text()
// Find length to shorten string with
length = (message.length - 5)
// Remove Reply from message
message = message.substring(0, length)
// If this is a new @ do a growl
if(at_reply != lastGrowl) {
title: "Chatrbox : Unread Message",
description: message,
priority: 0,
sticky: false
// Remember last growl
lastGrowl = at_reply
function replyInPast(posted) {
date = posted.split(/-/)
time = date[2].split(/T/)
days = time[0]
time = time[1].substring(0, 8).split(/:/)
// Get this horrific date thing over with.
date = new Date(date[0], (parseInt(date[1])-1), days, time[0], time[1], time[2])
if(date >= loggedInAt) {
return true;
} else { return false; }
// Repeat every 5 seconds
window.setInterval(function(){checkForMessages();}, 5 * 1000);
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