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Created May 7, 2012 14:46
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Statamic Exceprt
title : Meat Tornado
excerpt: Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet drumstick spare ribs pastrami ground round, jerky pork chuck pork chop ham hock tail corned beef chicken andouille tongue biltong. Venison short ribs swine meatball prosciutto strip steak pork, tongue pancetta ham jerky. Bacon pig filet mignon.
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet drumstick spare ribs pastrami ground round, jerky pork chuck pork chop ham hock tail corned beef chicken andouille tongue biltong. Venison short ribs swine meatball prosciutto strip steak pork, tongue pancetta ham jerky. Bacon pig filet mignon brisket pork beef, meatball shoulder turkey swine tongue. Andouille sausage shankle, beef ribs pancetta pork loin corned beef flank brisket meatloaf ham hock short loin pastrami. Leberkas capicola tail pork belly rump, pig spare ribs pork.
Drumstick prosciutto tail, ham hock pork loin swine tongue frankfurter cow andouille shankle sausage chuck boudin. Ham hock rump ribeye pork belly ball tip, salami pig jerky. Tri-tip bacon tenderloin, pork loin meatball beef ribs pork chop short ribs jerky ham biltong ham hock. Andouille meatloaf shoulder venison, ball tip rump salami pork loin jerky jowl drumstick hamburger beef. Brisket flank strip steak, tail pork belly fatback pork loin hamburger filet mignon pork.
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