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Forked from gordthompson/
Last active January 11, 2024 13:22
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Build a PostgreSQL INSERT … ON CONFLICT statement and upsert a DataFrame
# version 1.2 - 2022-10-04
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa
import string, random
def df_upsert(data_frame, table_name, engine, schema=None, match_columns=None):
Perform an "upsert" on a PostgreSQL table from a DataFrame.
Constructs an INSERT … ON CONFLICT statement, uploads the DataFrame to a
temporary table, and then executes the INSERT.
data_frame : pandas.DataFrame
The DataFrame to be upserted.
table_name : str
The name of the target table.
engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine
The SQLAlchemy Engine to use.
schema : str, optional
The name of the schema containing the target table.
match_columns : list of str, optional
A list of the column name(s) on which to match. If omitted, the
primary key columns of the target table will be used.
table_spec = ""
if schema:
table_spec += '"' + schema.replace('"', '""') + '".'
table_spec += '"' + table_name.replace('"', '""') + '"'
df_columns = list(data_frame.columns)
if not match_columns:
insp = sa.inspect(engine)
match_columns = insp.get_pk_constraint(table_name, schema=schema)[
columns_to_update = [col for col in df_columns if col not in match_columns]
# generate a random temp table name
temp_table_name = "temp_table_" + "".join(
random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(10)
stmt = f"INSERT INTO {table_spec} ({insert_col_list})\n"
stmt += f"SELECT {insert_col_list} FROM {temp_table_name}\n"
match_col_list = ", ".join([f'"{col}"' for col in match_columns])
stmt += f"ON CONFLICT ({match_col_list}) DO UPDATE SET\n"
stmt += ", ".join([f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns_to_update])
with engine.begin() as conn:
conn.exec_driver_sql(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_name}")
f"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {temp_table_name} AS SELECT * FROM {table_spec} WHERE false"
data_frame.to_sql(temp_table_name, conn, if_exists="append", index=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Usage example adapted from
engine = sa.create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@")
# create example environment
with engine.begin() as conn:
conn.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_table")
"CREATE TABLE main_table (id int primary key, txt varchar(50), status varchar(50))"
"INSERT INTO main_table (id, txt, status) VALUES (1, 'row 1 old text', 'original')"
# [(1, 'row 1 old text', 'original')]
# DataFrame to upsert
df = pd.DataFrame(
[(2, "new row 2 text", "upserted"), (1, "row 1 new text", "upserted")],
columns=["id", "txt", "status"],
df_upsert(df, "main_table", engine)
"""The INSERT statement generated for this example:
INSERT INTO "main_table" ("id", "txt", "status")
SELECT "id", "txt", "status" FROM temp_table
"txt" = EXCLUDED."txt", "status" = EXCLUDED."status"
# check results
with engine.begin() as conn:
conn.exec_driver_sql("SELECT * FROM main_table").all()
# [(2, 'new row 2 text', 'upserted'), (1, 'row 1 new text', 'upserted')]
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robfe commented Dec 7, 2023


I think data_frame.to_sql can be faster if you pass method=multi, might be worth using/documenting?

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mtriedl commented Jan 11, 2024

Thanks for the script! When I tried to use it, line #44 has an undefined variable - insert_col_list.

In the original script, it was defined as:

insert_col_list = ", ".join([f'"{col_name}"' for col_name in df_columns])

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