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Created August 15, 2024 09:57
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`fmt`-style pretty printing, but of syntax objects
#lang racket
;; This module defines a Racket syntax formatter that uses pretty-expressive as
;; the underlying formatting engine. The formatter takes *syntax objects* as
;; input and produces a pretty-expressie document as output. Formatting occurs
;; in steps, similar to macro expansion: each step analyzes a syntax object and
;; returns a *partially formatted* syntax object, which consists of strings
;; interleaved with unformatted syntax objects representing the subforms of the
;; input object. Formatting begins with the outermost syntax object and
;; recursively traverses into unformatted subforms.
;; This doesn't have anywhere close to all of fmt's features. It's just a proof
;; of concept that explores an alternative formatting API that's driven by
;; syntax objects instead of a custom tokenizer and parser. Open questions:
;; - How hard is it to support a wider variety of forms?
;; - What about fixed-width indentation of subforms, like in a function's body?
;; - Rhombus attaches "raw source" to syntax objects via a property, can we use
;; that in order to recover the exact text of forms? See the "raw source"
;; property in for
;; details. Matthew mentioned being open to adding this property to objects
;; produced by the regular Racket reader as well.
;; - What about comments? Pretty important detail, that one.
(require guard
(module+ test
(require racket/syntax
;; An unformatted syntax object, to be formatted later by a subsequent pass.
(struct unformatted-syntax
(;; A string to concatenate before the syntax object once it's formatted.
;; The syntax object to format later.
;; A string to concatenate after the syntax object once it's formatted.
;; Either 'align, indicating this object needs to be wrapped with (align ...)
;; after it's formatted (and concatenated with the prefix and suffix), or
;; 'no-align indicating no alignment transformation needs to be made.
#:guard (struct-guard/c string? syntax? string? (or/c 'align 'no-align)))
;; A partially formatted syntax object, consisting of a series of strings and
;; unformatted subforms. We use strings instead of doc? objects so that equals
;; works correctly on instances of this struct.
(struct partially-formatted-syntax (pieces)
#:guard (struct-guard/c (listof (or/c string? unformatted-syntax?))))
;; Fully formats a syntax object into a pretty printable document.
(define/contract (syntax-format stx)
(-> syntax? doc?)
(define choices (syntax-format-partially stx))
(define formatted-choices
(for/list ([choice (in-list choices)])
(define doc-pieces
(for/list ([piece (in-list (partially-formatted-syntax-pieces choice))])
(match piece
[(? string?) (string->doc piece)]
[(unformatted-syntax prefix substx suffix 'no-align)
(<> (string->doc prefix) (syntax-format substx) (string->doc suffix))]
[(unformatted-syntax prefix substx suffix 'align)
(align (<> (string->doc prefix) (syntax-format substx) (string->doc suffix)))])))
(apply <> doc-pieces)))
(apply alt formatted-choices))
;; Utility for turning a string that may contain newlines into a doc? consisting
;; of concatenated text and hard newlines.
(define/contract (string->doc s)
(-> string? doc?)
(v-concat (map text (string-split s "\n" #:trim? #false))))
;; The main dispatch table, which chooses what formatters to use based on the shape
;; of the input syntax object. Returns a list of possible formats to choose from,
;; to be combined later with `alt`.
(define/contract (syntax-format-partially stx)
(-> syntax? (listof partially-formatted-syntax?))
(syntax-parse stx
[(~or atom:id atom:number) (list (format-atom stx))]
[(form ...) (list (format-one-line-s-exp stx) (format-multi-line-s-exp stx))]
[_ (list)]))
(define/contract (format-atom stx)
(-> syntax? partially-formatted-syntax?)
(syntax-parse stx
[(~or atom:id atom:number atom:string atom:keyword)
(partially-formatted-syntax (list (~s (syntax-e #'atom))))]))
(module+ test
(test-case "format-atom"
(check-equal? (format-atom #'hello) (partially-formatted-syntax (list "hello")))
(check-equal? (format-atom #'"hello") (partially-formatted-syntax (list "\"hello\"")))
(check-equal? (format-atom #'42) (partially-formatted-syntax (list "42")))
(check-equal? (format-atom #'#:hello) (partially-formatted-syntax (list "#:hello")))))
(define/contract (format-one-line-s-exp stx)
(-> syntax? partially-formatted-syntax?)
(define forms (syntax-parse stx [(form ...) (attribute form)]))
(define unformatted
(for/list ([form (in-list forms)])
(unformatted-syntax "" form "" 'no-align)))
(add-between unformatted (list " ")
#:before-first (list "(")
#:after-last (list ")")
#:splice? #true)))
(module+ test
(test-case "format-one-line-s-exp"
(define stx #'(+ 1 2 3))
(define/with-syntax (plus one two three) stx)
(check-equal? (format-one-line-s-exp stx)
(list "("
(unformatted-syntax "" #'plus "" 'no-align)
" "
(unformatted-syntax "" #'one "" 'no-align)
" "
(unformatted-syntax "" #'two "" 'no-align)
" "
(unformatted-syntax "" #'three "" 'no-align)
(define/contract (format-multi-line-s-exp stx)
(-> syntax? partially-formatted-syntax?)
(define forms (syntax-parse stx [(form ...) (attribute form)]))
(guard-match (cons head-form arg-forms) forms #:else
(partially-formatted-syntax (list "()")))
(define unformatted-head (unformatted-syntax "" head-form "" 'no-align))
(define arg-count (length arg-forms))
(guard (positive? arg-count) #:else
(partially-formatted-syntax (list "(" unformatted-head ")")))
(define unformatted-args
(for/list ([arg (in-list arg-forms)]
[i (in-naturals 1)])
(define arg-suffix (if (equal? i arg-count) "" "\n"))
(unformatted-syntax "" arg arg-suffix 'align)))
(append (list "(" unformatted-head " ") unformatted-args (list ")")))))
(module+ test
(test-case "format-multi-line-s-exp"
(define stx #'(+ 1 2 3))
(define/with-syntax (plus one two three) stx)
(check-equal? (format-multi-line-s-exp stx)
(list "("
(unformatted-syntax "" #'plus "" 'no-align)
" "
(unformatted-syntax "" #'one "\n" 'align)
(unformatted-syntax "" #'two "\n" 'align)
(unformatted-syntax "" #'three "" 'align)
;; Basic integration test of the whole shebang.
(module+ test
(test-case "syntax-format"
(define stx #'(+ 1 (+ 2 3 4) 5))
(check-equal? (pretty-format (syntax-format stx)) "(+ 1 (+ 2 3 4) 5)")
(check-equal? (pretty-format (syntax-format stx) #:page-width 10)
(+ 1
(+ 2
(check-equal? (pretty-format (syntax-format stx) #:page-width 15)
(+ 1
(+ 2 3 4)
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