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Created October 27, 2014 19:30
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import requests
import mysql.connector
import time
import re
from pprint import pprint
config = {
'user': 'root',
'password': 'root',
'host': 'localhost',
'port': '8889',
'database': 'sytykr',
list_of_subreddits_swf = ["AdviceAnimals", "aww", "woahdude", "foodporn",
"EarthPorn", "AbandonedPorn", "soccer", "Minecraft", "GlobalOffensive", "hearthstone", "MURICA",
"tf2", "cringe", "thatHappened", "spaceporn"
def tableCreate():
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
c = cnx.cursor()
c.execute("CREATE TABLE gameitem( ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, subreddit TEXT, title TEXT, image_url TEXT, post_url TEXT)")
def dataEntry(_subreddit, _title, _imageURL, _post_url):
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
c = cnx.cursor()
insert = ("""INSERT INTO gameitem
(subreddit, title, image_url, post_url )
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""")
data_value = (_subreddit, _title, _imageURL, _post_url)
c.execute(insert, data_value)
def dataScrape(itemAmount, subreddit_json, sr):
count = 0
items = 0
itemAmount_var = itemAmount
subreddit_json_var = subreddit_json
for i in subreddit_json_var['data']['children']:
base_url = subreddit_json_var['data']['children'][count]['data']
image_link = base_url['is_self']
domain_check = base_url['domain']
if image_link == False and domain_check == "":
items += 1
subreddit = base_url['subreddit']
title = base_url['title']
image_url = base_url['url']
post_url = base_url['permalink']
#image check
image_url = makeFriendlyUrls(image_url)
print ( "subreddit : " + subreddit )
print ( "title : " + title )
print ( "url : " + image_url)
print ( str(items) + "\n")
dataEntry(subreddit, title, image_url, post_url)
count += 1
if items >= itemAmount_var:
except KeyError as e:
# Ugly as hell but should there be a error when getting the JSON this will call remake which will then
# attempt to recreate the JSON and try again!
print("Key error now waiting 5 seconds.")
print("Running now")
dataScrape(itemAmount_var, makeSubredditJson(sr), sr)
def makeFriendlyUrls(image_url):
x = image_url[:-len(str(re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', image_url).group(1)))]
if x[-4:] == "gifv":
x = x[:-1]
elif x[-1:] == "?":
x = x[:-1]
#This is new here may break it ^
return x
except AttributeError:
return image_url
def makeSubredditJson(i):
makeURL = ""+i+".json"+"?limit=30"
print("Waiting to make request")
r = requests.get(makeURL)
return r.json()
def main(subreddit_list):
for subreddit in subreddit_list:
subreddit_json = makeSubredditJson(subreddit)
dataScrape(4, subreddit_json, subreddit)
choice = input("Would you like to (S)crape images or make a (T)able?")
if choice == "s":
elif choice == "t":
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