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Last active November 9, 2016 09:50
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
# Enables and opens the install tool of TYPO3 pages inside of a Homestead
# development box.
# - Requires a Homestead environment
# - Will fail for non-TYPO3 pages
# Usage:
# install_tool.rb
# => will touch ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the folder that is mapped to
# will also open
# Uses FirefoxDeveloperEdition as browser. change the @browser variable to
# use a different Browser.
#@browser = '/Applications/Google\';
@browser = '/Applications/';
@homestead = YAML.load_file(Dir.home + '/.homestead/Homestead.yaml')
# Resolves a path map: takes a path inside of the box, applies all path mappings
# and returns the path on the host system.
# Note: Returned paths may or may not exist on the host as not all paths in the box
# can be mapped to paths on the host
def findPathMap(pathInBox)
folders = @homestead['folders']
pathOnHost = pathInBox;
folders.each do |folder|
pathOnHost = pathOnHost.sub(folder['to'], folder['map'].sub('~', Dir.home))
return pathOnHost;
# Finds the homestead site configuration for the given hostname
# The host configuration is in the following format:
# { "map" => (HOSTNAME), "to" => (PATH IN BOX) }
def findSite(input)
puts "trying #{input}"
sites = @homestead['sites']
site = nil;
sites.each do |s|
site = s if s['map'] == input
return site
# Enables the install tool and opens it in a browser
def enableInstallToolAndOpen(site)
to = findPathMap(site['to'])
f = "#{to}/typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL";
url = "http://#{site['map']}/typo3/sysext/install/Start/Install.php";
puts "Toching #{f}"
puts `touch #{f}`
puts "Opening #{url}"
puts `open -a #{@browser} "#{url}"`
# ---------------------------
# gets user input
if ARGV.length == 0
puts "Please pass site as parameter"
input = ARGV[0];
site = findSite(input)
site = findSite(input.downcase) if site == nil
site = findSite(input + '.dev') if site == nil
site = findSite(input.downcase + '.dev') if site == nil
if site != nil
puts "No matching site was found"
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