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import React from 'react'; // required to use JSX
export const CapitalizedReferenceComponentCollectionExternals = (props) => {
// get references to all possible components
// that this component might render,
// and the collection of dynamic components we need to render,
// using destructuring
const { components: Components, collection } = props;
// A Capitalized reference to reuse
let Component;
// A reference to the component's props to reuse
let componentProps;
// A function which returns component.props if it exists,
// and otherwise returns props
const defaultMapPropsToComponent = function (
component = {},
props = {}
} = {}
) {
return component.props || props;
// render the component collection
( component ) => {
// Reference the proper component
Component = Components[ component.type ];
// Get the props you want to use for this component instance
// here we are assuming that you can specify a mapping function
// on the component definition, in props, or use the default
componentProps = (
component.mapPropsToComponent ||
props.mapPropsToComponent ||
)( component, props );
return (<Component { ...componentProps } />);
export default CapitalizedReferenceComponentCollectionExternals;
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