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Created February 23, 2021 09:55
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Change all Postgres foreign keys to on update cascade - generates sql which you can execute.
cl2.relname as child_table,
att2.attname as "child_column",
cl.relname as "parent_table",
att.attname as "parent_column",
'alter table ' || cl2.relname || ' drop constraint ' || conname || ';' as drop_stmt,
'alter table ' || cl2.relname || ' add constraint ' || conname
|| ' foreign key (' || att2.attname || ') references ' || cl.relname
|| ' on update cascade deferrable initially deferred;' as create_stmt
unnest(con1.conkey) as "parent",
unnest(con1.confkey) as "child",
pg_class cl
join pg_namespace ns on cl.relnamespace = ns.oid
join pg_constraint con1 on con1.conrelid = cl.oid
cl.relname not like 'django%' and cl.relname not like 'auth%'
and ns.nspname = 'public'
and con1.contype = 'f'
) con
join pg_attribute att on
att.attrelid = con.confrelid and att.attnum = con.child
join pg_class cl on
cl.oid = con.confrelid
join pg_class cl2 on cl2.oid = con.conrelid
join pg_attribute att2 on
att2.attrelid = con.conrelid and att2.attnum = con.parent;
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