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Created March 10, 2018 17:54
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Enigma Catalyst Commands

Catalyst command options

$ catalyst --help

Catalyst "run" command options

$ catalyst run --help
Usage: catalyst run [OPTIONS]

  Run a backtest for the given algorithm.

  -f, --algofile FILENAME         The file that contains the algorithm to run.
  -t, --algotext TEXT             The algorithm script to run.
  -D, --define TEXT               Define a name to be bound in the namespace
                                  before executing the algotext. For example
                                  '-Dname=value'. The value may be any python
                                  expression. These are evaluated in order so
                                  they may refer to previously defined names.
  --data-frequency [daily|minute]
                                  The data frequency of the simulation.
                                  [default: daily]
  --capital-base FLOAT            The starting capital for the simulation.
                                  [default: 10000000.0]
  -b, --bundle BUNDLE-NAME        The data bundle to use for the simulation.
                                  [default: poloniex]
  --bundle-timestamp TIMESTAMP    The date to lookup data on or before.
                                  [default: <current-time>]
  -s, --start DATE                The start date of the simulation.
  -e, --end DATE                  The end date of the simulation.
  -o, --output FILENAME           The location to write the perf data. If this
                                  is '-' the perf will be written to stdout.
                                  [default: -]
  --print-algo / --no-print-algo  Print the algorithm to stdout.
  -x, --exchange-name [poloniex|bitfinex|bittrex]
                                  The name of the targeted exchange
                                  (supported: bitfinex, bittrex, poloniex).
  -n, --algo-namespace TEXT       A label assigned to the algorithm for data
                                  storage purposes.
  -c, --base-currency TEXT        The base currency used to calculate
                                  statistics (e.g. usd, btc, eth).
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
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