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Created April 8, 2019 17:20
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web3 typescript memo
This file is part of web3.js.
web3.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
web3.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with web3.js. If not, see <>.
* @file index.d.ts
* @author Josh Stevens <>, Samuel Furter <>
* @date 2018
import {provider} from 'web3-providers';
import {
} from 'web3-core';
import {Contract, ContractOptions} from 'web3-eth-contract';
import {Iban} from 'web3-eth-iban';
import {Accounts} from 'web3-eth-accounts';
import {AbiCoder} from 'web3-eth-abi';
import {Network} from 'web3-net';
import {Personal} from 'web3-eth-personal';
import {AbiItem} from 'web3-utils';
import * as net from 'net';
export class Eth extends AbstractWeb3Module {
provider: provider,
net?: net.Socket | null,
options?: Web3ModuleOptions
Contract: new (jsonInterface: AbiItem[] | AbiItem, address?: string, options?: ContractOptions) => Contract;
Iban: new(iban: string) => Iban;
personal: Personal;
accounts: Accounts;
ens: any; // change once ens types as written
abi: AbiCoder;
net: Network;
clearSubscriptions(): Promise<boolean>;
subscribe(type: 'logs', options?: LogsOptions, callback?: (error: Error, log: Log) => void): Subscription<Log>;
subscribe(type: 'syncing', options?: null, callback?: (error: Error, result: Syncing) => void): Subscription<Syncing>;
subscribe(type: 'newBlockHeaders', options?: null, callback?: (error: Error, blockHeader: BlockHeader) => void): Subscription<BlockHeader>;
subscribe(type: 'pendingTransactions', options?: null, callback?: (error: Error, transactionHash: string) => void): Subscription<string>;
type: 'pendingTransactions' | 'logs' | 'syncing' | 'newBlockHeaders',
options?: null | LogsOptions,
callback?: (error: Error, item: Log | Syncing | BlockHeader | string) => void
): Subscription<Log | BlockHeader | Syncing | string>;
getProtocolVersion(callback?: (error: Error, protocolVersion: string) => void): Promise<string>;
isSyncing(callback?: (error: Error, syncing: Syncing) => void): Promise<Syncing | boolean>;
getCoinbase(callback?: (error: Error, coinbaseAddress: string) => void): Promise<string>;
isMining(callback?: (error: Error, mining: boolean) => void): Promise<boolean>;
getHashrate(callback?: (error: Error, hashes: number) => void): Promise<number>;
getGasPrice(callback?: (error: Error, gasPrice: string) => void): Promise<string>;
getAccounts(callback?: (error: Error, accounts: string[]) => void): Promise<string[]>;
getBlockNumber(callback?: (error: Error, blockNumber: number) => void): Promise<number>;
getBalance(address: string): Promise<string>;
getBalance(address: string, defaultBlock: string | number): Promise<string>;
getBalance(address: string, callback?: (error: Error, balance: string) => void): Promise<string>;
getBalance(address: string, defaultBlock: string | number, callback?: (error: Error, balance: string) => void): Promise<string>;
getStorageAt(address: string, position: number): Promise<string>;
getStorageAt(address: string, position: number, defaultBlock: number | string): Promise<string>;
getStorageAt(address: string, position: number, callback?: (error: Error, storageAt: string) => void): Promise<string>;
getStorageAt(address: string, position: number, defaultBlock: number | string, callback?: (error: Error, storageAt: string) => void): Promise<string>;
getCode(address: string): Promise<string>;
getCode(address: string, defaultBlock: string | number): Promise<string>;
getCode(address: string, callback?: (error: Error, code: string) => void): Promise<string>;
getCode(address: string, defaultBlock: string | number, callback?: (error: Error, code: string) => void): Promise<string>;
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number): Promise<Block>;
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number, returnTransactionObjects: boolean): Promise<Block>;
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number, callback?: (error: Error, block: Block) => void): Promise<Block>;
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number, returnTransactionObjects: boolean, callback?: (error: Error, block: Block) => void): Promise<Block>;
getBlockTransactionCount(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number, callback?: (error: Error, numberOfTransactions: number) => void): Promise<number>;
getUncle(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number, uncleIndex: number): Promise<Block>
getUncle(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number, uncleIndex: number, returnTransactionObjects: boolean): Promise<Block>
getUncle(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number, uncleIndex: number, callback?: (error: Error, uncle: {}) => void): Promise<Block>
getUncle(blockHashOrBlockNumber: string | number, uncleIndex: number, returnTransactionObjects: boolean, callback?: (error: Error, uncle: {}) => void): Promise<Block>
getTransaction(transactionHash: string, callback?: (error: Error, transaction: Transaction) => void): Promise<Transaction>;
getTransactionFromBlock(hashStringOrNumber: string | number, indexNumber: number, callback?: (error: Error, transaction: Transaction) => void): Promise<Transaction>;
getTransactionReceipt(hash: string, callback?: (error: Error, transactionReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => void): Promise<TransactionReceipt>;
getTransactionCount(address: string): Promise<number>;
getTransactionCount(address: string, defaultBlock: number | string): Promise<number>;
getTransactionCount(address: string, callback?: (error: Error, count: number) => void): Promise<number>;
getTransactionCount(address: string, defaultBlock: number | string, callback?: (error: Error, count: number) => void): Promise<number>;
sendTransaction(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig, callback?: (error: Error, hash: string) => void): PromiEvent<TransactionReceipt>;
sendSignedTransaction(signedTransactionData: string, callback?: (error: Error, gas: string) => void): PromiEvent<TransactionReceipt>
sign(dataToSign: string, address: string | number, callback?: (error: Error, signature: string) => void): Promise<string>;
signTransaction(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig, callback?: (error: Error, signedTransaction: RLPEncodedTransaction) => void): Promise<RLPEncodedTransaction>;
signTransaction(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig, address: string): Promise<RLPEncodedTransaction>;
signTransaction(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig, address: string, callback: (error: Error, signedTransaction: RLPEncodedTransaction) => void): Promise<RLPEncodedTransaction>;
call(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig): Promise<string>;
call(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig, defaultBlock?: number | string): Promise<string>;
call(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig, callback?: (error: Error, data: string) => void): Promise<string>;
call(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig, defaultBlock: number | string, callback: (error: Error, data: string) => void): Promise<string>;
estimateGas(transactionConfig: TransactionConfig, callback?: (error: Error, gas: number) => void): Promise<number>;
getPastLogs(options: PastLogsOptions, callback?: (error: Error, logs: Log[]) => void): Promise<Log[]>;
getWork(callback?: (error: Error, result: string[]) => void): Promise<string[]>;
submitWork(data: [string, string, string], callback?: (error: Error, result: boolean) => void): Promise<boolean>;
export interface Methods {
property?: string;
methods: Method[];
export interface Method {
name: string;
call: string;
params?: number;
inputFormatter?: Array<(() => void) | null>;
outputFormatter?: () => void;
export interface Syncing {
startingBlock: number;
currentBlock: number;
highestBlock: number;
knownStates: number;
pulledStates: number;
export interface BlockHeader {
number: number
hash: string
parentHash: string
nonce: string
sha3Uncles: string
logsBloom: string
transactionRoot: string
stateRoot: string
receiptRoot: string
miner: string
extraData: string
gasLimit: number
gasUsed: number
timestamp: number
export interface Block extends BlockHeader {
transactions: Transaction[];
size: number
difficulty: number
totalDifficulty: number
uncles: string[];
export interface PastLogsOptions {
fromBlock?: number | string;
toBlock?: number | string;
address?: string | string[];
topics?: Array<string | string[]>;
export interface LogsOptions {
fromBlock?: number | string;
address?: string | string[];
topics?: Array<string | string[]>
export interface Subscription<T> {
id: string;
options: {};
subscribe(callback?: (error: Error, result: T) => void): Subscription<T>;
unsubscribe(callback?: (error: Error, result: boolean) => void): Promise<undefined | boolean>;
on(type: 'data', handler: (data: T) => void): void
on(type: 'changed', handler: (data: T) => void): void
on(type: 'error', handler: (data: Error) => void): void
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