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iwein /
Created October 11, 2016 09:30
The anatomy of a good testcase
public void shouldWorkAccordingToInstructions() {
//given (instructor is a mock injected in a worker)
//when (operate the SUT)
ParticularResult result =;
iwein / str-cmp.js
Created December 15, 2012 10:15 — forked from anonymous/str-cmp.js
//make sure you understand what's happening here, you'll thank me some day
'foo' === 'bar'
'foo' === 'foo'
//watch out!
!'foo' === 'foo'
# Get the binaries and move them to the right place
cd /tmp/
tar xvjf phantomjs-1.7.0-linux-i686.tar.bz2
mv phantomjs-1.7.0-linux-i686 /opt/
# Make it available to Testacular
sudo ln -s /opt/phantomjs-1.7.0-linux-i686/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/phantomjs
# If you don't want that symlink you can `export PHANTOMJS_BIN=/opt/phantomjs-1.7.0-linux-i686/bin/phantomjs` instead.
iwein /
Created November 11, 2012 06:48
Install git on linux
git clone git://
cd node
git checkout v0.8.14-release #latest version
./configure make sudo make install
#Confirm with
node -v
npm -v.
iwein / testacular-junit-bamboo.js
Created November 11, 2012 06:45
Testacular junit config for Bamboo
junitReporter = {
// will be resolved to basePath (in the same way as files/exclude patterns)
outputFile: 'test-results.xml'
iwein /
Created May 7, 2012 17:28 scheduler
from iron_worker import *
//you could read this from a file or stdin if you're not too lazy
payload = {'herokuping':{'hosts': ['', '']}}
worker = IronWorker(config='config.ini')
name = "heroku-pinger"
zipFile = IronWorker.createZip(files=[""],
destination="", overwrite=True)
iwein /
Created May 7, 2012 17:26
worker script
//there's an argument payload that gets a json file passed in containing the hosts
args = parser.parse_args()
hosts = False
if args.payload is not None:
payload = json.loads(open(args.payload).read())
if 'herokuping' in payload:
hosts = (payload['herokuping']['hosts'])
iwein / fit.scala
Created November 22, 2011 21:01
LinearFit full code
object LinearFit {
def through (points : (Double,Double)*) : (Double, Double) = {
val (xTotal,yTotal) = ((0.0,0.0) /: points) { case ((xA, yA), (x, y)) => (xA + x, yA + y) }
val (xAverage, yAverage) = (xTotal / points.size , yTotal / points.size)
val (squareSumXX, squareSumXY) = ((0.0,0.0) /: points) {
case ((ssxx, ssxy), (x, y)) => (ssxx + pow(x - xAverage, 2),
ssxy + (x - xAverage) * (y - yAverage))
val b = (squareSumXY / squareSumXX)
(yAverage - b * xAverage, b)
iwein / test.scala
Created November 22, 2011 20:46
Combined fit and histogram
LinearFit through (Histogram of hitTimes)
iwein / test.scala
Created November 22, 2011 20:44
Designing an api in scala
LinearFit through ((0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0)) must beEqualTo(1, 0)