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Last active May 28, 2020 13:14
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(ns sample.solve-maze)
(defn visited
(concat (vals (:transitions maze))
(keys (:transitions maze))))
(def escape
:clear "\033[2J"
:reset "\u001B[0m"
:black "\u001B[30m"
:red "\u001B[31m"
:green "\u001B[32m"
:yellow "\u001B[33m"
:blue "\u001B[34m"
:cyan "\u001B[36m"
:gray "\u001B[37m"
(defn str-point
(str (color escape) "\u2588\u2588"))
(defn str-row
[maze y]
(apply str
(for [x (range (:width maze))]
(let [point [x y]]
(= point (:start maze)) :red
(= point (:end maze)) :blue
(some #{point} (:solution maze)) :green
(some #{point} (:open maze)) :cyan
(some #{point} (visited maze)) :yellow
((:points maze) point) :gray
:else :black)))))
'(defn print-maze [maze _] (println "===>" (dissoc maze :points)))
(defn print-maze
[maze last?]
(print (str
(:clear escape)
(apply str (for [y (range (:height maze))]
(str-row maze y)))
(:reset escape)
(when-not last? (System/lineSeparator))))
(Thread/sleep (:delay maze)))
(defn neighbors
[maze [x y]]
(let [around [[(dec x) y] [(inc x) y] [x (dec y)] [x (inc y)]]
valid (keep #((:points maze) %) around)
not-seen (filter #(and (not (some #{%} (:open maze)))
(not (some #{%} (visited maze)))) valid)
result (case (:algorithm maze)
:deterministic not-seen
:random (shuffle not-seen))]
(vec result)))
(defn next-step
(let [opens (:open maze)
found-end (some #{(:end maze)} (keys (:transitions maze)))]
(if (or (empty? opens)
(assoc maze :status :solved)
(let [open-item (first opens)
new-neighbors (neighbors maze open-item)
with-neighbors (concat opens new-neighbors)
with-neighbors-wout-item (remove #(= open-item %) with-neighbors)
new-transitions (map #(vector % open-item) new-neighbors)]
(-> maze
(assoc :open with-neighbors-wout-item)
(update :transitions #(apply conj % new-transitions)))))))
(defn find-solution
(loop [prev (:end maze)
maze maze]
(if prev
(print-maze maze false)
(recur ((:transitions maze) prev)
(update maze :solution #(conj % prev))))
(print-maze maze true))))
(defn solve
(loop [maze (assoc maze :status :solving
:open [(:start maze)]
:transitions {}
:solution [])]
(print-maze maze false)
(if (not= :solved (:status maze))
(recur (next-step maze))
(find-solution maze))))
(def width 11)
(def height 11)
(def maze {:width width
:height height
:points (set
(for [x (range width)
y (range height)
:when (or (even? x) (even? y))
;:when (or (even? x) (zero? (mod y 5)))
[x y]))
:start [0 0]
:end [8 9]
;:algorithm :deterministic
:algorithm :random
:delay 10
(solve maze)
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