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Last active May 25, 2020 08:57
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(ns sample.sample-core
(:require [clojure.repl :refer :all]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))
; List comprehension
; Works for negative numbers
(defn find-sum-1
"Find the first continuous sub-sequence of elements having the sum.
Return the start-index and length of the sub-sequence.
Return [-1 -1] if no such sub-sequence exists."
[col sum]
(let [matches-seq (for [start-index (range 0 (count col))
length (range 1 (-> (count col)
(- start-index)
(when (= sum (apply + (->> col
(drop start-index)
(take length))))
[start-index length]))]
(or (->> matches-seq
(filter identity)
[-1 -1])))
; Loop & recur
; Does NOT work for negative numbers
(defn find-sum-2
"...same as above..."
[col sum]
;(println "====" sum)
(let [v (vec col)
total-length (count v)]
(loop [start-index 0
length 1]
(let [sub-vec (subvec v start-index (+ start-index length))
sub-sum (apply + sub-vec)
can-expand (< (+ start-index length) total-length)
can-shrink (> length 1)]
;(println "start-index" start-index "sub-sum" sub-sum "sub-vec" sub-vec)
(and (< sub-sum sum) can-expand) (recur start-index (inc length)) ; expand to right
(and (> sub-sum sum) can-shrink) (recur (inc start-index) (dec length)) ; shrink from left
(and (> sub-sum sum) can-expand) (recur (inc start-index) length) ; shift to right
(= sub-sum sum) [start-index length]
:else [-1 -1])))))
; Works also on infinite seq's
; Keeps the running sum to avoid re-computing it
; Does NOT work for negative numbers
(defn find-sum-3
"...same as above..."
[col sum]
;(println "====" sum)
(loop [start-index 0
sub-vec [(first col)]
sub-sum (first col)
col (rest col)]
(let [next-item (first col)
length (count sub-vec)
can-shrink (> length 1)]
;(println "start-index" start-index "sub-sum" sub-sum "length" length "next-item" next-item "sub-vec" sub-vec)
(and (< sub-sum sum) next-item) (recur start-index ; expand to right
(conj sub-vec next-item)
(+ sub-sum next-item)
(rest col))
(and (> sub-sum sum) can-shrink) (recur (inc start-index) ; shrink from left
(vec (rest sub-vec))
(- sub-sum (first sub-vec))
(and (> sub-sum sum) next-item) (recur (inc start-index) ; shift to right
(conj (vec (rest sub-vec)) next-item)
(+ sub-sum (- (first sub-vec)) next-item)
(rest col))
(= sub-sum sum) [start-index length] ; match
:else [-1 -1]
(deftest find-sum-test
(let [standard-data [5, 4, 3, 9, 7, 2, 4, 61, 7, 8]
tested-fn find-sum-3]
(testing "Finite collection"
(is (= [0 3] (tested-fn standard-data 12)) "Match at the start")
(is (= [1 2] (tested-fn standard-data 7)) "Match right after start")
(is (= [1 3] (tested-fn standard-data 16)) "Longer match right after start")
(is (= [7 1] (tested-fn standard-data 61)) "Single match in the middle")
(is (= [7 2] (tested-fn standard-data 68)) "Multiple match in the middle")
(is (= [-1 -1] (tested-fn [5, 4] 68)) "Not found")
(is (= [-1 -1] (tested-fn [5, 4, 9] 8)) "Not found, prevent start-index overflow")
(is (= [-1 -1] (tested-fn [1 2 3] 0)) "Not found, zero sum does not mean empty sub-seq")
(is (= [8 2] (tested-fn standard-data 15)) "Match at the end")
(is (= [9 1] (tested-fn standard-data 8)) "Match last")
(is (= [2 3] (tested-fn '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 12)) "Works for a list too")
(is (= [99 1] (tested-fn (conj (vec (take 99 (repeat 1))) 100) 100)) "Edge case for version 2")
(testing "Negative numbers"
(is (= [2 3] (tested-fn [1 2 3 -1 -2 4 5] 0)) "Zero")
(testing "Infinite sequence"
(is (= [47 6] (tested-fn (iterate inc 1)
(->> (iterate inc 48)
(take 6)
(apply +)))))
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