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Created April 1, 2021 14:41
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Generated by XState Viz:
let count = 0;
const functionThatCanFail = async () => {
const urls = [
const user = await fetch(urls[count]);
if (count > 3) {
count = 0;
return user;
// Health check will make a request with a small payload to see if the system is operational
// If the server responds with 200 then continue with the requests.
const healthCheck = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve({ message: "system recovered" });
}, 2000);
// Conditional to check if we should trip the circuit
const shouldTripCircuit = (ctx, _evt) => {
console.log((ctx.failure / ctx.fired) * 100 > ctx.errorThresholdPercentage);
return (ctx.failure / ctx.fired) * 100 > ctx.errorThresholdPercentage;
const fetchMachine = Machine({
id: "circuit-breaker",
initial: "closed",
context: {
message: null,
user: null,
failure: 0,
success: 0,
fired: 0,
timeout: 2000,
errorThresholdPercentage: 50, // Conditionally trip circuit if error threshold is more than 50%
openTimeout: 5000
states: {
closed: {
on: {
{ target: "open", cond: shouldTripCircuit },
{ target: "loading" }
after: {
3000: {
actions: "resetMessage",
cond: (ctx) => !!ctx.message
exit: "increaseFired"
loading: {
invoke: {
src: "serviceThatCanFail",
onDone: {
target: "success",
actions: "assignUser"
onError: {
target: "open"
open: {
entry: ["increaseFailure", "resetUser", "notifyFailure"],
after: {
on: {
FETCH: "fail-safe"
"half-open": {
entry: ["resetSuccess", "resetMessage"],
on: {
FETCH: "health-check"
"health-check": {
entry: assign({
message: "Checking if systems are operational"
invoke: {
src: healthCheck,
onDone: {
target: "closed",
actions: ["resetFailure", "notifySuccess"] // Maybe increase the success counter here?
onError: "open"
"fail-safe": {
entry: ["notifyFailure", "increaseFired"],
always: "open"
success: {
entry: "increaseSuccess",
always: "closed"
actions: {
increaseSuccess: assign({
success: ctx => ctx.success + 1
increaseFailure: assign({
failure: ctx => ctx.failure + 1
increaseFired: assign({
fired: ctx => ctx.fired + 1
resetFailure: assign({
failure: 0,
errorMessage: null
resetSuccess: assign({
success: 0
resetUser: assign({
user: null
resetMessage: assign({
message: null
notifyFailure: assign({
message: ctx =>
`System failed. Please try again later. Failure: ${ctx.failure}`,
user: null
notifySuccess: assign({
message: "All systems operational"
assignUser: assign({ user: (ctx, event) => })
services: {
serviceThatCanFail: async () => {
const resp = await functionThatCanFail();
if (!resp.ok) {
throw new Error("User not found");
} else {
return resp.json();
delays: {
HALF_OPEN_INTERVAL: (ctx, event) => {
return ctx.openTimeout;
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