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Last active May 4, 2018 14:38
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Value Polymorphism with Clojure Style Overloaded Functions
// type constructor
const toTypeTag = x => {
const tag =;
return tag.slice(tag.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1, -1);
const TAG = Symbol("TAG");
const Type = name => {
const Type = tag => Dcons => {
const t = new Tcons();
{value: Dcons});
t[TAG] = tag;
return t;
const Tcons =
Function(`return function ${name}() {}`) ();
Tcons.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = name;
return Type;
// custom type
const Option = Type("Option");
const None = Option("None") (cases => cases.None);
const Some = x => Option("Some") (cases => cases.Some(x));
// overloaded functions
const overload = (name, dispatch) => {
const pairs = new Map();
return {
[`${name}Add`]: (k, v) => pairs.set(k, v),
[`${name}Lookup`]: k => pairs.get(k),
[name]: x => {
const r = pairs.get(dispatch(x));
if (r === undefined)
throw new OverloadError(
"invalid overloaded function call"
+ `\n\n${name} cannot dispatch on ${dispatch(x)}`
+ "\n\non the 1st call"
+ "\nin the 1st argument"
+ `\n\nfor the given value of type ${toTypeTag(x)}`
+ "\n");
else if (typeof r === "function")
return r(x);
else return r;
const overload2 = (name, dispatch) => {
const pairs = new Map();
return {
[`${name}Add`]: (k, v) => pairs.set(k, v),
[`${name}Lookup`]: k => pairs.get(k),
[name]: x => y => {
if (typeof x === "function" && (VALUE in x))
x = x(y);
else if (typeof y === "function" && (VALUE in y))
y = y(x);
const r = pairs.get(dispatch(x, y));
if (r === undefined)
throw new OverloadError(
"invalid overloaded function call"
+ `\n\n${name} cannot dispatch on ${dispatch(x)}/${dispatch(y)}`
+ "\n\non the 1st/2nd call"
+ "\nin the 1st argument"
+ `\n\nfor the given values of type ${toTypeTag(x)}/${toTypeTag(y)}`
+ "\n");
else if (typeof r === "function")
return r(x) (y);
else return r;
class OverloadError extends Error {
constructor(s) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, OverloadError);
const dispatcher = (...args) => => {
const tag =;
return tag.slice(tag.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1, -1);
const VALUE = Symbol("VALUE");
// typeclasses
const {appendAdd, appendLookup, append} =
overload2("append", dispatcher);
const {emptyAdd, emptyLookup, empty} =
overload("empty", toTypeTag);
empty[VALUE] = "empty";
// typeclass instances
emptyAdd("Option", None);
emptyAdd("String", "");
appendAdd("Option/Option", tx => ty => tx.runOption({
None: ty,
Some: x => ty.runOption({
None: tx,
Some: y => Some(append(x) (y))})}));
appendAdd("String/String", s => t => `${s}${t}`);
const id = x => x;
// with primitives
"append(String) (String)", append("foo") ("bar")
); // "foobar"
"append(String) (empty)", append("foo") (empty)
); // "foo"
"append(empty) (String)", append(empty) ("bar")
); // "bar"
// with composite types
"append(Some) (Some)", append(Some("foo")) (Some("bar")).runOption({Some: id, None: id})
); // "foobar"
"append(Some) (empty)", append(Some("foo")) (empty).runOption({Some: id, None: id})
); // "foo"
"append(empty) (Some)", append(empty) (Some("bar")).runOption({Some: id, None: id})
); // "bar"
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