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Last active February 17, 2022 07:46
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Jenkins - Create a Jenkins job via groovy script that; cleans before checkout, shallow clone, sparse checkout only the Jenkinsfile and set lightweight - #jenkins #groovy #jenkins-job #jenkins-git #git #jenkinsfile
// imports
import hudson.plugins.git.*
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.*
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.*
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
// parameters
def jobParameters = [
name: 'MyJob',
description: 'Build of my STG environment :',
repository: '',
branch: 'master',
credentialId: 'jenkins-key'
// define repo configuration
def branchConfig = [new BranchSpec(jobParameters.branch)]
def userConfig = [new UserRemoteConfig(jobParameters.repository, null, null, jobParameters.credentialId)]
def cleanBeforeCheckOutConfig = new CleanBeforeCheckout()
def sparseCheckoutPathConfig = new SparseCheckoutPaths([new SparseCheckoutPath("Jenkinsfile")])
def cloneConfig = new CloneOption(true, true, null, 3)
def extensionsConfig = [cleanBeforeCheckOutConfig,sparseCheckoutPathConfig,cloneConfig]
def scm = new GitSCM(userConfig, branchConfig, false, [], null, null, extensionsConfig)
// define SCM flow
def flowDefinition = new org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScmFlowDefinition(scm, "Jenkinsfile")
// set lightweight checkout
// get Jenkins instance
Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance()
// create the job
def job = new org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob(jenkins,
// define job type
job.definition = flowDefinition
// set job description
// save to disk
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Hi Ivan, can u help me for writing a jenkinsfile for the multibranch pipeline? I have written but I m facing one issue in the multibranch pipeline, there no feature for sparse checkout in Jenkins for multibranch, I have gitlab repository repo structure like for the master branch like
dir test1>folder A>microservice 1> dockerfile & jenkinsfile
>microservice 2>
>folder B
>folder C
dir test2
dir test3

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Hi Ivan, can u help me for writing a jenkinsfile for the multibranch pipeline? I have written but I m facing one issue in the multibranch pipeline, there no feature for sparse checkout in Jenkins for multibranch, I have gitlab repository repo structure like for the master branch like
dir test1>folder A>microservice 1> dockerfile & jenkinsfile

microservice 2>
folder B
folder C
dir test2
dir test3

Hi @psingh2525,

Please check this, I think is what you are looking for.


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