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Last active September 9, 2024 11:36
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  • Save iuliandita/a4c1dd0e25460af91ebeeef51e0ef7ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iuliandita/a4c1dd0e25460af91ebeeef51e0ef7ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Alacritty TOML config file, with all defaults present (commented out), in the proper order. Color scheme is Catpuccin Mocha.
# alacritty.toml
# commented lines are the defaults
# man 5 alacritty (>0.13) for full config manual
#import = [
program = "/usr/bin/zsh"
args = [ "--login", ]
#working_directory = "None"
#live_config_reload = true
#ipc_socket = true
TERM = "xterm-256color"
#dimensions = { columns = 0, lines = 0 }
#position = { x = 0, y = 0 }
padding = { x = 2, y = 2 }
#dynamic_padding = true
decorations = "None"
opacity = 1.0
blur = true
#startup_mode = "Windowed"
#title = "Alacritty"
#dynamic_title = true
#class = { instance = "Alacritty", general = "Alacritty" }
#decorations_theme_variant = "None"
#resize_increments = false
#option_as_alt = "None"
history = 65535
#multiplier = 3
normal = { family = "FantasqueSansMNerdFont Propo", style = "Regular" }
bold = { family = "FantasqueSansMNerdFont Propo", style = "Bold" }
italic = { family = "FantasqueSansMNerdFont Propo", style = "Italic" }
bold_italic = { family = "FantasqueSansMNerdFont Propo", style = "Bold Italic" }
#size = 11.25
offset = { x = 0, y = 0 }
glyph_offset = { x = 0, y = 0 }
#builtin_box_drawing = true
# catpuccin-mocha, ported from .yml
background = "#1E1E2E"
foreground = "#CDD6F4"
dim_foreground = "#CDD6F4"
bright_foreground = "#CDD6F4"
text = "#1E1E2E"
cursor = "#F5E0DC"
text = "#1E1E2E"
cursor = "#B4BEFE"
foreground = "#1E1E2E"
background = "#A6ADC8"
foreground = "#1E1E2E"
background = "#A6E3A1"
foreground = "#1E1E2E"
background = "#F9E2AF"
foreground = "#1E1E2E"
background = "#A6ADC8"
#foreground = "None"
#background = "None"
foreground = "#1E1E2E"
background = "#A6ADC8"
text = "#1E1E2E"
background = "#F5E0DC"
black = "#45475A"
red = "#F38BA8"
green = "#A6E3A1"
yellow = "#F9E2AF"
blue = "#89B4FA"
magenta = "#F5C2E7"
cyan = "#94E2D5"
white = "#BAC2DE"
black = "#585B70"
red = "#F38BA8"
green = "#A6E3A1"
yellow = "#F9E2AF"
blue = "#89B4FA"
magenta = "#F5C2E7"
cyan = "#94E2D5"
white = "#A6ADC8"
black = "#45475A"
red = "#F38BA8"
green = "#A6E3A1"
yellow = "#F9E2AF"
blue = "#89B4FA"
magenta = "#F5C2E7"
cyan = "#94E2D5"
white = "#BAC2DE"
indexed_colors = [
{ index = 16, color = "#FAB387" },
{ index = 17, color = "#F5E0DC" },
#transparent_background_colors = false
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors = true
animation = "EaseOutExpo"
duration = 0
color = "#C0C5CE"
command = { program = "notify-send", args = ["alacritty", "bell",] }
#semantic_escape_chars = ",│‘|:"' ()[]{}<>t"
save_to_clipboard = true
shape = "Beam"
blinking = "Always"
shape = "Block"
blinking = "Off"
blink_interval = 500
blink_timeout = 0
#unfocused_hollow = true
#thickness = 0.15
#osc52 = "OnlyCopy"
hide_when_typing = true
bindings = [
{ mouse = "Middle", action = "PasteSelection" },
#alphabet = "jfkdls;ahgurieowpq"
#command = "xdg-open"
## command = "open" # On macOS
## command = { program = "cmd", args = [ "/c", "start", "" ] } # On Windows
#hyperlinks = true
#post_processing = true
#persist = false
#mouse.enabled = true
#binding = { key = "U", mods = "Control|Shift" }
#regex = "(ipfs:|ipns:|magnet:|mailto:|gemini://|gopher://|https://|http://|news:|file:|git://|ssh:|ftp://)[^\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F<>\"\\s{-}\\^⟨⟩‘]+"
bindings = [
{ key = "V", mods = "Control|Shift", action = "Paste" },
{ key = "C", mods = "Control|Shift", action = "Copy" },
{ key = "Paste", action = "Paste" },
{ key = "Copy", action = "Copy" },
{ key = "Insert", mods = "Shift", action = "PasteSelection" },
{ key = "F", mods = "Control|Shift", action = "SearchForward", mode = "~Search" },
{ key = "B", mods = "Control|Shift", action = "SearchBackward", mode = "~Search" },
{ key = "Key0", mods = "Control", action = "ResetFontSize" },
{ key = "Equals", mods = "Control", action = "IncreaseFontSize" },
{ key = "Minus", mods = "Control", action = "DecreaseFontSize" },
{ key = "L", mods = "Control", action = "ClearLogNotice" },
{ key = "L", mods = "Control", chars = "\f" },
{ key = "PageUp", mods = "Shift", action = "ScrollPageUp", mode = "~Alt" },
{ key = "PageDown", mods = "Shift", action = "ScrollPageDown", mode = "~Alt" },
{ key = "Up", mods = "Shift", action = "ScrollLineUp", mode = "~Alt" },
{ key = "Down", mods = "Shift", action = "ScrollLineDown", mode = "~Alt" },
{ key = "Home", mods = "Shift", action = "ScrollToTop", mode = "~Alt" },
{ key = "End", mods = "Shift", action = "ScrollToBottom", mode = "~Alt" },
#render_timer = false
#persistent_logging = false
#log_level = "Warn"
#renderer = "None"
#print_events = false
#highlight_damage = false
#prefer_egl = false
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