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Last active February 27, 2023 13:55
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* An enum that contains all games that support events through Overwolf
const OverwolfGameWithEventSupport = {
APEX: 21566,
CSGO: 7764,
DOTA2: 7314,
DOTAUnderlords: 21586,
EscapeFromTarkov: 21634,
Fortnite: 21216,
Hearthstone: 9898,
HeroesOfTheStorm: 10624,
LeagueOfLegends: 5426,
LegendsOfRuneterra: 21620,
MTGArena: 21308,
PUBG: 10906,
PUBGLite: 21598,
PathOfExile: 7212,
RainbowSixSiege: 10826,
RocketLeague: 10798,
Splitgate: 21404,
StarCraft2: 5855,
TeamfightTactics: 5426,
Valorant: 21640,
WorldOfTanks: 6365,
WorldOfWarcraft: 765,
WorldOfWarships: 10746
* Enum that contains the supported events per game, these will automatically register with setRequiredFeatures when the game is detected
const OverwolfGameSupportedEvents = {
APEX: ['gep_internal', 'me', 'team', 'kill', 'damage', 'death', 'revive', 'match_state', 'match_info', 'inventory', 'location', 'match_summary', 'roster', 'rank', 'kill_feed'],
CSGO: ['gep_internal', 'match_info', 'kill', 'death', 'assist', 'headshot', 'round_start', 'match_start', 'match_info', 'match_end', 'team_round_win', 'bomb_planted', 'bomb_change', 'reloading', 'fired', 'weapon_change', 'weapon_acquired', 'info', 'roster', 'player_activity_change', 'team_set', 'replay', 'counters', 'mvp', 'scoreboard', 'kill_feed'],
DOTA2: ['gep_internal', 'game_state_changed', 'match_state_changed', 'match_detected', 'daytime_changed', 'clock_time_changed', 'ward_purchase_cooldown_changed', 'match_ended', 'kill', 'assist', 'death', 'cs', 'xpm', 'gpm', 'gold', 'hero_leveled_up', 'hero_respawned', 'hero_buyback_info_changed', 'hero_boughtback', 'hero_health_mana_info', 'hero_status_effect_changed', 'hero_attributes_skilled', 'hero_ability_skilled', 'hero_ability_used', 'hero_ability_cooldown_changed', 'hero_ability_changed', 'hero_item_cooldown_changed', 'hero_item_changed', 'hero_item_used', 'hero_item_consumed', 'hero_item_charged', 'match_info', 'roster', 'party', 'error', 'hero_pool', 'me', 'game'],
DOTAUnderlords: ['gep_internal', 'match_info'],
EscapeFromTarkov: ['gep_internal', 'match_info', 'game_info'],
Fortnite: ['gep_internal', 'kill', 'killed', 'revived', 'death', 'match', 'match_info', 'rank', 'me', 'phase', 'location', 'team', 'items', 'counters'],
Hearthstone: ['gep_internal', 'scene_state', 'collection', 'decks', 'match', 'match_info'],
HeroesOfTheStorm: ['gep_internal', 'match_info', 'me', 'game_info', 'roster', 'death', 'kill'],
LeagueOfLegends: ['gep_internal', 'live_client_data', 'matchState', 'match_info', 'death', 'respawn', 'abilities', 'kill', 'assist', 'gold', 'minions', 'summoner_info', 'gameMode', 'teams', 'level', 'announcer', 'counters', 'damage', 'heal'],
LegendsOfRuneterra: ['game_client_data'],
MTGArena: ['gep_internal', 'game_info', 'match_info'],
PUBG: ['gep_internal', 'kill', 'revived', 'death', 'killer', 'match', 'rank', 'counters', 'location', 'me', 'team', 'phase', 'map', 'roster'],
PUBGLite: ['gep_internal', 'kill', 'revived', 'death', 'killer', 'match', 'rank', 'me', 'phase', 'map', 'team_feed'],
PathOfExile: ['gep_internal', 'kill', 'death', 'me', 'match_info'],
RainbowSixSiege: ['gep_internal', 'game_info', 'match', 'match_info', 'roster', 'kill', 'death', 'me'],
RocketLeague: ['gep_internal', 'stats', 'teamGoal', 'opposingTeamGoal', 'match', 'roster', 'me', 'match_info'],
Splitgate: ['gep_internal', 'game_info', 'match_info', 'player', 'location', 'match', 'feed', 'connection', 'kill', 'death', 'portal', 'assist'],
StarCraft2: ['gep_internal', 'match_info'],
TeamfightTactics: ['gep_internal', 'live_client_data', 'me', 'match_info', 'roster', 'store', 'board', 'bench', 'carousel'],
Valorant: ['gep_internal', 'me', 'game_info', 'match_info', 'kill', 'death'],
WorldOfTanks: ['gep_internal', 'kill', 'death', 'game_info', 'match_info'],
WorldOfWarcraft: ['game_info'],
WorldOfWarships: ['gep_internal', 'game_info', 'account_info', 'match', 'match_info', 'kill', 'death']
* Should we enable extra output for debugging purposes or not?
const DEBUGMODE = true;
* @param {string} category What part of the script we currently are in
* @param {...any} params Everything else, text, objects and so forth.
function log(category, ...params) {
console.log(category, JSON.stringify([...params]));
OverwolfEventDispatcher.sendDataToWebsocket({ category, ...params });
class OverwolfEventDispatcher {
* Sets the initial event handlers, to handle game launches and game info updates
* Opens connection to websocket server
constructor() {
log('[INIT]', 'Class initialized - Registering event handlers');
log('[INIT]', 'Setting up websocket connection');
* Keeping track if we are actually have sent the event-request for features
static firstFiredEvent = true;
* Contains all currently unsent events (because websocket was down or not opened)
static eventQueue = [];
* Keeps track of which game we are currently running (we send this as extra data to the websocket)
static currentGame = null;
static webSocket = null;
* Sets the event handlers for gameLaunched and gameInfoUpdated
static setEventHandlers() {;;;;
log('[EVENTHANDLERS]', 'All eventhandlers have been set.');
* Sets the event listeners for game events (onError, onInfoUpdates2, onNewEvents)
static setGameEventHandlers() {
log('[EVENTHANDLERS]', 'Setting game event-handlers');;;;;;;
* Opens up (if it can) the websocket connection, gets the current game info and sends any queued data
static openWebSocket() {
if (OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket == null || OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket.readyState !== 1) {
log('[WEBSOCKET]', 'Opening new websocket connection');
try {
OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:61337/overwolf');
OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket.addEventListener('error', () => {
log('[WEBSOCKET]', 'Got an error, creating new websocket in 30 seconds');
OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket = null;
setTimeout(() => { OverwolfEventDispatcher.openWebSocket(); }, 30000);
OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket.addEventListener('open', () => {
log('[WEBSOCKET]', 'Websocket connection open');
OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket.addEventListener('close', () => {
log('[WEBSOCKET]', 'Socket got closed, creating new websocket in 5 seconds');
OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket = null;
setTimeout(() => { OverwolfEventDispatcher.openWebSocket(); }, 5000);
OverwolfEventDispatcher.sendEventQueueToWebsocket(); => {
if (info && info.classId) {
} catch {
OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket = null;
setTimeout(function () { OverwolfEventDispatcher.openWebSocket(); }, 30000);
* Tries to send the queued items that was stored in case of errors/no connection
static sendEventQueueToWebsocket() {
if (OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket != null && OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket.readyState == 1) {
if (OverwolfEventDispatcher.eventQueue.length > 0) {
// Reversing the eventQueue, so that we get all events in the correct order when we try to empty it
while (OverwolfEventDispatcher.eventQueue.length > 0) {
let item = OverwolfEventDispatcher.eventQueue.pop();
* Sends our data to the websocket (or the event queue, in case of no connection)
* @param {any} data
static sendDataToWebsocket(data) {
let sendData = JSON.stringify({ game: OverwolfEventDispatcher.currentGame, data: data });
if (OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket == null || OverwolfEventDispatcher.webSocket.readyState !== 1) {
} else {
try {
catch {
* Fired when we detect a game launch, sends the event forward to the websocket and tries to register the required features
* @param {RunningGameInfo} event
static gameLaunched(event) {
log('[GAME]', 'GameLaunched', event);
OverwolfEventDispatcher.firstFiredEvent = true;
static featureTimeout = null;
* Tries to request the required features from the game we're currently playing
* @param {string[]} features A string array with all the supported features we want
static setFeatures(features) {
if (OverwolfEventDispatcher.featureTimeout != null) {
OverwolfEventDispatcher.featureTimeout = null;
OverwolfEventDispatcher.featureTimeout = setTimeout(function () {, (info) => {
log('[GAME-EVENTS]', info);
if (info.status == 'error') {
setTimeout(function () { OverwolfEventDispatcher.setFeatures(features); }, 5000);
} else {
}, 100);
* Fetches the currently active game, and sets the required features
* @param {Number} classId Contains the "classId" from Overwolf
static setRequiredFeatures(classId) {
let game = Object.keys(OverwolfGameWithEventSupport).find(key => OverwolfGameWithEventSupport[key] == classId);
if (game) {
log('[EVENTS]', 'Trying to set game features for', game);
OverwolfEventDispatcher.currentGame = game;
} else {
log('[EVENTS]', 'Encountered unsupported game (No events)', classId);
* Fired when the game info is updated (tab in/out, running, resolution, game)
* We also try to set the required features based on the game.
* @param {GameInfoUpdatedEvent} event Contains the gameinfo, and what was changed
static gameInfoUpdated(event) {
log('[GAME]', 'GameInfoUpdated', event);
if (event.gameInfo.isRunning && OverwolfEventDispatcher.firstFiredEvent) {
OverwolfEventDispatcher.firstFiredEvent = false;
if (!event.gameInfo.isRunning && event.runningChanged) {
OverwolfEventDispatcher.firstFiredEvent = true;
OverwolfEventDispatcher.currentGame = null;
* Fired when an error occurs in the Game Event system
* @param {any} event We don't know what we get here, since it's not documented :D
static gameEventError(event) {
log('[EVENT]', 'GameEventError', event);
* Fired when we get information updates from the game, it can have many forms and features
* @param {any} event
static gameEventUpdated2(event) {
log('[EVENT]', 'GameEventInfoUpdated2', event);
* Fired when there are new game events that we are interested in
* @param {any} event
static gameEvents(event) {
log('[EVENT]', 'GameEventNewEvents', event);
window.OverwolfEventDisp = new OverwolfEventDispatcher();
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