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Created January 20, 2020 07:54
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AppVeyor build dashboard (Requires that you log in to AppVeyor in the same browser to get the cookie for the websocket connection)
include_once 'curl_client.php';
$appVeyorDomain = getenv('APPVEYOR_DOMAIN');
$appVeyorToken = getenv('APPVEYOR_TOKEN');
$appVeyorClient = new cURLClient( "https://$appVeyorDomain", [
"Authorization: Bearer $appVeyorToken"
] );
$projects = $appVeyorClient->GET( "/api/account/AppVeyor/projects", null );
$flattenedList = array();
$currentBuilds = array();
foreach ( $projects as $k => $project ) {
if ( is_numeric( $k ) ) {
$proj = new stdClass;
$proj->projectId = $project['projectId'];
$proj->name = $project['name'];
$flattenedList[] = $proj;
foreach ( $project['builds'] as $i => $_build ) {
$build = new stdClass;
$build->ProjectId = $project['projectId'];
$build->ProjectName = $project['name'];
$build->BuildId = $_build['buildId'];
$build->CommitId = $_build['commitId'];
$build->Status = $_build['status'];
$build->Branch = $_build['branch'];
$build->CommitMessage = $_build['message'];
$build->AuthorUsername = $_build['authorUsername'];
$build->StartTime = $_build['created'];
$build->EndTime = $_build['finished'];
$currentBuilds[] = $build;
$webSocketConnection = $appVeyorClient->POST( '/BrowserHub/negotiate', null );
if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['norefresh'] ) ) {
header( "Refresh: 30" );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Build Dashboard</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #3b3b3b;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
<build-container id="buildcontainer">
<?php foreach ( $currentBuilds as $build ) { ?>
id="appveyor-build-<?php echo $build->BuildId; ?>"
state="<?php echo $build->Status; ?>"
start="<?php echo $build->StartTime; ?>"
project="<?php echo $build->ProjectName; ?>"
branch="<?php echo $build->Branch; ?>"
author="<?php echo $build->AuthorUsername; ?>"
commitmessage="<?php echo $build->CommitMessage; ?>"></build-item>
<?php } ?>
<div id="log"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
class AppVeyorWebSocketClient {
AppVeyorProjects = <?php echo json_encode( $flattenedList ); ?>;
subscriptionItems = [];
#invocationId = 0;
get newInvocationId() {
return (this.#invocationId++).toString();
constructor() {
this.AppVeyorProjects.forEach(project => {
arguments: [null, project.projectId],
invocationId: this.newInvocationId,
streamIds: [],
target: "subscribeProjectEvents",
type: 1
this.#ws = new WebSocket('wss://<?php echo $appVeyorDomain; ?>/BrowserHub?id=<?php echo $webSocketConnection['connectionId']; ?>');
this.#ws.onmessage = (data) => this.handleWs(data);
this.#ws.onopen = () => {
protocol: 'json',
version: 1
handleWs(data) {
let messages =\u0000+$/g, '').split("\x1e");
messages.filter(m => m !== '').forEach((message) => {
switch (message) {
case '{}':
case '{"type":6}':
this.sendData({type: 6}, false);
parseMessage(message) {
let obj = JSON.parse(message);
if (obj.type) {
if (obj.type === 1 && {
switch ( {
case 'onEvent':
this.handleSignalREvent(obj.arguments[0], obj.arguments[1]);
} else {
console.log(`${new Date().toISOString()} <= `, obj);
} else {
console.log(`${new Date().toISOString()} <= `, obj);
handleSignalREvent(eventString, eventArgument) {
console.log(`${new Date().toISOString()} <= `, eventString, eventArgument);
switch (eventString) {
case "project_buildAdded":
case "project_buildDetailsChanged":
case "project_buildJobsAdded":
registerNewJob(buildInfo) {
let project = this.AppVeyorProjects.find(p => p.projectId === buildInfo.projectId);
if (project) {
let buildData = new AppVeyorBuildData();
buildData.ProjectId = project.projectId;
buildData.ProjectName =;
buildData.BuildId =;
buildData.CommitId =;
buildData.Status =;
buildData.Branch =;
buildData.CommitMessage =;
buildData.AuthorUsername =;
buildData.StartTime = new Date(Date.parse(;
window.buildJobs[] = buildData;
handleNewBuildJob(buildInfo) {
for (let job of {
arguments: [null, job.jobId],
invocationId: this.newInvocationId,
streamIds: [],
target: "subscribeBuildJobEvents",
type: 1
handleBuildUpdated(buildInfo) {
if (window.buildJobs[buildInfo.buildId]) {
let RunningJob = window.buildJobs[buildInfo.buildId];
if (RunningJob) {
if (buildInfo.status !== null) {
window.buildJobs[buildInfo.buildId].Status = buildInfo.status;
sendData(obj, echo = true) {
if (echo) {
console.log(`${new Date().toISOString()} => `, obj);
let sendMessage = (Array.isArray(obj) ? => JSON.stringify(o)).join("\x1e") : JSON.stringify(obj));
this.#ws.send(sendMessage + "\x1e");
window.oldBuilds = <?php echo json_encode( $currentBuilds ); ?>;
window.buildJobs = {};
class AppVeyorBuildData {
ProjectId = 0;
BuildId = 0;
JobId = "";
Status = "";
AuthorUsername = "";
Branch = "";
CommitId = "";
CommitMessage = "";
ConsoleMessage = "";
ConsoleMessages = [];
Message = "";
CompilationMessages = [];
TestStatus = {
Total: 0,
Successful: 0,
Failed: 0
Artifacts = [];
StartTime = new Date();
EndTime = new Date();
LatestUpdate = new Date();
renderItem(container) {
let item = new BuildItem();
item.setAttribute('id', 'appveyor-build-' + this.BuildId);
item.setAttribute('state', this.Status);
item.setAttribute('branch', this.Branch);
item.setAttribute('project', this.ProjectName);
item.setAttribute('start', this.StartTime.toISOString());
item.setAttribute('update', this.LatestUpdate.toISOString());
item.setAttribute('author', this.AuthorUsername);
item.setAttribute('commitmessage', this.CommitMessage);
function updateBuildItem(buildId) {
let newInfo = window.buildJobs[buildId];
let item = document.getElementById(`appveyor-build-${buildId}`);
item.setAttribute('state', newInfo.Status);
class BuildContainer extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
let css = document.createElement('style');
css.textContent = `
build-container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 32.5% 32.5% 32.5%;
grid-gap: 1rem;
grid-auto-rows: minmax(5rem, auto);
build-item {
font-family: "Segoe UI Light", "Segoe UI", Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, "Sans Serif";
color: #FFF;
font-size: 2rem;
max-width: 100%;
build-item[state="queued"] {
border-left: 1rem #3eb4fe solid;
background-color: #27659c;
build-item[state="starting"] {
border-left: 1rem #3fddfc solid;
background-color: #377f8c;
build-item[state="running"] {
border-left: 1rem #fcfc3f solid;
background-color: #9c9c27;
build-item[state="success"] {
border-left: 1rem #3efa3e solid;
background-color: #279c27;
build-item[state="failed"] {
border-left: 1rem #fa3e3e solid;
background-color: #9c2727;
build-item[state="cancelled"] {
border-left: 1rem #D0D0D0 solid;
background-color: #A1A1A1;
build-item .buildTitle {
border-bottom: 0.2rem solid #fff;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 0.5rem;
padding-left: 1rem;
padding-right: 1rem;
build-item .buildBody {
padding: 0.5rem;
padding-left: 1rem;
padding-right: 1rem;
class BuildItem extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
let title = document.createElement('div');
title.className = 'buildTitle';
title.innerHTML = `<span data-field="project" data-position="textContent"></span> - <span data-field="branch" data-position="textContent"></span>`;
let body = document.createElement('div');
body.className = 'buildBody';
body.innerHTML = '<span data-field="start" data-position="textContent" data-format="date|m-d H:i"></span> - <span data-field="state" data-position="textContent"></span><hr />' +
'<span data-field="commitmessage" data-position="textContent"></span> //<span data-field="author" data-position="textContent"></span>';
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
let updateFields = this.querySelectorAll(`[data-field="${name}"]`);
for (let field of updateFields) {
let targetUpdate = field.getAttribute('data-position');
if (field[targetUpdate] !== undefined) {
let format = field.getAttribute('data-format');
if (format) {
let formatParts = format.split('|');
switch (formatParts[0]) {
case 'date':
let _d = new Date(newValue);
let monthVal = _d.getMonth() + 1;
if (monthVal < 10) {
monthVal = '0' + monthVal;
let dayVal = _d.getDate();
if (dayVal < 10) {
dayVal = '0' + dayVal;
let hourVal = _d.getHours();
if (hourVal < 10) {
hourVal = '0' + hourVal;
let minuteVal = _d.getMinutes();
if (minuteVal < 10) {
minuteVal = '0' + minuteVal;
newValue = formatParts[1]
.replace(/m/g, monthVal.toString())
.replace(/d/g, dayVal.toString())
.replace(/H/g, hourVal.toString())
.replace(/i/g, minuteVal.toString());
field[targetUpdate] = newValue;
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['state', 'console', 'test', 'project', 'branch', 'commitmessage', 'author', 'start'];
customElements.define('build-container', BuildContainer);
customElements.define('build-item', BuildItem);
for (let build of window.oldBuilds) {
window.buildJobs[build.BuildId] = build;
window.appveyorClient = new AppVeyorWebSocketClient();
function removeOldBuilds() {
var allBuildItems = document.querySelectorAll('build-item');
let removeItems = [];
for (let item of allBuildItems) {
if (new Date(item.getAttribute('start')) < new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 5)) {
for (let remove of removeItems) {
let i = document.getElementById(remove);
setInterval(removeOldBuilds, 30000);
* Class cURLClient
class cURLClient {
protected $user_agent = 'It\'s Simple cURL Client 0.1';
* @var string
private $host = '';
* @var array
private $default_headers;
* cURLClient constructor.
* @param $host string Sets the host
* @param array $default_headers Sets the default headers
public function __construct( $host, $default_headers = array() ) {
$this->host = $host;
$this->default_headers = $default_headers;
* @param resource $curl
* @return mixed
private function execute_request( $curl ) {
$headers = array();
curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, function ( $curl, $header ) use ( &$headers ) {
$len = strlen( $header );
$header = explode( ':', $header, 2 );
if ( count( $header ) < 2 ) // ignore invalid headers
return $len;
$headers[ strtolower( trim( $header[0] ) ) ][] = trim( $header[1] );
return $len;
} );
$r = curl_exec( $curl );
$i = curl_getinfo( $curl );
$obj = array();
if ( false === $r || ( json_decode( $r ) && isset( json_decode( $r )->error ) ) || ( $i['http_code'] < 200 || $i['http_code'] > 299 ) ) {
curl_close( $curl );
if ( null !== json_decode( $r ) ) {
$obj = json_decode( $r, true );
} else {
$obj['data'] = $r;
$obj['@curl'] = $i;
$obj['@headers'] = $headers;
$obj['@error'] = $r;
return $obj;
curl_close( $curl );
if ( ( substr( $r, 0, 1 ) === '{' || substr( $r, 0, 1 ) === '[' )
&& null !== json_decode( $r, true ) ) {
$obj = json_decode( $r, true );
} else {
if ( substr( $r, 0, 1 ) === '"' ) {
$obj['data'] = json_decode( $r, true );
} else {
$obj['data'] = $r;
$obj['@curl'] = $i;
$obj['@headers'] = $headers;
return $obj;
* @param $endpoint string Where are we going with this request?
* @param $params string|object|array Contains all parameters that we want to pass to the API
* @param bool $is_json Decides if this is a post with JSON
* @return mixed
public function POST( $endpoint, $params, $is_json = true ) {
return $this->make_request( 'POST', $endpoint, $params, $is_json );
* @param $endpoint string Where are we going with this request?
* @param $params string|object|array Contains all parameters that we want to pass to the API
* @param bool $is_json Decides if this is a post with JSON
* @return mixed
public function PUT( $endpoint, $params, $is_json = true ) {
return $this->make_request( 'PUT', $endpoint, $params, $is_json );
* @param $endpoint string Where are we going with this request?
* @param $params string|object|array Contains all parameters that we want to pass to the API
* @param bool $is_json Decides if this is a post with JSON
* @return mixed
public function DELETE( $endpoint, $params, $is_json = true ) {
return $this->make_request( 'DELETE', $endpoint, $params, $is_json );
* @param $endpoint string Where are we going with this request?
* @param $params string|object|array Contains all parameters that we want to pass to the API
* @param bool $is_json Decides if this is a post with JSON
* @return mixed
public function PATCH( $endpoint, $params, $is_json = true ) {
return $this->make_request( 'PATCH', $endpoint, $params, $is_json );
* @param string $type
* @param string $endpoint
* @param string|array|object $params
* @param string $method_name
* @param bool $is_json
* @return mixed
private function make_request( $type, $endpoint, $params, $is_json = true ) {
$c = $this->get_curl_object( $endpoint );
$headers = $this->default_headers;
$data = null;
if ( $is_json ) {
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json';
$data = json_encode( $params );
$headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $data );
} else {
$data = http_build_query( $params );
$this->set_headers( $c, $headers );
curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $type );
curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data );
$result = $this->execute_request( $c );
return $result;
* @param string $endpoint
* @param object|array $params
* @param string $method_name
* @return mixed
public function GET( $endpoint, $params = null ) {
$c = $this->get_curl_object( $endpoint . ( $params != null ? '?' . http_build_query( $params ) : '' ) );
$headers = $this->default_headers;
$this->set_headers( $c, $headers );
$result = $this->execute_request( $c );
return $result;
* @param string $endpoint
* @return resource
private function get_curl_object( $endpoint ) {
if ( ! strpos( $endpoint, '/' ) === 0 ) {
$endpoint = '/' . $endpoint;
$c = curl_init( $this->host . $endpoint );
curl_setopt( $c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
return $c;
* @param resource $curl_object
* @param array $array
private function set_headers( $curl_object, array $array = array() ) {
$std_headers = array();
if ( ! empty( $array ) ) {
$std_headers = array_merge( $std_headers, $array );
curl_setopt( $curl_object, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $std_headers );
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