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Last active June 24, 2020 07:32
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Overwolf Plugin, Disposable
let plugin = new OverwolfPlugin('OverwolfSamplePlugin', true);
plugin.initialize(status => {
if(!status) {
console.error('Could not load plugin');
/* Do all the work that is needed by the plugin */
plugin = null;
/* Only including the plugin-part here */
"extra-objects": {
"OverwolfSamplePlugin": {
"file": "overwolf-plugin-sample.dll",
"class": "overwolf.samples.plugins.SamplePlugin"
namespace overwolf.sample.plugins
public class SamplePlugin : IDisposable
internal bool _isDisposed = false;
public void DoSomeFunStuff(Action<object> callback)
callback("Hello World!");
public void Dispose()
// No need to dispose, if we already disposed everything
if(_isDisposed) return;
// Do cleanup of resources, like you would in C# normally
_isDisposed = true;
function OverwolfPluginUsing(plugin, actionBlock) {
plugin = null;
/* Usage */
OverwolfPluginUsing(new OverwolfPlugin('OverwolfSamplePlugin', true), plugin => {
/* Do the plugin work */
plugin.initialize(status => {
if(!status) {
console.error('Could not load plugin');
/* Rest of the code */
* Taken from
* Modified by adding a dispose-method, to call, if the plugin supports it, for cleanup
function OverwolfPlugin(extraObjectNameInManifest, addNameToObject) {
var _pluginInstance = null;
var _extraObjectName = extraObjectNameInManifest;
var _addNameToObject = addNameToObject;
// public
this.initialize = function(callback) {
return _initialize(callback);
this.initialized = function() {
return _pluginInstance != null;
this.get = function() {
return _pluginInstance;
* Method that disposes the current plugin instance to release resources
* @returns bool
this.dispose = function() {
// If we don't have an instance of the plugin, or the plugin does not have a Dispose-method defined, we won't do anything
if (_pluginInstance === null || typeof(_pluginInstance.Dispose) === 'undefined') return true;
// Execute the Dispose-method on the plugin.
try {
_pluginInstance = null;
return true;
} catch(e) {
console.error('Error disposing plugin', e);
return false;
// privates
function _initialize(callback) {
var proxy = null;
try {
proxy = overwolf.extensions.current.getExtraObject;
} catch(e) {
"overwolf.extensions.current.getExtraObject doesn't exist!");
return callback(false);
proxy(_extraObjectName, function(result) {
if (result.status != "success") {
"failed to create " + _extraObjectName + " object: " + result);
return callback(false);
_pluginInstance = result.object;
if (_addNameToObject) {
_pluginInstance._PluginName_ = _extraObjectName;
return callback(true);
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