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Last active January 27, 2023 14:51
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TypeScript Polymorphic React Button Component using the "as" property
import React from 'react'
type PolymorphicPropsFactory<T, P> = {
as?: T | React.ElementType
children?: React.ReactNode | undefined
} & React.RefAttributes<T> &
type PolymorphicProps<T, FallbackPropsType> =
// as = Function Component
T extends React.FunctionComponent<infer P>
? PolymorphicPropsFactory<T, P>
: // as = Class Component
T extends React.ComponentClass<infer P>
? PolymorphicPropsFactory<T, P>
: // as = HTML Tag
T extends string
? PolymorphicPropsFactory<T, React.HTMLAttributes<T>>
: // ... fallback
PolymorphicPropsFactory<T, FallbackPropsType>
type BtnProps<T> = PolymorphicProps<T, React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>
function Btn<T>({ as, }: BtnProps<T>) {
const BtnTag = as || 'button'
return <BtnTag {} />
type LinkProps = {
href: string
children?: React.ReactElement | any
const Link = ({ children, href, ...props }: LinkProps) => {
href = href as string
const isInternal = href.startsWith('/') || href.startsWith('#')
if (isInternal) {
return (
<a href={href} {...props}>
return (
<a href={href} {...props} target={'_blank'} rel={'noreferrer'}>
// playing around:
// TSC should complain about the "activeClass" property
const myBtns = (
<Btn as={Link} href="/login" activeClass={''}>
Btn rendered as the "Link" function component
<Btn as={'div'} onClick={() => false}>
Btn rendered as a "div"
<Btn onClick={() => false} type={'button'}>
Default Btn (HTML button element)
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