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Created January 16, 2015 09:32
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Sample code to convert a View to PDF - Referred from :
-(void)convertToPDF:(UIView*)aView withFileName:(NSString*)aFilename
// Creates a mutable data object for updating with binary data, like a byte array
UIWebView *webView = (UIWebView*)aView;
NSString *heightStr = [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.body.scrollHeight;"];
int height = [heightStr intValue];
CGFloat screenHeight = webView.bounds.size.height;
int pages = ceil(height / screenHeight);
NSMutableData *pdfData = [NSMutableData data];
UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToData(pdfData, webView.bounds, nil);
CGRect frame = [webView frame];
for (int i = 0; i < pages; i++)
// Check to screenHeight if page draws more than the height of the UIWebView
if ((i+1) * screenHeight > height)
CGRect f = [webView frame];
f.size.height -= (((i+1) * screenHeight) - height);
[webView setFrame: f];
CGContextRef currentContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// CGContextTranslateCTM(currentContext, 72, 72); // Translate for 1" margins
[[[webView subviews] lastObject] setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, screenHeight * i) animated:NO];
[webView.layer renderInContext:currentContext];
// Retrieves the document directories from the iOS device
NSArray* documentDirectories = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask,YES);
NSString* documentDirectory = [documentDirectories objectAtIndex:0];
NSString* documentDirectoryFilename = [documentDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:aFilename];
// instructs the mutable data object to write its context to a file on disk
[pdfData writeToFile:documentDirectoryFilename atomically:YES];
[webView setFrame:frame];
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