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Created July 4, 2019 18:43
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enum SyslogSeverity
Emergency = 0
Alert = 1
Critical = 2
Error = 3
Warning = 4
Notice = 5
Informational = 6
Debug = 7
enum SyslogFacility
kern = 0
user = 1
mail = 2
daemon = 3
auth = 4
syslog = 5
lpr = 6
news = 7
uucp = 8
cron = 9
authpriv = 10
ftp = 11
ntp = 12
audit = 13
alert = 14
clockdaemon = 15
local0 = 16
local1 = 17
local2 = 18
local3 = 19
local4 = 20
local5 = 21
local6 = 22
local7 = 23
Class PsLogger
hidden $loggingScript =
function Start-Logging
$loggingTimer = new-object Timers.Timer
$action = {logging}
$loggingTimer.Interval = 1000
$null = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $loggingTimer -EventName elapsed -Sourceidentifier loggingTimer -Action $action
function logging
$sw = $logFile.AppendText()
while (-not $logEntries.IsEmpty)
$entry = ''
$null = $logEntries.TryDequeue([ref]$entry)
$logFile = New-Item -ItemType File -Name "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)_$([DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString(`"yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ`")).log" -Path $logLocation
hidden $_loggingRunspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
hidden $_logEntries = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue[string]]::new()
hidden $_processId = $pid
hidden $_processName
hidden $_logLocation = $env:temp
hidden $_fqdn
hidden [SyslogFacility]$_facility = [SyslogFacility]::local7
$this._logLocation = $logLocation
$this._processName = (Get-process -Id $this._processId).processname
$comp = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_computersystem
$this._fqdn = "$($comp.DNSHostName).$($comp.Domain)"
# Add Script Properties for all severity levels
foreach ($enum in [SyslogSeverity].GetEnumNames())
# Start Logging runspace
hidden _LogMessage([string]$message, [string]$severity)
$addResult = $false
while ($addResult -eq $false)
$msg = '<{0}>1 {1} {2} {3} {4} - - {5}' -f ($this._facility*8+[SyslogSeverity]::$severity), [DateTime]::UtcNow.tostring('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffK'), $this._fqdn, $this._processName, $this._processId, $message
$addResult = $this._logEntries.TryAdd($msg)
hidden _StartLogging()
$this._LoggingRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
$this._LoggingRunspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("logEntries", $this._logEntries)
$this._LoggingRunspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("logLocation", $this._logLocation)
$cmd = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($this.loggingScript)
$cmd.Runspace = $this._LoggingRunspace
$null = $cmd.BeginInvoke()
hidden _AddSeverities([string]$propName)
$property = new-object management.automation.PsScriptMethod $propName, {param($value) $propname = $propname; $this._LogMessage($value, $propname)}.GetNewClosure()
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Thank you for this!

I'm curious if you have discovered a way to gracefully close the logger and timer event when closing out of Powershell. I have attempted to add a Close() method to shut down the runspace and dispose it, but doing that doesn't release the object event. I have also attempted to reference the event from outside the logging script and haven't been successful with that either.

Any thoughts?

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