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Last active April 12, 2022 04:22
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change .obj color by program!


  1. 将脚本文件放到obj,png同目录下即可,python3,命令行中的输出为obj中平面的数量,与1.中的decimal设置有关

结果图(lenOfRGBs == 50):

image image

  1. 可调参数,懒得写在命令行了,直接在py文件改

a. decimal(Line 32),越小,平面数量越少 b. lenOfRGBs(Line 91),越小,使用的png中的颜色越少,注释的话使用png中全部颜色

  1. 问题

如何对应平面和png中的颜色,暂无办法 因此目前修改后的obj不好看

.obj example: obj&

from unicodedata import decimal
from PIL import Image
objFilePath = "obj&color/monu1.vox.obj"
pngFilePath = "obj&color/monu1.vox.png"
mtlFilePath = "obj&color/monu1.vox.mtl"
def loadPng():
image =
pixels = image.load()
rgbs = []
for x in range(image.size[0]):
rgbs.append(pixels[x, 0])
return rgbs
def writeMtl():
rgbs = loadPng()
with open(mtlFilePath, "w") as w:
for i, rgb in enumerate(rgbs):
w.write("newmtl mtl{}\n".format(i))
w.write("Kd {} {} {}\n".format(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]))
w.write("Ks 0.50 0.50 0.50\n")
return len(rgbs)
def calSurface(v1, v2, v3):
a = (v2[1] - v1[1]) * (v3[2] - v1[2]) - (v2[2] - v1[2]) * (v3[1] - v1[1])
b = (v2[2] - v1[2]) * (v3[0] - v1[0]) - (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (v3[2] - v1[2])
c = (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (v3[1] - v1[1]) - (v2[1] - v1[1]) * (v3[0] - v1[0])
d = -(a * v1[0] + b * v1[1] + c * v1[2])
# remained decimal digits, the less decimal the less surfaces
decimal = 2
a, b, c, d = round(a, decimal), round(b, decimal), round(c, decimal), round(d, decimal)
if a == -0.0: a = 0.0
if b == -0.0: b = 0.0
if c == -0.0: c = 0.0
if d == -0.0: d = 0.0
return "#".join([str(a), str(b), str(c), str(d)])
def readObj():
fs, vs, fcnt, vcnt = {}, {}, 0, 1 # vcnt is the number of vertices, start with 1
surfaces, revSurfaces = {}, {} # a*x + b*y + c*z = d => <i, str(a#b#c#d)>
with open(objFilePath, "r") as r:
for i, line in enumerate(r.readlines()):
strs = line.split(" ")
if strs[0] == "f":
v1, v2, v3 = int(strs[1].split("/")[0]), int(strs[2].split("/")[0]), int(strs[3].split("/")[0])
fs[i] = [fcnt, v1, v2, v3]
fcnt += 1
if strs[0] == "v":
vs[vcnt] = (float(strs[1]), float(strs[2]), float(strs[3]))
vcnt += 1
newFs = {}
for i, ps in fs.items():
v1, v2, v3 = vs[ps[1]], vs[ps[2]], vs[ps[3]]
surface = calSurface(v1, v2, v3)
surfaces[i] = surface
if surface not in revSurfaces: revSurfaces[surface] = [i]
else: revSurfaces[surface].append(i)
newFs[i] = [ps[0], surface]
return fs, newFs, surfaces, revSurfaces
def rewriteObj(lenOfRGBs):
fs, newFs, surfaces, revSurfaces = readObj()
# gap = len(fs) // lenOfRGBs
gap_ = len(revSurfaces) // lenOfRGBs
surface2mtlindex = {}
for i, (fcnt, surface) in newFs.items():
if surface not in surface2mtlindex:
l = len(surface2mtlindex)
if l // gap_ < lenOfRGBs:
surface2mtlindex[surface] = l // gap_
surface2mtlindex[surface] = lenOfRGBs - 1
with open(objFilePath, "r") as r:
with open("obj&color/", "w") as w:
for i, line in enumerate(r.readlines()):
# if i in fs and fs[i][0] % gap == 0 and fs[i][0] // gap < lenOfRGBs:
# w.write("usemtl mtl{}\n".format(fs[i][0] // gap))
if i in newFs:
# printfile(i, newFs[i], surface2mtlindex[newFs[i][1]])
with open("surface.txt", "a") as a:
a.write("{} {} {}\n".format(i, newFs[i], surface2mtlindex[newFs[i][1]]))
w.write("usemtl mtl{}\n".format(surface2mtlindex[newFs[i][1]]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
lenOfRGBs = writeMtl() # total colors of .png
lenOfRGBs = 50 # how many RGBs used in one mtl file, options, to make your obj less color...
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