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Last active September 30, 2021 17:03
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A somewhat optimized scripted approach to complementing Redis with a `SETBITRANGE` command
Sets a bitmap range
Bitmaps are stored as Strings in Redis. A range spans one or more bytes,
so we can call `SETRANGE` when entire bytes need to be set instead of flipping
individual bits. Also, to avoid multiple internal memory allocations in
Redis, we traverse in reverse.
Expected input:
KEYS[1] - bitfield key
ARGV[1] - start offset (0-based, inclusive)
ARGV[2] - end offset (same, should be bigger than start, no error checking)
ARGV[3] - value (should be 0 or 1, no error checking)
-- A helper function to stringify a binary string to semi-binary format
local function tobits(str)
local r = ''
for i = 1, string.len(str) do
local c = string.byte(str, i)
local b = ' '
for j = 0, 7 do
b = tostring(, 1)) .. b
c = bit.rshift(c, 1)
r = r .. b
return r
-- Main
local k = KEYS[1]
local s, e, v = tonumber(ARGV[1]), tonumber(ARGV[2]), tonumber(ARGV[3])
-- First treat the dangling bits in the last byte
local ms, me = s % 8, (e + 1) % 8
if me > 0 then
local t = math.max(e - me + 1, s)
for i = e, t, -1 do'SETBIT', k, i, v)
e = t
-- Then the danglings in the first byte
if ms > 0 then
local t = math.min(s - ms + 7, e)
for i = s, t, 1 do'SETBIT', k, i, v)
s = t + 1
-- Set a range accordingly, if at all
local rs, re = s / 8, (e + 1) / 8
local rl = re - rs
if rl > 0 then
local b = '\255'
if 0 == v then
b = '\0'
end'SETRANGE', k, rs, string.rep(b, rl))
-- Debug only, uncomment if needed
-- local bitmap ='GET', k)
-- return tobits(bitmap)

Motivation: during a discussion with a Redis user about using bitmaps for keeping track over periods, the user noted that setting ranges with multiple calls to SETBIT can become expensive. The script is the result of that discussion.

An example of using the script from command line with "debug" mode:

$ export SHA1=`redis-cli SCRIPT LOAD "$(cat setbitrange.lua)"`
$ redis-cli EVALSHA $SHA1 1 foo 3 12 1
"00011111 11111000 "
$ redis-cli EVALSHA $SHA1 1 foo 6 9 0
"00011100 00111000 "

On a MacBook Pro (2015), a naive benchmark gives:

$ redis-benchmark -r 100000 -e EVALSHA $SHA1 1 __rand_int__ 3 55 1
====== EVALSHA 296d7f17353cc288e71ba28e1959506e6d924890 1 __rand_int__ 3 55 1 ======
  100000 requests completed in 2.04 seconds
  50 parallel clients
  3 bytes payload
  keep alive: 1

72.82% <= 1 milliseconds
100.00% <= 2 milliseconds
100.00% <= 2 milliseconds
49091.80 requests per second

Some thoughts:

  • The dangling bits can probably be better (more optimally) handled with a couple of bitwise operations on the current byte they're at instead of calling (up to 2*7 = 14) SETBITs
  • It would be interesting to see if BITFIELD can be used to further optimize this, probably not though ;P
  • It would be even better to have this capability in Redis core API instead of relying on scripting or devloping a module (redis/redis#4553)
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