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Last active October 24, 2022 12:34
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Typescript match discriminated union tag
type MatchTag = {
// Strict match, one handler must be provided for each possible tag
X extends { _tag: string },
K extends {
[k in X['_tag']]: (member: Extract<X, { _tag: k }>) => any
handlers: K,
): (member: X) => ReturnType<K[keyof K]>
// Partial match, only provide a handler for the desired tag and handle the rest via a fallback handler
X extends { _tag: string },
K extends Partial<{
[k in X['_tag']]: (_: Extract<X, { _tag: k }>) => any
partialHandlers: K & {
[k in X['_tag']]?: (member: Extract<X, { _tag: k }>) => any
fallback: (_: Exclude<X, { _tag: keyof K }>) => H,
): (member: X) => { [k in keyof K]: ReturnType<NonNullable<K[k]>> }[keyof K] | H
* Execute a function for each possible tag of a discriminated union
* Basically a more concise & expressive version of doing switch(union._tag) {case "blah": ...}
export const matchTag: MatchTag = ((handlers: any, fallback: any) => (member: any) => {
if (!handlers[member['_tag']]) return fallback(member) as any
return handlers[member['_tag']](member) as any
}) as any
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