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Last active March 16, 2019 08:38
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Javascript ES6 proxy object that never fails
import { Yolo } from "./yolo"
import { Loggable } from "./loggable"
// Nothing in this object ? Don't care, yolo
const x = Yolo<any>()
// I know it's boring but If the value exist you can still access it ;)
const Y = Yolo<any>( { hello: { name: "world" } } ) // -> "world"
// Also, yay typescript
const z = Yolo<BatFamily>()
// go meta, use a proxy to log the proxy accesses
const LoggedYolo: <T>( target: T ) => T = target => Loggable( Yolo( target ) )
const w = Yolo<BatFamily>() // -> Accessed "Batman" -> Accessed "robin" -> Accessed "alfred" -> ...
// Not important
interface BatFamily
batman: {
robin: {
alfred: string
export function Loggable<T extends Object>( target: T ): T
return new Proxy( target, {
get( target, prop, receiver )
console.log( "Accessed", prop )
return Reflect.get( target, prop, receiver )
} )
// A whatever can be called or have it's property accessed
function Whatever(): any
return new Proxy( function () {
}, {
get( target, key )
if ( key === "name" )
return "Whatver" // console.log displays and will fail without this
return Whatever()
console.log( "apply" )
return Whatever()
} )
function Yolo<T>( target: DeepPartial<T> | any = {} ): T
return new Proxy( target, {
get: ( target, key ) => {
const value = Reflect.get( target, key )
if ( !value )
return Whatever()
return (typeof value === "object") ?
Yolo( value ) :// We want to be able to safely travel further
value // if we have a primitive value, we won't be able to traverse further in typescript, no need to proxy it
return Whatever
} ) as T
type DeepPartial<T> = {[P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[P]>}
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