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Created December 18, 2011 23:56
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module Main where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, intercalate)
import Data.Char (toLower)
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ putStrLn $ runSample
runSample = reverse . snd $ execState (beginGame sampleGame) (sampleScript, [])
sampleScript = ["go n", "go n", "i", "take fork", "go e", "go e", "score"]
{- Abstracted game logic -}
beginGame :: Game -> GameUI ()
beginGame game = do say $ describeLocation game
newCommand game
handleCmd :: [String] -> Game -> GameUI ()
handleCmd ["go", d] game = case parseDir d of
Nothing -> do complain "I don't know that direction."
newCommand game
Just dir -> case lookupExit dir (currentRoomId game) game of
Nothing -> do complain "You can't go that way."
newCommand game
Just ri -> let game' = onPlayer (setLocation ri) game
in do say $ describeLocation game'
newCommand game'
handleCmd ["take", o] game | S.member obj locObs = do say "Ok."
newCommand (moveObj game)
| otherwise = do complain "That's not here."
newCommand game
where obj = Object o
locObs = localObjects game
moveObj = onPlayer (onInventory (S.insert obj) . onScore (+ 1))
. onCurrentRoom (onContents $ S.delete obj)
handleCmd ["look"] game = do say $ describeLocation game
newCommand game
handleCmd ["inventory"] game = do say $ "You are carrying: " ++ describeObjs (inventory . player $ game)
newCommand game
handleCmd ["score"] game = do say $ "Your score is: " ++ (show . score . player $ game)
newCommand game
handleCmd ["quit"] game = do say "Ok, bye."
say $ "Final score: " ++ (show . score . player $ game)
return ()
handleCmd _ game = do complain "I don't know how to do that."
newCommand game
tidy :: [String] -> [String]
tidy [] = []
tidy (w:ws) = expandAbbr w : filter (`notElem` junk) ws
where junk = ["a", "an", "the", "to", "at"]
expandAbbr :: String -> String
expandAbbr word = case filter (isPrefixOf word) abbrs of
[fullWord] -> fullWord
_ -> word
where abbrs = [ "go", "take", "look", "inventory", "quit", "score" ]
{- Command script stuff -}
type GameUI = State ([String], [String])
nextInput :: GameUI (Maybe String)
nextInput = do (input, output) <- get
case input of
[] -> return Nothing
(c:cs) -> do put (cs, output)
writeOutput c
return (Just c)
writeOutput :: String -> GameUI ()
writeOutput str = do (input, output) <- get
put (input, str:output)
newCommand :: Game -> GameUI ()
newCommand game = do str <- nextInput
case str of
Nothing -> writeOutput "-- End of Input --"
Just cmd -> handleCmd (tidy . words $ map toLower cmd) game
say, complain :: String -> GameUI ()
complain msg = writeOutput $ " *** " ++ msg
say msg = writeOutput msg
{- Game world data types -}
type RoomId = Int
type Message = String
data Game = Game { rooms :: Map RoomId Room
, player :: Player
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data Player = Player { location :: RoomId
, score :: Int
, inventory :: Set Object
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data Dir = N | S | E | W deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data Room = Room { roomDesc :: String
, exits :: Map Dir RoomId
, contents :: Set Object
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data Object = Object { objName :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
displayExit :: Dir -> String
displayExit N = "north"
displayExit S = "south"
displayExit E = "east"
displayExit W = "west"
parseDir :: String -> Maybe Dir
parseDir str | isPrefixOf str "north" = Just N
| isPrefixOf str "south" = Just S
| isPrefixOf str "east" = Just E
| isPrefixOf str "west" = Just W
| otherwise =Nothing
describeRoom :: Room -> String
describeRoom room = unlines [ roomDesc room
, "Exits are: " ++ describeExits (exits room)
, "Items here: " ++ describeObjs (contents room)
describeExits :: Map Dir RoomId -> String
describeExits exs = intercalate ", " $ map displayExit (M.keys exs)
describeObjs :: Set Object -> String
describeObjs cs | S.null cs = "nothing"
| otherwise = intercalate ", " $ map objName (S.toList cs)
{- Game world lookup functions -}
lookupRoom :: RoomId -> Game -> Maybe Room
lookupRoom roomid game = M.lookup roomid (rooms game)
lookupExit :: Dir -> RoomId -> Game -> Maybe RoomId
lookupExit d roomid game = case lookupRoom roomid game of
Just r -> M.lookup d (exits r)
Nothing -> Nothing
lookupExitRoom :: Dir -> RoomId -> Game -> Maybe Room
lookupExitRoom d roomid game = case lookupExit d roomid game of
Just ri -> lookupRoom ri game
Nothing -> Nothing
currentRoomId :: Game -> RoomId
currentRoomId = location . player
currentRoom :: Game -> Maybe Room
currentRoom game = lookupRoom (currentRoomId game) game
describeLocation :: Game -> String
describeLocation game = case currentRoom game of
Nothing -> "You are... nowhere?"
Just r -> describeRoom r
localObjects :: Game -> Set Object
localObjects game = maybe S.empty contents (currentRoom game)
{- Game world upate functions -}
onPlayer :: (Player -> Player) -> Game -> Game
onPlayer f game = game { player = f $ player game }
onInventory :: (Set Object -> Set Object) -> Player -> Player
onInventory f plr = plr { inventory = f $ inventory plr }
onScore :: (Int -> Int) -> Player -> Player
onScore f plr = plr { score = f $ score plr}
setLocation :: RoomId -> Player -> Player
setLocation loc plr = plr { location = loc }
onRooms :: (Map RoomId Room -> Map RoomId Room) -> Game -> Game
onRooms f game = game { rooms = f $ rooms game }
onContents :: (Set Object -> Set Object) -> Room -> Room
onContents f room = room { contents = f $ contents room }
onRoom :: (Room -> Room) -> RoomId -> Game -> Game
onRoom f roomid game = case lookupRoom roomid game of
Nothing -> game
Just r -> onRooms (M.insert roomid $ f r) game
onCurrentRoom :: (Room -> Room) -> Game -> Game
onCurrentRoom f game = onRoom f (currentRoomId game) game
{- Sample game -}
room0 = Room (unlines [ "You stand at the southern edge of a peaceful forest."
, "A break in the underbrush reveals a trail leading into the woods."
(M.fromList [(N, 1)])
room1 = Room "You are on a trail leading north through the forest."
(M.fromList [(S, 0), (N, 2)])
room2 = Room "You find a fork in the path, figuratively speaking. Or maybe literally."
(M.fromList [(S, 1), (E, 3), (W, 4)])
(S.fromList [Object "fork"])
room3 = Room (unlines [ "You are on a trail leading east. A small river flows to the north."
, "A fallen tree blocks your way."
(M.fromList [(W, 2)])
room4 = Room "The trail ends here. A sign says 'ok, you get the idea'. Huh?"
(M.fromList [(E,2)])
sampleRooms = M.fromList (zip [0..] [room0, room1, room2, room3, room4])
sampleGame = Game sampleRooms (Player 0 0 S.empty)
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