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Created September 11, 2018 15:45
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def dadi_to_momi(infile, outfile=None, verbose=False):
if outfile == None:
outfile = infile.split(".sfs")[0] + "_momi.sfs"
dat = open(infile).readlines()
## Get rid of comment lines
dat = [x.strip() for x in dat if not x.startswith("#")]
if not len(dat) == 3:
raise Exception("Malformed dadi sfs {}.\n Must have 3 lines, yours has {}".format(infile, len(dat)))
## Parse the info line into nsamps per pop (list of ints), folding flag, and pop names list (if they are given)
info = dat[0].split()
nsamps = []
## Keep carving off values as long as they cast successfully as int
for i in info:
nsamps = np.array(nsamps)
pops = [x.replace('"', '') for x in info[len(nsamps)+1:]]
folded = info[len(nsamps)]
folded = False if "un" in folded else True
if not len(pops) == len(nsamps):
print("Number of populations doesn't agree with number of pop names, using generic names.")
pops = ["pop"+x for x in range(len(nsamps))]
if verbose: print("Info nsamps={} folded={} pops={}".format(nsamps, folded, pops))
## Get mask
mask = list(map(int, dat[2].split()))
if verbose: print(mask)
## Get sfs, and reshape based on sample sizes
sfs = list(map(float, dat[1].split()))
if verbose: print(sfs)
length =, mask=mask).sum()
sfs = np.array(sfs).reshape(nsamps)
if verbose: print("length {}".format(length))
if verbose: print(sfs)
## Get counts per sfs bin
counts = Counter()
for sfsbin in product(*[range(y) for y in [x for x in nsamps]]):
## Ignore monomorphic snps
## nsamps minus 1 here because of the off by one diff between number
## of bins in the sfs and actual number of samples
if sfsbin == tuple(nsamps-1) or sfsbin == tuple([0] * len(nsamps)):
## ignore zero bin counts
if sfs[sfsbin] == 0:
if verbose: print(sfsbin, sfs[sfsbin]),
if verbose: print("nbins {}".format(len(counts)))
## Convert SFS bin style into momi config style
configs = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(counts)), columns=pops)
locus_info = []
for i, c in enumerate(counts):
## (n-1) here because nbins in dadi sfs is n+1
cfg = np.array([[(n-1)-x, x] for x,n in zip(c, nsamps)])
configs.iloc[i] = [list(map(int, list(x))) for x in cfg]
locus_info.append([0, i, counts[c]])
if verbose: print("n_snps {}".format(np.sum([x[2] for x in locus_info])))
## Finally build the momi style sfs dictionary and write it out
momi_sfs = {"sampled_pops":pops,
with open(outfile, 'w') as out:
## make it pretty
sfs = momi.Sfs.load(outfile)
## Fold if unfolded
if folded: sfs = sfs.fold()
#dadi_to_momi(infile, verbose=True)
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ldutoit commented Jun 23, 2019

Hi Isaac, I am having a look at your great little piece of code in order to transform a dadi sfs to a momi one that I can input in momi.Sfs.load(). That is what I am looking at I believe? I am really grateful for your code but I am not managing to make it work because I am not sure which module to load and which version of python you are running. I believe Counter() comes from collections but at line 42 you got prouct and I am not sure where to find it. Could you help me? Thank you loads! Ludovic Dutoit

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isaacovercast commented Jun 23, 2019 via email

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ldutoit commented Jun 23, 2019

Hi Isaac, that is great! I could not track product() as it did not exist in python 2 (unlike Counter()). Thank you for Open Science and great to know it is in Momi. Ludo

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