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Last active May 3, 2017 03:02
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Create Custom Intellisense for AD cmdlets with SearchBase parameter using TabExpansion++ Module
Author: I.C.A. Strachan
Version History:
Purpose: Custom Intellisense completion for AD cmdlets with SearchBase parameter
ActiveDirectory & TabExpansion++ module is required.
Link to Trevor Sullivan's video demonstration:
#region Get AD cmdlets with SearchBase parameter
$ADCmdlestWithSearchBase = Get-Command -Module ActiveDirectory |
$psItem.Name |
Where-Object {
(Get-Command $psItem).ParameterSets.Parameters.Name -eq 'SearchBase'
#region Configure custom intellisense for AD cmdlets with SearchBase
$sbADSearchBase= {
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
$ADPaths = ActiveDirectory\Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter *
foreach ($ADPath in $ADPaths){
$completionResult =@{
CompletionText = $ADPath.DistinguishedName
ToolTip = ('The organization unit DistinguishedName {0}' -f $ADPath.DistinguishedName)
ListItemText = $ADPath.Name
CompletionResultType = 'ParameterValue'
New-CompletionResult @completionResult
$tabExpansion = @{
CommandName = $ADCmdlestWithSearchBase
ParameterName = 'SearchBase'
ScriptBlock = $sbADSearchBase
TabExpansion++\Register-ArgumentCompleter @tabExpansion
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