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Created February 12, 2018 18:58
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interface Lock {
public function advisory(string $identifier): LockContext;
public function exclusive(string $identifier): LockContext;
public function waitForAdvisory(string $identifier, int $timeout = 0): \Generator;
public function waitForExclusive(string $identifier, int $timeout = 0): \Generator;
interface LockContext {
public function exec(callable $cb);
public function release();
class LockContentionException extends \RuntimeException {}
class InMemoryLock implements Lock {
private $advisory = [];
private $exclusive = [];
public function advisory(string $identifier): LockContext {
if (isset($this->exclusive[$identifier])) {
throw new LockContentionException("$identifier not available");
$this->advisory[$identifier] = $this->advisory[$identifier] ?? 0;
return new CallbackLockContext(function() use ($identifier) {
public function exclusive(string $identifier): LockContext {
if (isset($this->exclusive[$identifier]) || isset($this->advisory[$identifier])) {
throw new LockContentionException("$identifier not available");
$this->exclusive[$identifier] = true;
return new CallbackLockContext(function() use ($identifier) {
public function waitForAdvisory(string $identifier, int $timeout = 0): \Generator {
$start = microtime(true);
while (isset($this->exclusive[$identifier])) {
if ($timeout !== 0 && microtime(true) - $start > $timeout * 1000) {
throw new LockContentionException("Timeout locking $identifier: not available");
return $this->advisory($identifier);
public function waitForExclusive(string $identifier, int $timeout = 0): \Generator {
$start = microtime(true);
while (isset($this->exclusive[$identifier]) || isset($this->advisory[$identifier])) {
if ($timeout !== 0 && microtime(true) - $start > $timeout * 1000) {
throw new LockContentionException("Timeout locking $identifier: not available");
return $this->exclusive($identifier);
private function release(string $identifier) {
if (isset($this->exclusive[$identifier])) {
if (isset($this->advisory[$identifier])) {
if ($this->advisory[$identifier] <= 0) {
class CallbackLockContext implements LockContext {
private $cb;
private $released = false;
public function __construct(callable $cb) {
$this->cb = $cb;
public function __destruct() {
public function exec(callable $cb) {
try {
return $cb();
} finally {
public function release() {
if ($this->released) {
$this->released = true;
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