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Created April 23, 2019 11:49
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  • Save inyee786/3d44f64876ca01c01992da485aea9405 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save inyee786/3d44f64876ca01c01992da485aea9405 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
mongodb exporter with openebs volume
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role: mongo
pvc: mongo-cstor-persistent-storage-mongo
name: MongoDD
environment: test
type: workload
app: mongo
workload_openebs_name: MongoDB
workload_app_name: MongoDB
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
- name: mongo
image: mongo
- mongod
- "--replSet"
- rs0
- "--smallfiles"
- "--noprealloc"
- "--bind_ip_all"
- containerPort: 27017
- name: mongo-cstor-persistent-storage
mountPath: /data/db
- name: mongo-sidecar
image: cvallance/mongo-k8s-sidecar
value: "role=mongo,environment=test"
statefulset: minio
- name: mongo-cstor-persistent-storage
claimName: mongo-cstor-persistent-storage
- metadata:
name: mongo-cstor-persistent-storage
namespace: mongo-cstor
storageClassName: minio-sc
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 30G
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