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Last active September 27, 2016 13:30
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Import / Export basic animation from C4D
# Copy animation crudely to a file and back
import c4d
import c4d.gui as gui
import as storage
import json
import urllib
import os.path
import datetime
import platform
import functools
import traceback
import contextlib
import webbrowser
REPORT_SUBJ = "Error report for C4D Aimation Export Script"
EXTENSION = ".anim"
assert c4d.GetCommandName(SELECT_CHILDREN) == "Select Children"
INTERPOLATION.update((b, a) for a, b in INTERPOLATION.items()) # Reverse lookup
def report():
err = None
except Exception:
if gui.QuestionDialog("There was an error running the script. Would you like to send a brief report?"):
# Generate Report"mailto:{email}?subject={subject}&body={body}".format(
"C4D version %s" % c4d.GetC4DVersion(),
def strip_namespace(name):
return name.split("::")[-1]
def get_selection(doc):
return doc.GetActiveObjects(c4d.GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS_CHILDREN)
def get_tracks(obj):
name = strip_namespace(obj.GetName())
for track in obj.GetCTracks():
yield name + DIVIDER + track.GetName(), track
tags = obj.GetTags()
for tag in tags:
tag_name = strip_namespace(tag.GetName())
for track in tag.GetCTracks():
yield name + DIVIDER + tag_name + DIVIDER + track.GetName(), track
def get_keys(curve):
""" Key: [0]Time, [1]Value, [2]left_time, [3]left_value, [4]right_time, [5]right_value, [6]interpolation """
for i in range(curve.GetKeyCount()):
key = curve.GetKey(i)
interpolation = INTERPOLATION[key.GetInterpolation()]
yield pull_key(key)
def set_key(curve, key_data):
key = curve.FindKey(c4d.BaseTime(key_data[0])) # Check for an existing keyframe
if key:
key = push_key(curve, key["key"], key_data)
new = False
key = push_key(curve, c4d.CKey(), key_data)
new = True
if new:
def pull_key(key):
return [
key.GetTime().Get(), key.GetValue(),
key.GetTimeLeft().Get(), key.GetValueLeft(),
key.GetTimeRight().Get(), key.GetValueRight(),
def push_key(curve, key, key_data):
key.SetTime(curve, c4d.BaseTime(key_data[0]))
key.SetValue(curve, key_data[1])
key.SetInterpolation(curve, INTERPOLATION[key_data[6]])
key.SetTimeLeft(curve, c4d.BaseTime(key_data[2]))
key.SetTimeRight(curve, c4d.BaseTime(key_data[4]))
key.SetValueLeft(curve, key_data[3])
key.SetValueRight(curve, key_data[5])
return key
def offset_key(key, time=0, value=0):
if time:
key[0] += time
# key[2] += time
# key[4] += time
if value:
key[1] += value
# key[3] += value
# key[5] += value
return key
def zero_time(data):
times = set(c[0] for a, b in data for c in b)
offset = min(times) * -1 # Get inverse of min time
for name, keys in data:
keys = [offset_key(a, time=offset) for a in keys]
yield name, keys
def choice(*choices):
ids = dict((c4d.FIRST_POPUP_ID + a, b) for a, b in enumerate(choices))
menu = c4d.BaseContainer()
for a in ids.iteritems(): menu.SetString(*a)
ids[0] = None # If nothing is chosen
chosen = gui.ShowPopupDialog(cd=None, bc=menu, x=c4d.MOUSEPOS, y=c4d.MOUSEPOS)
return ids[chosen]
def save_dialog(title="Save file"):
win = storage.SaveDialog(title=title)
return win.decode("utf-8") if win else ""
def load_dialog(title="Load file"):
win = storage.LoadDialog(title=title)
return win.decode("utf-8") if win else ""
def main(doc):
options = ["Import Animation (absolute)", "Import Animation (relative)", "Export Animation"]
picked = choice(*options)
if picked == options[0] or picked == options[1]: # Import
file_path = load_dialog(title="Load Animation")
if file_path:
with open(file_path, "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
selection = get_selection(doc)
if not selection: return gui.MessageDialog("Nothing Selected. :(")
curves = dict(b for a in get_selection(doc) for b in get_tracks(a))
exists = [(a, b) for a, b in data.iteritems() if a in curves]
if not exists: return gui.MessageDialog("Nothing selected can have animation applied. :(")
do_offset = gui.QuestionDialog("Would you like to import your Animation starting at the current time?")
relative = picked == options[1]
curr_time = doc.GetTime()
fps = doc.GetFps()
if do_offset:
exists = zero_time(exists) # Zero out our time so we can offset successfully
time_offset = curr_time.Get()
time_offset = 0
for name, keys in exists:
curve = curves[name].GetCurve()
if relative:
print name, curve.GetValue(c4d.BaseTime(keys[0][0]), fps), keys[0][1]
value_offset = curve.GetValue(c4d.BaseTime(keys[0][0]), fps) - keys[0][1]
value_offset = 0
for key in keys:
offset_key(key, time=time_offset, value=value_offset)
set_key(curve, key)
# Remove existing keyframes
# times = set(a[0] for a in keys)
# min_, max_ = min(times), max(times)
# existing_keys = get_keys(curve)
# for key in existing_keys: # Remove existing keys that eat into new animation space
# if min_ <= key[0] <= max_:
# key = curve.FindKey(c4d.BaseTime(key[0]))
# curve.DelKey(key["idx"])
elif picked == options[2]: # Export
data = dict((b, list(get_keys(c.GetCurve()))) for a in get_selection(doc) for b, c in get_tracks(a))
if not data: return gui.MessageDialog("No Animation to Export. :(")
# zero_time(data) # Zero time
file_path = save_dialog("Save Animation")
if file_path:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)
if ext != EXTENSION:
file_path += EXTENSION
with open(file_path, "w") as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
print "Animation Exported to ", file_path
if __name__ == '__main__':
doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()
with report():
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