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Last active November 23, 2020 03:11
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Unity: "Failed to load layout window" fix. See new version :
# This has been updated and changed to include several new features. See the link below for updated version: --
# ----------------------------------------
# Replace folder paths in $projectLocations array (line 20) with your actual Unity project folder path(s)
# Usage: .\unityfixlayout.ps1 -Project MyProjectName
Param (
# Checking to make sure project name and Unity version are included
if ($Project) {
Write-Host "Fixing layout ${Project}: ${versionNumber}..."
else {
Write-Host "Unity project name and version required..."
# Input the root folder location(s) that contain your Unity projects -----------------------
# Ex: "C:\Unity\MyProjects" : Can be multiple locations separated by comma
$projectLocations = "E:\GitHub\instance-id", "E:\_unity\_projects"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Needed variables for file names and locations
$originalLayout = "Default.wlt"
$destinationLayout = "CurrentLayout-default.dwlt"
$backupLayout = "CurrentLayout-default.dwlt.bak"
$destinationLayoutPath = "\Library\${destinationLayout}"
$versionNumber = ""
foreach ($projectFolder in $projectLocations) {
$projectFolder = "$projectFolder\${Project}"
if (Test-Path "$projectFolder") {
# Getting Unity versionNumber from ProjectSettings
$projectVersionLocation = "\ProjectSettings\ProjectVersion.txt"
$destinationPath = "${projectFolder}${destinationLayoutPath}"
$projectVersionFile = "${projectFolder}${projectVersionLocation}"
Write-Host "Unity project $Project found: $projectFolder"
Write-Host "Unity project version file found: $projectVersionFile"
$file_data = Get-Content $projectVersionFile | Where-Object { $_ -like *m_EditorVersion: *; }
$separator = ": "
$versionString = $file_data.split($separator);
$versionNumber = ${versionString}[1]
# Default Unity hub installation folder. If yours are installed in a non-default folder please update accordingly
$originalLayoutFile = "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\$versionNumber\Editor\Data\Resources\Layouts\$originalLayout"
# Checking if provided Unity version exists in specified installation folder location
if (Test-Path $originalLayoutFile) {
Write-Host "Original layout file for Unity version $versionNumber found..."
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($destinationPath)) {
Write-Host "Probematic layout file found: $destinationPath"
# Backup original layout file
Write-Host "Creating backup of original layout file at: ${destinationPath}.bak"
Copy-item -Force -Verbose -Path ${destinationPath} -Destination "${destinationPath}.bak"
# Copy Default layout for editor version from install folder and rename to required filename
Write-Host "Copying default layout for version $versionNumber to $Project Library..."
Copy-item -Force -Verbose -Path $originalLayoutFile -Destination "${destinationPath}"
else {
Write-Host "Could not locate probematic layout file at location: $destinationPath"
Write-Host "Please check that Library folder exists at path: ${projectFolder}\Library"
else {
"Unity $versionNumber not found"
Write-Host "Layout fix completed"
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This is currently only set up for Windows, but since Powershell is now cross-platform if there is any interest/need I can make it work on Linux/Mac.

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