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Created May 12, 2020 13:58
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This is an example of Vue component with Quill editor. It can show the editor update the details and read the details from the database with Read-Only option.
<div id="editor-container" style="font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;">
<button class="btn btn-secondary mt-3" v-on:click.prevent="updateSyllabus" v-if="canEdit">Update Syllabus</button>
<p v-if="syllabusUpdated" class="mt-3"><i class="fas fa-check text-success"></i> Syllabus updated. Redirecting back to course...</p>
export default {
data() {
return {
quill: '',
syllabusUpdated: false,
props: ["url", "redirectUrl", "canEdit", "syllabus"],
mounted() {
let options;
if (this.canEdit) {
options = {
placeholder: 'Add detailed syllabus here...',
theme: 'snow',
modules: {
toolbar: [
['bold', 'italic'],
[{ list: 'ordered' }, { list: 'bullet' }],
} else {
options = {
readOnly: true
this.quill = new Quill('#editor-container', options);
if (this.syllabus != "") {
let editedSyllabus = JSON.parse(this.syllabus);
editedSyllabus.ops.forEach(item => {
if (typeof item.insert != "string") {
item.insert = "\n";
methods: {
updateSyllabus() {
console.log(this.quill.getContents());, {
syllabus: this.quill.getContents()
.then(response => {
if ( == 'ok') {
this.syllabusUpdated = true;
window.setTimeout(() => location.href = this.redirectUrl, 2000);
.catch(errors => {
alert('Something went wrong.');
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