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Last active September 7, 2022 11:58
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namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Tightenco\Ziggy\Ziggy;
class GenerateRoutesCommand extends Command
protected $signature = 'routes:generate';
protected $description = 'Generates the routes definitions for the front-end.';
public function handle()
if ($success = $this->writeRoutes()) {
$this->info("Routes written to <comment>{$this->getRoutesFilePath()}</comment>.");
return $success ? self::SUCCESS : self::FAILURE;
* Gets the routes.
protected function getRoutes(): array
return (new Ziggy())
->filter(['*debugbar.*', '*ignition.*'], false)
* Gets the path to the route file.
protected function getRoutesFilePath(): string
return str_replace('/', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, resource_path('json/routes.json'));
* Writes the routes to the file system.
protected function writeRoutes(): bool
return (bool) File::put(
import getRoute from 'ziggy-js'
import { url, routes, defaults } from '../../json/routes.json'
* Gets an URL for a web route.
export function route<Routes extends typeof routes, RouteName extends keyof Routes>(
name: RouteName,
params?: (Routes[RouteName] extends { bindings: any } ? Partial<Record<keyof Routes[RouteName]['bindings'], any>> : {}) & Record<string, any>,
absolute: boolean = true,
) {
return getRoute(
name as any,
params as any,
{ url, routes, defaults } as any,
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